200字范文 > 翻译的政治 politics of translation英语短句 例句大全

翻译的政治 politics of translation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-12 03:48:07


翻译的政治 politics of translation英语短句 例句大全

翻译的政治,politics of translation

1)politics of translation翻译的政治

1.Thepolitics of translation manifests itself in many fields such as religion,literature,feminism and post-colonialism.翻译的政治表现在宗教、文学、女性主义和后殖民主义等领域,政治因素影响到翻译的动机、题材的选择和翻译策略的运用等方面。

2.As a branch of the post-colonial translation theories in recent years, thepolitics of translation attaches great importance to the inequality between languages caused by cultural and power differences.作为近年兴起的后殖民翻译理论分支,翻译的政治关注更多的是文化、权力层面差异所引起的语言间的不平等地位。


1.Translation Studies and Cultural Studies: The Politics of Translation;翻译的政治——翻译研究与文化研究

2.Politics on Translation and Translation Art--Translation Views of Qu Qiu-bai and Lu Xun;翻译的政治与翻译的艺术——以瞿秋白和鲁迅的翻译观为考察对象

3.Ideological Writings in Translating--A Reflection on Feminist Translation Studies;翻译的政治书写——对女性主义翻译理论的再思考

4.Politics of language, culture and translation--On new concept of translation research;语言、文化与翻译的政治——翻译研究新概念

5."The Three Dimensions" of the Politics in Translation--On Gayatri Charkravorty Spivak s The Politics of Translation and Others;翻译政治的“三维空间”——佳亚特里·C·斯皮瓦克的“翻译的政治”及其他

6.A Study of Tianyan Lun by Yan Fu from the Perspective of Politics of Translation;从翻译的政治视角看严复的译作《天演论》

7.The Politics of Language and Translation: Ideology and Structuring of the Subjectivity of Translators;语言与翻译的政治——意识形态与译者的主体身份建构

8.China English”and Translation of Terms in Current Affairs;从政治时事术语的翻译看“中国英语”

9.Translation of Implicit Political Elements in Political News Discourse;政治新闻语篇中隐含的政治因素的翻译

10.A Functionalist Approach to the C-E Translation of Political Text功能翻译理论在政治文献英译中的应用研究

11.Political Nature of Translation in New China (1949-1966);新中国(1949-1966)翻译政治性

12.Translation of Poetry During the Period from the End of Qing Dynasty to the Beginning of the Republic of China;从政治到艺术翻译模式的演变——论清末民初的诗歌翻译

13.Des facteurs politiques dans la traduction翻译改写中的政治因素——对萨科奇致金晶慰问信翻译的个案研究

14.Female Identity,Translation and Political Act:Reconnoitering Feminist Translation Theory;女性身份·翻译行为·政治行动——对女性主义翻译观的反思

15.Interaction between Young John Allen s Translating Activities and the Late Qing Dynasty s Political Revolution;林乐知的翻译活动与晚清政治变革的互动

16.A Pragmatic and Rhetorical Approach to Translation of Political Terms with Chinese Characteristics;从语用修辞角度看中国特色政治用语的翻译

17.A Comparative Analysis and Translation of Theme-Rheme Structures in English and Chinese Political Public Speech;英汉政治公共演讲辞的主述位对比分析与翻译

18.A Contrastive Analysis of English and Chinese Political Speeches and Translation-from the Perspective of Metafunctions;英汉政治演说词的元功能对比分析与翻译


The Cultural Politics of Translation翻译的文化政治

3)translation politics翻译政治

1.The political quality of translation andtranslation politics;翻译的政治性和翻译政治

2.This paper, with an analysis of the four main translation modes from 1919 to 1979, attempts to discuss the translation mode headed by Lu Xun and thetranslation politics in such a translation mode.本文分析了 1 91 9-1 979年间的四种翻译模式 ,即“弱国模式、西化模式、名士模式和通俗文学模式” ,以及这些模式后面的中西翻译关系 ,并在此基础上讨论以鲁迅为代表的翻译模式里边的翻译政

4)translation and polotics翻译与政治

5)the translation of political literature政治文献翻译

6)Translation and Politics论翻译与政治


政治处(见政治部)政治处(见政治部)political divisionzhengzhiehu政治处(politieal division)中国人民解放军在团和相当于团的单位设立的政治工作领导机关。主要任务和职责与政治部基本相同。见政治部。
