200字范文 > 词块 lexical chunks英语短句 例句大全

词块 lexical chunks英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-18 19:11:25


词块 lexical chunks英语短句 例句大全

词块,lexical chunks

1)lexical chunks词块

1.Advantages oflexical chunks in English writing for foreign trade and their productivity training methods;词块在外贸英语写作教学中的优势及产出性训练法

2.The Effects of Lexical Chunks on Non-English Major Learners Oral Fluency;词块对非英语专业学习者口语流利度的影响

3.Correlation between the use oflexical chunks and the development of L2 oral fluency词块的使用与二语口语流利性发展的相关性


1.Colligation, collocation, and chunk in ESL vocabulary teaching and learning英语词汇教学中的类联接、搭配及词块

2.On the Relations Between Lexical Teaching and Grammar Teaching-From the Perspective of Lexical Chunks;从词块模式看语法与词汇教学的关系

3.On the Application of Lexical Chunks in Interpretation词汇法中“词块”意识在口译中的应用

4.On the Lexical Approach from Words to Chunks;词汇法:从单词到词块看英语教学的新趋势

5.From Words to Word Groups;从单词到词块——从认知角度论英语词汇教学

6.A Tentative Study of Conditions for Lexical Chunk Approach in China High Schools and Scale of Vocabulary Knowledge;中国高中词块方法的教学条件与词汇程度研究

7.Semantic Analysis of Verb Groups Within Products-designing Domains;基于产品设计领域的动词块语义分析

8.An Empirical Study on College English Learners Chunk Using;大学生英语词块使用情况的实证研究

9.The Lexical-Chunk Approach in EFL Teaching and Its Effect on Writing Marks;EFL词块法及其对写作成绩的影响

10.Lexical Chunks and the Strategies of Spoken English;词块学习与提高英语口语表达的策略

11.The Correlation Between An English Learner s Lexical Phrase Size and His Sentence-producing Competence;句子产出水平与词块能力相关性研究


13.The Teaching of Chinese to Foreigners Guided by Lexical Chunks;以“词块理论”为原则的对外汉语教学

14.A Study on English Major Students" Use of Lexical Chunks in Writing英语专业学生写作中的词块使用研究

15.The Double Object and Pative Construction--From the Perspection of Verb Meaning;从动词词义看双宾语构块式和与格构块式

16.The wall is made from virtual bricks represented by each word submitted.这道“词语墙”由虚拟砖块砌成,每块砖都是一个被提交的词语。

17.On Teaching Vocabulary by Means of English Vocabulary Chunk Association;利用英语词汇组块联想法进行词汇教学的探讨

18.Exploring the Modularity of English Linking Verbs and Their Syntacto-Semantic Features;英语系动词词库的模块性及其句法语义特征



1.This paper begins with a brief introduction of the classification of thechunk, emphasizes on the importance of the learning ofchunk in the second language.本文首先介绍了英语词块的主要分类,强调了词块在二语习得中的重要性。

2.This paper gives a brief introduction of lexical approach and its close connection betweenchunks and language leanrning.词汇教学法是英语教学研究领域的新理念之一,它强调学生和掌握词汇组合(词块)在培养学习者语言实际运用能力方面具有重要作用。

3.In light of the role thatchunks are playing in promoting foreign language learning,the present paper suggests strategy training in terms ofchunk learning should be implemented to enhance learners’chunk learning autonomy.鉴于词块对外语学习输出过程的促进作用,本文主张对学生实行有关词块学习的策略训练。

3)lexical chunk词块

1.Research into the correlation between thelexical chunk and oral fluency and accuracy——Research based on the students of high vocational institutes词块与口语流利性和准确性的相关关系研究——一项基于高职院校学生的研究

2.On the basis of the research and practice of authoritative theories about lexical teaching in the English teaching field, this paper proposes two efficient and concrete teaching method, such aslexical chunk input teaching and output-oriented teaching, for the purpose of putting more emphasis on fostering integrative skills in English majors.基于对国内外词汇教学的相关理论的分析探讨和实践认识,本文针对英语专业的词汇教学提出了几点具体而有效的教学方法,如词块链接输入教学,词块输出导向教学等。


1.By analyzing learner s v/n collocational errors in CLEC,this paper points out that taking lexicalchunks as teaching and learning units is an effective vocabulary teaching approach.利用中国学习者语料库提供的资料分析学生动/名搭配错误的类型和产生搭配错误的原因,提出词块法可以作为一种切实可行的词汇教学方法,以增强学生的词语搭配能力。

2.The theory thatchunks play an active role in language learning is being practically used in postgraduate English stu dy and has a positive effect on their .它提出的词块与语言学习的关系被笔者创造性地应用于研究生英语教学中,对提高他们的语篇理解力、口语和写作生成语言的能力产生了积极的作用。

3.With considerations of the actualities and existing problems in the grammar teaching of TCSL, the models borrow the findings of lexical research in modern linguistics, and presuppose that the theory ofchunks also applies .它充分考虑到对外汉语教学语法教学的现状和存在的问题,借鉴现代语言学理论词汇法的相关成果,认为词块理论同样适用于汉语,且结合汉语自身的特点,汉语的词块较之英语更为丰富,因此模式的首创者李晓琪认为在理论上建立以虚词为核心、兼顾实词搭配的词汇—语法教学模式是可行的,但是她没将其与对外汉语教学实践结合起来。

5)On lexical chunk and the teaching method词块与词块教学

6)modules of words单词模块


如此江山 泛曲阿后湖 曲阿词综曲阿词综中,【诗文】:依依杨柳,青丝缕、掩映绿波南浦。燕掠横斜,鳞游荡漾,恰是湔裙时序。清泠如许。恍镜影空磨,簟痕密聚。欲问伊人,且自溯洄前渚。并倚木阑无语。到来还、远树遥山,凝眸同睹。雁齿参差,*流逦迤,多少鸥群鸳侣。最饶闲趣。且酒斟绿蚁,玉杯时举。*乃一声,移入柳阴深处。西半夜惊罗一首,乃黄 词。 眼儿媚萧萧江上荻花秋一首,乃张孝祥词。堞恋花越女采莲秋水畔一首,乃欧阳修词。相见欢无言独上西楼一首,【注释】:【出处】:
