200字范文 > 陕北毛乌素沙地 Mu Us sandy land in Northern Shaanxi英语短句 例句大全

陕北毛乌素沙地 Mu Us sandy land in Northern Shaanxi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-13 13:51:37


陕北毛乌素沙地 Mu Us sandy land in Northern Shaanxi英语短句 例句大全

陕北毛乌素沙地,Mu Us sandy land in Northern Shaanxi

1)Mu Us sandy land in Northern Shaanxi陕北毛乌素沙地


1.Desertification in the transition zone between Mowusu sandy land and Loess Hill Region;陕北毛乌素沙地与黄土区过渡地带荒漠化研究

2.Primary Study on Development Characteristics of Biological Soil Crust in Mu Us Sandy Land in Northern Shaanxi陕北毛乌素沙地生物结皮发育特征的初步研究

3.Studies on the spatio-temporal variation regularity of soil water in MuUs sandy land in north Shaanxi Province陕北毛乌素沙地土壤水分时空变异规律研究

4.Distribution features and forming conditions of the springs in the south edge of Maowusu Desert of Nor thern Shanxi陕北毛乌素沙漠南缘泉水分布特征及形成条件

5.Morphological Characters and Inflorescence Distribution Habits of Salix psammophila in Mu Us Sandland毛乌素沙地北沙柳形态特征与花序分布习性研究

6.Soil Chemical Properties of Sand-fixing Forests in Maowusu Sandland毛乌素沙地固沙林土壤化学性质差异

7.Study on Rules of Wind Erosion and Accumulated Sand for Moving Dune in Maowusu Sandy Land毛乌素沙地流动沙丘风蚀积沙规律研究

8.Studies on the Structure Installation of Farmland Protective Forest in Maowusu Sandy Area毛乌素沙地农田防护林结构配置研究

9.Study on Structure and Growth of Shelter Forest in Maowusu Sand;毛乌素沙地防护林结构与生长的研究

10.Characteristics of Natural Regeneration of Sabina Vulgaris Community in Mu Us Sandland;毛乌素沙地臭柏群落的天然更新特征

11.Study on the Succession of Vegetation after Aerial Seeding in Mu Us Sandy Land;毛乌素沙地飞播后植被演替规律研究

12.Experimental Study of Conservation Till Age in Thenorth of Mu Us Sandy Land;毛乌素沙地南缘保护性耕作试验研究

13.Integrative Control on Mu Su Sandland during the period of Eleventh Five-Year Plan;毛乌素沙地“十一五”综合治理研究

14.Research about the Mechanical Properties of Mu Us Desert Aeolian Sand Foundation毛乌素沙漠风积砂地基力学特性研究

15.Phenotypic Variation of Natural Population of Sabina Vulgaris in Mu Us Sandland毛乌素沙地天然臭柏种群的表型变异

16.Evaluation of the South Boundary of the Mu Us Sandy Land When Building the Ming Great Wall明代边墙修筑时毛乌素沙地范围探讨

17.Analysis on Life Table of Natural Sabina Vulgaris Population in Mu Us Sandy Land毛乌素沙地天然臭柏种群生命表分析

18.Soil Quality Evolvement Mechanism of Sand-Fixing Forests in the Area of Yulin in Maowusu Sandland;榆林毛乌素沙地固沙林地土壤质量演变机制


Maowusu sandland毛乌素沙地

1.Evaluation and analysis on agro-ecological system of Maowusu Sandland;毛乌素沙地农业生态系统分析及评价

2.Research on plant resources ofMaowusu sandland;毛乌素沙地资源植物研究

3.Effect of climatic factors on growth of Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica and Pinus tabulaeformis in the Maowusu Sandland;毛乌素沙地气候因子对樟子松、油松生长的影响

3)Mu Us Desert毛乌素沙地

1.Environmental Effects of Deserticulture and Implementing Ways of Green Deserticulture inMu Us Desert;毛乌素沙地沙产业的环境效应及绿色沙产业的实施途径研究

2.Study on some characteristics of evaporation of sand dune and evapotranspiration of grassland in Mu Us desert;毛乌素沙地水分蒸发和草地蒸散特征的比较研究

3.Leaf anatomic characteristics of 12 species of Artemisia in Mu Us desert;毛乌素沙地12种蒿属植物叶的解剖特征

4)Mu Us sandland毛乌素沙地

1.Retrieval of the Coverage of Artemisia ordosica Community in Mu Us Sandland Based on Spectral Mixture Analysis(SMA);基于光谱混合分析的毛乌素沙地油蒿群落覆盖度提取

2.Effect of single shrub on wind erosion in Mu Us Sandland;毛乌素沙地常见灌木单株对土壤风蚀的影响

3.Climatic variation and its effect on desertification in 45 recent years inMu Us sandland;近45年毛乌素沙地的气候变化及其与沙漠化的关系

5)Mu Us Sandy Land毛乌素沙地

1.Radial growth characteristics of natural population of Sabina vulgaris in Mu Us sandy land.;毛乌素沙地天然臭柏径向生长特性研究

2.Responses of Artemisia ordosica population to soil moisture spatial heterogeneity on semi-fixed dune of Mu Us sandy land.;毛乌素沙地半固定沙丘油蒿种群对土壤湿度空间异质性的响应

3.Changes of Groundwater Level in Sabina vulgaris Community inMu Us Sandy Land;毛乌素沙地臭柏群落地下水位的变化

6)Maowusu sandy land毛乌素沙地

1.Desertification process and its controlling countermeasures inMaowusu sandy land in China.;毛乌素沙地沙漠化过程及其整治对策

2.Investigation of the Resources of Higher Plants in the Maowusu Sandy Land;毛乌素沙地高等植物资源

3.A Pilot Study on the Type and Succession of Vegetation on the South Edge of Maowusu Sandy Land;毛乌素沙地南缘植被类型及其演替规律初步研究


