200字范文 > 陕北说书 story-telling in Northern Shaanxi英语短句 例句大全

陕北说书 story-telling in Northern Shaanxi英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-23 09:19:24


陕北说书 story-telling in Northern Shaanxi英语短句 例句大全

陕北说书,story-telling in Northern Shaanxi

1)story-telling in Northern Shaanxi陕北说书

1.An investigation among actors or actresses and into relevant documents indicates that systematizing the bibliography ofstory-telling in Northern Shaanxi is conducive to protection as well.作为非物质文化遗产保护工程的基础性工作,政府文化部门和研究者虽然对陕北说书书目已做了初步整理,但由于陕北说书长期依靠艺人师徒间口耳相授,底本不存,现行书目,尤其是传统书目讹误、重出现象十分普遍。

2)Northern Shaanxi Province陕北

1.Analysis on Conforming of Tourism Resources of Northern Shaanxi province;陕北旅游资源的整合分析研究

2.Canonical Correspondence Analysis of Relationship between Land Use and Agricultural Investments in Cropping System ofNorthern Shaanxi Province;陕北种植业土地利用与农业投入关系的典范对应分析

3.Characteristic on rural settlements distribution and its land use in loess hill-gully area of Northern Shaanxi province;陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区乡村聚落分布及其用地特征


1.The Temple Fair of the Northern Shaanxi and the Social Changes of the Northern Shaanxi in the First Half of the 20~(th) Century;陕北庙会与二十世纪上半期陕北社会变迁

2.On the Moving Hythm Characters of Shanbei Yangge and Northeast Yangge;陕北秧歌与东北秧歌动作风格的异同

3."Yaogu"(Waist Drum), especially the "ansai Yaogu"in northern Shaanxi Province, is famous around the world.陕西的腰鼓远近闻名,尤其是陕北的"安塞腰鼓",

4.Nearby Wind and Cloud--Shaanxi-Gansu border areas s and North Shaanxi s Red Army in 1935;风云际会——陕甘边、陕北红军的一九三五年

5.A Comparative Study of North and South Shaanxi s Folk Songs from the Perspective of the Geography of Culture;人文地理学视野中的陕北、陕南民歌之比较阐释

6.On that last trip of his to northern Shaanxi, he had learned three words in the local dialect: "gang," "ken" and "g"with."那次来陕北,他一共学会了三句陕北话:嗑、解下、相跟上。

7.The History of Folk Songs of Northern Shaanxi and Features of Tune--One of the Researches on Northern Shaanxi Folk Songs;陕北民歌形成的历史渊源及其调式特点——陕北民歌探究之一

8.Difficulties of students from Northern Shaanxi in learning English pronunciation and intonation;陕北人学英语的语音障碍——陕北人学英语的障碍及解决途径之二

9.He was only able to manage half a sentence in local dialect this time, his storehouse having been exhausted.他只说了半句陕北话,库存就空了。

10.In October 1935 the Red Army reached northern Shanxi.一九三五年十月红军到达陕北。

11.In northern Shaanxi Province, the Lantern Festival is called "Nao yangko".陕北地区把灯节活动称作"闹秧歌",

12.This old cadre used to study at a public school for training cadres in Shanbei during the Anti-Japanese war.这位老干部抗战时期就读于陕北公学。

13.It was drafted at Shenchuanpao, Chiahsien County, northern Shensi.宣言是在陕北佳县神泉堡起草的。

14.Stndy on the techniques of Balance fertilization of Chinese date(Zizyphus jujuba) Plantntion in the upland of the Northern Region Shanxi陕北山旱地枣园平衡施肥技术的研究

15.They reached north Shanxi in October 1935.他们于1935年10月到达陕北。

16.The Red Army men reached north Shanxi in October 1935.红军战士于1935年10月到达陕北。

17.Study on the Urban Waterfront in Small-scale Towns of Northern Shaanxi;陕北地区小城镇滨水区空间形态初探

18.Keyboard Harmony Application Analysis about North Shaanxi Folk Song Phonochemical;陕北民歌多声部之键盘和声因素探寻


Northern Shaanxi Province陕北

1.Analysis on Conforming of Tourism Resources of Northern Shaanxi province;陕北旅游资源的整合分析研究

2.Canonical Correspondence Analysis of Relationship between Land Use and Agricultural Investments in Cropping System ofNorthern Shaanxi Province;陕北种植业土地利用与农业投入关系的典范对应分析

3.Characteristic on rural settlements distribution and its land use in loess hill-gully area of Northern Shaanxi province;陕北黄土丘陵沟壑区乡村聚落分布及其用地特征

3)North of Shaanxi陕北

1.Environment Protection Responsibility and Development Countermeasures about Petroleum Enterprise inNorth of Shaanxi;陕北石油企业环保责任与发展对策

2.Advantageous Mixed Fruit Tree Resources in theNorth of Shaanxi;浅谈陕北优势杂果资源及开发利用

3.The Benefit Analysis of Facility Agriculture inNorth of Shaanxi;陕北设施农业的效益分析

4)North Shaanxi陕北

1.Analyses on Characteristics and Typical Modes of Ecological and Environmental Construction inNorth Shaanxi;陕北生态环境建设特点与典型模式分析

2.Analysis of "01.7" rainstorm flood at Huangling in north Shaanxi;陕北黄陵“01.7”暴雨洪水分析

3.On the environmental problem caused by reservoirs inNorth Shaanxi;论陕北库坝群的环境问题

5)Northern Shanxi陕北

1.Catholic Churches ofNorthern Shanxi in the Time of Late-Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China;清末民国陕北天主教教堂建筑研究

2.Feasible analysis on the compound pattern of ecological regulation of jujube pests and diseases inNorthern Shanxi;陕北枣林病虫害生态调控复合模式的可行性分析

3.On Evolution of the Thought ofNorthern Shanxi as Headquartersof Chinese Revolution;论“陕北作为中国革命的大本营”思想的形成

6)Northern Shaanxi陕北

1.The Approach of Developing Ecological Environment Governance of Energy and Chemical Industries inNorthern Shaanxi;陕北能源化工业发展的生态环境治理途径

2.Discussion on Environmental Sustainable Development of Energy Chemical Base Construction inNorthern Shaanxi;陕北能源化工基地建设中的环境可持续发展问题探讨

3.Coal property and application of high volatile bituminous coal in the northern Shaanxi Province;陕北高挥发分烟煤煤质特征与应用研究


