200字范文 > 国际原油价格 International Crude Oil Price英语短句 例句大全

国际原油价格 International Crude Oil Price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-17 15:48:56


国际原油价格 International Crude Oil Price英语短句 例句大全

国际原油价格,International Crude Oil Price

1)International Crude Oil Price国际原油价格

1.Analysis of the Effect on Chinese Economy by the Fluctuation ofInternational Crude Oil Price;国际原油价格变动对中国经济影响的波及效应分析

2.The interference of the international crude oil price fluctuations on China\"s macro-economy will continue to deepen, so I begin my research with the international crude oil prices, as a discussion of the Econometrics, this paper has a certain theoretical and practical significance.由于国际原油价格波动对我国宏观经济运行的干扰不断加深,所以本文选择国际原油价格展开研究,作一个计量经济学方面的探讨,具有一定的理论和现实意义。


1.International oil price and ;国际原油价格之与

2.China Strategy on the High Price of International Crude Oil;我国应对国际原油价格上涨对策研究

3.World Development Tendency of Oil Price in ;国际原油价格变化趋势分析

4.The Cointegration Analysis between the Petroleum Consumption of China and US and World Crude Oil Price;中美石油消费与国际原油价格的协整分析

5.Research on Mechanism of American Influence on Formation of International Crude Oil Price国际原油价格形成中的美国影响机制研究

6.A Comparative Study of Influence of Crude Oil Price on Economy of China and U.S.;国际原油价格波动对中美经济影响的比较分析

7.Futures market, hedge fund and price fluctuation of world oil;期货市场、对冲基金与国际原油价格波动

8.The Chronological Characteristics of World Crude Oil Price with the Method of Phase Space Reconstruction;基于相空间重构技术的国际原油价格时序特征

9.Review of Trends in the Global Crude Oil Price since 2002 and Forecasts for ;2002年以来国际原油价格走势回顾与展望

10.Analysis on Recently International Crude Oil Price and Related Policy Advice;近期国际原油价格变化分析及政策建议

11.Multifractal Analysis of International Crude Oil Prices Based on MF-DFA基于MF-DFA的国际原油价格多重分形特征研究

12.Study on world oil price and real exchange rate with China s macro-economics;国际原油价格、人民币实际汇率与中国宏观经济研究

13.Analysis of the Transmission Mechanism of Fluctuations in International Crude Oil Price on the Impact of China"s Price国际原油价格波动对中国物价影响的传导机制分析

14.Rising international crude oil prices and their macroeconomic impact on China, the U.S. and Japan;国际原油价格上涨对中国、美国和日本宏观经济的影响

15.The Impact of Fluctuation of the Global Crude Oil Price on China s Industrial Products Export;国际原油价格波动对我国工业制成品出口的影响

16.Analysis of the Effect on Chinese Economy by the Fluctuation of International Crude Oil Price;国际原油价格变动对中国经济影响的波及效应分析

17.A Survey on Interrelationship between Fluctuation of Global Crude Oil Price and Export of China Industrial Products;国际原油价格波动与我国工业制成品出口的相关关系研究

18.International Crude Oil Market Analysis and Price Forecast in 国际原油市场分析与价格预测


International crude oil price prediction国际原油价格预测

3)international oil price fluctuations国际原油价格波动

1.With the opening to the outside world and our country\"s rapid economic development, theinternational oil price fluctuations, as well as oil imports continued to expand, will inevitably have an impact on macroeconomic growth in our country.本文在国内外相关理论和实证研究基础之上,将国际原油价格波动性和我国宏观经济增长作为本论文研究的核心内容,着重从计量方法上对国际原油价格的波动性、持续性和不确定性进行度量,从各个角度深入分析和检验国际原油价格波动对我国经济增长所产生影响的特征与作用机制。

4)international oil price国际石油价格

1.A Co-integration Analysis on RMB Exchange Rate and International Oil Price人民币汇率与国际石油价格协整分析

2.So, research on the relationship between the oil price and our economic development,on the basis of integratinginternational oil price tendency with our economic development principle,will be necessary and helpful to deal with the impact of oil price fluctuation proactively,and further,to keep our economic growth.本文通过定性与定量分析相结合的方法,运用研究非平衡时间序列的经济变量关系时经常采用的协整分析的方法,对有意义的时间范围内国际石油价格波动与我国经济发展主要指标之间关系的研究发现,国际石油价格波动与我国经济发展之间确实存在着协整关系。

5)Chinese crude oil price中国原油价格

1.GARCH(1,1),GARCH-M(1,1) and TGARCH(1,1),so as to depict the volatility characteristics ofChinese crude oil price since its unification with the international oil markets.本文采用中国大庆原油价格日平均交易数据,建立了基于GED分布的GARCH(1,1)、GARCH-M(1,1)和TGARCH(1,1)三个模型,描述了中国原油价格与国际接轨以来的波动特征。

6)international price国际价格

1.Following the keystone that price fluctuates around value,international price also f.遵循价格围绕价值波动的基本原理,国际价格也是围绕国际价值波动的。


