200字范文 > 原油价格 crude oil price英语短句 例句大全

原油价格 crude oil price英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-04 19:27:22


原油价格 crude oil price英语短句 例句大全

原油价格,crude oil price

1)crude oil price原油价格

1.Positive analysis of the effect of drilling investment andcrude oil price on economical reservoir thickness;钻井投资和原油价格对油层厚度经济界限影响的实证分析

2.The Impact of Fluctuation of the Global Crude Oil Price on China s Industrial Products Export;国际原油价格波动对我国工业制成品出口的影响

3.Estimating the effects of extreme events tocrude oil price重大突发事件对原油价格的影响


1.An official order was made to raise the price of crude oil.官方通知提高原油价格。

2.International oil price and ;国际原油价格之与

3.A Tentative Discussion on Relationship between Price and Quality of Crude Oil;原油价格与原油性质关系的初步探讨

4.Study on Asymmetry Relation between Gasoline and Crude Oil Price in China;我国汽油价格对原油价格不对称反应的研究

5.Everyone knows, the price of crude oil has greatly decreased.人人皆知,目前原油价格大幅度下跌。

6.Inflation had been nudging upwards because of those oil prices.通涨正悄然上涨缘于原油价格的上涨。

7.Why oil price surging and its possible impacts;原油价格屡创新高的助推因素及影响

8.World Development Tendency of Oil Price in ;国际原油价格变化趋势分析

9.The US Fed Funds Interest Rate Policies and the Global Crude Oil Bull Market;美联储利率政策与世界原油价格牛市

10.China Strategy on the High Price of International Crude Oil;我国应对国际原油价格上涨对策研究

11.Crude Oil Price Review and Outlook in IH ;上半年原油价格走势分析及预测

12.The Cointegration Analysis between the Petroleum Consumption of China and US and World Crude Oil Price;中美石油消费与国际原油价格的协整分析

13.On How to Deal with the Rise of Oil Price in Petrochemical Industry;石油石化行业应如何应对原油价格上涨

14.Crude Oil Price Effects on China s Price Level Based on Input-output Price Model;原油价格波动对中国物价的影响——基于投入产出价格模型

15.With crude oil prices firming, mid-cap oil stocks also performed strongly.随着原油价格的坚挺,中等规模的石油公司的股价也走势凌厉。

16.Study on the Cointegration Relationships between International Oil Future Price and Domestic Oil Spot Price;国际原油期货价格和国内原油现货价格关系的协整研究

17.Accuracy analysis of forecasting crude oil spot prices using futures prices原油期货价格对现货价格的预测准确性分析

18.International Crude Oil Market Analysis and Price Forecast in 国际原油市场分析与价格预测


Oil Price原油价格

1.A Survey on Interrelationship between Fluctuation of Global CrudeOil Price and Export of China Industrial Products;国际原油价格波动与我国工业制成品出口的相关关系研究

2.The international oil price has risen continuously under the function of a series of fundamental or non-fundamental factors since 2002.2002年以来的国际原油价格在一系列基本面和非基本面因素作用下持续上涨,虽然到目前为止没有导致全球经济的衰退,但将导致全球经济活动减速,从而影响原油需求的增加。

3.Anglicizing based on test according to the real annual data from 1993 to ,this paper measure the impact of oil price on growth in china,and an econometric model is constructed for the impact based on analyzing correlative model researchers.为了科学构建原油价格波动与国民经济发展的关系,在借鉴国内外专家学者相关模型基础上,考虑不同国民经济指标对油价波动的时滞反馈等因素,构建油价波动对国民经济影响模型。

3)Brent crude oil pricesBrent原油价格

1.Based on the time series ofBrent crude oil prices,this paper analyses the information of price fluctuations with the two important parameters τ(speculator"s time scale of investment) and ε(speculator"s expectation of returns) by using Zipf analysis technique,i.对国际汽油主要基准价格———Brent原油价格时间序列,结合投机者的投资时间尺度τ和收益预期ε进行研究,运用Z ipf分析方法,将石油价格的τ-收益率序列映射为三字符序列(绝对频率)和二字符序列(相对频率);通过在不同的时间标度下分析序列中价格波动的涨跌信息,得到价格看涨概率与看跌概率的偏差并结合τ和ε进行了初步分析;通过对绝对和相对频率的分析,探讨了τ和ε对于价格行为的影响。

4)International Crude Oil Price国际原油价格

1.Analysis of the Effect on Chinese Economy by the Fluctuation ofInternational Crude Oil Price;国际原油价格变动对中国经济影响的波及效应分析

2.The interference of the international crude oil price fluctuations on China\"s macro-economy will continue to deepen, so I begin my research with the international crude oil prices, as a discussion of the Econometrics, this paper has a certain theoretical and practical significance.由于国际原油价格波动对我国宏观经济运行的干扰不断加深,所以本文选择国际原油价格展开研究,作一个计量经济学方面的探讨,具有一定的理论和现实意义。

5)Chinese crude oil price中国原油价格

1.GARCH(1,1),GARCH-M(1,1) and TGARCH(1,1),so as to depict the volatility characteristics ofChinese crude oil price since its unification with the international oil markets.本文采用中国大庆原油价格日平均交易数据,建立了基于GED分布的GARCH(1,1)、GARCH-M(1,1)和TGARCH(1,1)三个模型,描述了中国原油价格与国际接轨以来的波动特征。

6)forecast of crude oil price原油价格预测


