200字范文 > 林权管理软件 forest ownership management software英语短句 例句大全

林权管理软件 forest ownership management software英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-08 11:14:17


林权管理软件 forest ownership management software英语短句 例句大全

林权管理软件,forest ownership management software

1)forest ownership management software林权管理软件

1.Applying theforest ownership management software,and combining with the information of forest fire monitoring hot spot,the detailed information of monitoring spot could be learned with the very short time period of 10 seconds.利用林权管理软件与网上发布的卫星林火监测热点信息相结合,可以在极短的时间(大约10秒钟)内准确掌握热点详情,确切知道热点发生的具体乡(镇)、村、组、山头地块(小地名)以及林地、林权所有者姓名等情况,文章以贵州省为例,就该方法的可行性及具体操作方法进行了概述。


1.Method for Defining Hotspots of Detailed Information about Satellite Forest Fire Monitoring with Software of Forest Ownership Management利用林权管理软件确定卫星林火监测热点详细信息的方法

2.Study and Exploitation on State Forestry Centre Forest Resource Information Management Special Software;国营林场森林资源信息管理专用软件开发研究

3.Jilin City Television Equipment Information Management Software Development吉林市电视台设备信息管理的软件开发

4.The Research of Intellectual Property Rights Management in Chinese Securities Analysis Software Company;中国证券分析软件企业的知识产权管理研究

5.The Software Process Improvement Based on Software Quality Control;基于软件质量管理中的软件过程改进

paring Chinese with Indian on Software Industry from Software Development Management从软件开发管理看中印软件业的发展

7.relational database management software关系数据库管理软件

8.Internet Explorer Administration Kit因特网探索器管理软件

9.Developing Tool of Modern Managemant Software现代管理软件开发工具

work supervisor software system网络管理程序软件系统

11.Installation of this product requires system administrator privileges. Setup will now abort.安装此软件需要具有系统管理员权限。现在安装终止退出。

12.Design and Implementation of Software Authority Management and Update Platform Based on USB-Key;基于加密锁的软件授权管理和升级系统的设计与实现

13.Design and Implementing of Access Control of Software Bus on the Basis of J2EE Architecture;基于J2EE架构的软件总线中权限管理的设计与实现

14.Forest Land Ownership and Sustainable Management of Community Forest Resources;林地权属与社区森林资源的持续管理

15.Research of the Change Management Technologies in Software Configuration Management;软件配置管理中变更管理技术的研究

16.On the Network Management of CD Attached Books and the Use of the Disc Management Software;随书光盘网络化管理及管理软件使用

17.Judicial Identification of Software Copyright;软件作品的著作权司法鉴定——以“公安基层管理系统”著作权纠纷案为例



forestry tenure management林权管理

1." Chahua hill" is an important concept forforestry tenure management in South China,it\"s a difficult point in the work to determine the ownership and issuance of certificate."插花山"在我国南方是林权管理上的一个重要概念,是确权发证工作中的一个难点。

2."Flower arrangement hill" is an important concept forforestry tenure management in South China,its area is comparable small, but actually accompanied with the ownership dispute very often which affects stability, it’s a difficult point in the work to do the right certification."插花山"在我国南方是林权管理上的一个重要概念,它面积不大,却往往伴随着权属争议,影响稳定,是确权发证工作中的一个难点。

3)management software管理软件

1.Design of remote meter reading system and itsmanagement software based on GPRS;基于GPRS的远程自动抄表系统及其管理软件设计

2.Development and application of ship s 3D graphical librarymanagement software;舰船三维图形库管理软件的开发及应用

3.Application of PLC to connection between locomotive maintenancemanagement software and depot in/out signals;PLC在机车检修管理软件与出入库信号连接中的应用

4)managing software管理软件

1.A bedding-clothingmanaging software and its application on fire army;一种被装管理软件及在消防部队中的应用

2.This article mainly introduces the construction of distributed numerical control system, communication protocols, debug process, and function of DNC communication andmanaging software.文章介绍了分布式计算机数控系统通信网络的结构、通信协议、调试步骤以及通信与管理软件的主要功能。

3.This paper elaborates on the development ofmanaging software used to supervise students activities in Guangxi Technological College of Machinery and Electricity,and presents the applied effect of that software.本文对广西机电职业技术学院学生活动管理软件的开发进行了较为详细的阐述,并给出了该软件的应用效果,可为各高职院校学生活动管理工作提供借鉴。

5)Software management软件管理

1.Analysis of software management in open source platform;开源平台下软件管理技术的研究

2.This paper analyzes the important significance of teaching level evaluation, and advances some measures for doing well the hardware management and software management of the library.分析了教学评估的重要意义,提出了搞好图书馆的硬件管理和软件管理的措施。

3.According to the working experience in the CAD computer room, the authors raises the problems in the computer room, and present some managing suggestion on hardware management, software management, as well as the safety and sanitation management etc.学校CAD机房配置复杂,使用率高,计算机系统容易出现各类问题,结合作者在CAD机房的工作经验,分析了CAD机房中普遍存在的问题,并从硬件管理、软件管理、安全卫生管理等方面给出了管理建议。

6)P3 management softwareP3管理软件


