200字范文 > 集体林权 collective forest ownership英语短句 例句大全

集体林权 collective forest ownership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-05 19:00:17


集体林权 collective forest ownership英语短句 例句大全

集体林权,collective forest ownership

1)collective forest ownership集体林权

1.The paper introduces the concept,scope and role of thecollective forest ownership and the reform of the system and after an analysis on some problems in the reform,gives some reform ideas and suggestions.文章介绍了集体林权,集体林权制度改革的概念、范围、任务,通过对集体林权制度改革过程中存在的问题进行分析,提出集体林权制度改革的思路和建议。

2.Great signifi cance in overall promotingcollective forest ownership reform was elaborated.简述全面推进集体林权制度改革的重大意义,介绍中国造纸原料林基地建设的现状,分析林权制度改革对造纸工业发展的影响,提出加快推进造纸原料林基地建设的措施与对策。

3.Starting from the main contents ofcollective forest ownership,the paper mainly analyzes this ownership s legal issues.本文从集体林权制度改革的主要内容出发,分析集体林权改革中存在的法律问题。


1.Study on the Real Right and Obligatory Right of Collective Forest Property in Our Country我国集体林权制度的物权与债权研究

2.The Forestry Investment Behavior of Farmer after Tenure Reform集体林权改革后的林农生产投资行为

3.To Empower and to Regulate: A Research on the Reform of the Collectively-owned Forest Rights System;赋权与规制:集体林权制度改革研究

4.Analyses on China Forest Tenure Reform in the Light of Property Law;以《物权法》的视角看集体林权制度改革

5.On Subject Qualification of Collective Forest Rights Transferring:A Case Study of the Reform of Collective Forest Rights System in Fujian Province;论集体林权流转主体资格——以福建省集体林权制度改革为例

6.An Analysis of the Forest Property Rights Disputes and the Causes in the New Collective Forest Property Rights System Reform新集体林权制度改革中的林权纠纷及原因分析

7.Thirty-year Forest Right:Returning Forest Property Right to Civilian林权改革30年回顾——集体林权改革研究之二

8.Impacts of Collective Forest Tenure Reform on Farmer Household s Livelihood;集体林权制度改革对农户生计的影响

9.Preliminary study on the reform of Tenure Right of Collective Forest in Plain Area of Xingping;兴平平原地区集体林权制度改革初探

10.An Investigation on Jiangxi Collective Forest Tenure Reform;关于江西省集体林权制度改革的调查

11.Study on Legal Issues of Collective Forest Tenure Reform in China我国农村集体林权改革法律问题研究

12.Problems and Countermeasures on Collective Forest Right System Reform Datong大通县集体林权制度改革与对策探讨

13.Discussion on Issues in the Reform of Forest Property Right System对深化集体林权制度改革问题的探讨

14.Institutional economics analysis of the collective forest property rights institution reform集体林权制度改革的制度经济学探析

15.A Research on Institutional Construction of the Property Rights of China s Collective Forestland;我国集体林林地产权制度建设的研究

16.Analysis on Reform of Woodland Property Rights System in Collective Forest Areas;集体林区林地产权制度改革途径研究

17.The Summarize of Woodland Property Rights Institution in Southern Collective Forest Zone;南方集体林区林地产权制度研究综述

18.Discussing on Collective Forest Right System Reform in Midu County of Yunnan Province弥渡县集体林林权制度改革成效探析


collective forest right集体林权

1.According to the site situation of Hulin Village,Hua an County,this paper raised the theory obeyed by the forest right reform,analysed the existing problems ofcollective forest right reform,approached the correlative countermeasures of the reform,and summarized the benefits brought to forest peasant by the reform.根据华安县湖里乡的实地情况,提出林权改革遵循的原则,分析集体林权改革存在问题,探讨集体林权改革相应的对策,并总结出集体林权改革给林农带来的利益。

2.It is pointed out that "reformingcollective forest right is one of the greatest ones to rural operating system in China" in the third Plenary Session of the 17th Central Committee.党的十七届三中全会指出"集体林权制度改革是我国农村经营制度的一项重大变革"。

3)collective forestry property rights集体林权

1.Study on Collective Forestry Property Rights Reform in Hebei Province;河北省集体林权制度改革研究

4)The collective forest集体林权

1.The collective forest ownership system reform which started.本研究以产权理论为基础,以永安市的集体林权制度改革为例,回顾了林业“三定”以来的林业改革历程,指出林业改革的过程也是不断明晰产权的过程;分析了以来的集体林权制度改革,从根本上彻底地明确了林地所有权和林木、林地使用权的权能主体,实现两权的彻底分离,产权清晰。

5)Collective Forestry Property集体林权

1.The reform ofCollective Forestry Property, including clarifying the property, to reduce tax, to loosen management ideas and to regulate distribution, is a significant task to deepen the rural reform and an important measure to advance the building of new countryside.推行以明晰产权,减轻税费,放活经营,规范流转为主要内容的集体林权制度改革是深化农村改革的一项重大任务,是推进社会主义新农村建设的一个重大举措。

6)collective forestry right集体林权

1.The real right character of thecollective forestry right includes the use of woodland and forest and the ownership of forest.集体林权的物权属性主要体现在林地与林木的使用权以及林木的所有权方面。

2.By analyzing the real right character of thecollective forestry right,there are some system obstacles which are the incompletion of the forestry right register system,the high cost of forestry right mortgage and the difficulty about forestry right mortgage\"s realization.通过分析集体林权的物权属性,指出中国林权抵押存在林权登记制度不完善、林权抵押成本高昂、林权抵押权实现困难等制度障碍,并提出应从完善林权登记制度、培育林权中介市场、建立林权交易体系和林业保险体制方面完善中国林权抵押制度。


