200字范文 > 成人胃幼年性息肉 juvenile polyp of stomach英语短句 例句大全

成人胃幼年性息肉 juvenile polyp of stomach英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-26 05:12:49


成人胃幼年性息肉 juvenile polyp of stomach英语短句 例句大全

成人胃幼年性息肉,juvenile polyp of stomach

1)juvenile polyp of stomach成人胃幼年性息肉

1.ObjectiveDiscuss the clinic features ofjuvenile polyp of stomach in adults.对于成人而言,幼年性息肉所占的比例较低,以往研究亦多关注儿童幼年性息肉,对成人的幼年性息肉尤其是成人胃幼年性息肉(juvenile polyp of stomach,JPS)的观察鲜有报道。


1.Clinic Features of Juvenile Polyps of Stomach in 14 Adults14例成人胃幼年性息肉临床特点分析

2.Studies on Clinical and Pathological Features of Gastric Polypoid Lessions胃息肉样病变临床特点和病理性质的研究

3.Expression and clinical significance of telomerase in stomach polyps tissue胃息肉组织中端粒酶活性的检测及其临床意义

4.polyp excision by fibergastroscope纤维胃镜息肉切除术

5.adult hypertrophic pyloristenosis成人胃幽门肥厚性狭窄

6.Ulcerative colitis and granulomatous colitis affect many children and young adults.溃疡性结肠炎和肉芽肿性结肠炎常侵害儿童和刚成年的年青人。

7.Correlation of Serum Carnitine Levels with Age and Sex Among Chinese Adults in Nanjing中国(南京地区)成年人血清肉碱水平与年龄及性别的相关性分析

8.Medication Advancement of Gastrointestinal Polyposis in Patients with Peutz-Jeghers SyndromePeutz-Jeghers综合征胃肠道息肉的药物干预性治疗的进展

9.The etiology of infantile acute gastroenteritis which occurred in the autumn and winter of1982 in Changsha and Zhuzhou was studied.本文报道1982年秋冬季长沙、洲二地婴幼儿急性胃肠炎的病原学检查。

10.infantile behavior in mature persons.成年人的幼稚儿童的动作。

11.The Present Situation of Physique of the Child, Adultand Old People of Nanning in Guangxi;南宁市幼儿、成年人及老年人体质现状特点

12.Inflammatory fibroid polyp, an uncommon lesion of the gastrointestinal tract, most commonly occurs in the stomach.炎性纤维息肉是一种不常见的胃肠道病变,胃是病变最常出现的器官。

13.Multiple leiomyosarcoma of the stomach-A case report and review of literature胃平滑肌肉瘤——附胃多发性平滑肌肉瘤1例

14.Study of clinic and experiment about obstruction of gastrointestinal movement in common senior citizen;不同年龄成年人胃肠动力异常症状与胃肠电临床研究

15.Nursing of Gastric Polyp Electrocision by awak-sedation Gastroscope during Operation清醒镇静胃镜胃息肉电切术的围手术期护理

16.Clinical analysis of 46 cases with megaloblastic anemia in the elderly老年人巨幼细胞性贫血46例临床分析

17.Clinical characteristics and therapeutic effect of refractory gastric ulcer in elderly patients老年人难治性胃溃疡45例临床分析

18.Analysis on gastroscopic reports in 166 elder patients with peptic ulcer老年人消化性溃疡166例胃镜分析


juvenile polyps幼年性息肉

1.Pathologic analysis of dysplastic changes injuvenile polyps and juvenile polyposis syndrome;幼年性息肉和幼年性息肉病回顾性病理分析

3)juvenile colic polyp幼年性结肠息肉

1.Nursing on endoscopic resection ofjuvenile colic polyp with isopropyl phenol general anesthesia.;异丙酚全麻内窥镜下幼年性结肠息肉内切除术护理

4)juvenile polyposis syndrome幼年性息肉病

1.Pathologic analysis of dysplastic changes in juvenile polyps andjuvenile polyposis syndrome;幼年性息肉和幼年性息肉病回顾性病理分析

5)Juvenile xanthogranuloma幼年性黄色肉芽肿

6)adult osteosarcoma成年人骨肉瘤


成人1.德才兼备的人。犹完人。 2.成年。 3.造就人。 4.成器,成材。 5.谓妓女初破身。
