200字范文 > 世界男篮强队 the best men basketball Teams英语短句 例句大全

世界男篮强队 the best men basketball Teams英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-07-30 23:25:22


世界男篮强队 the best men basketball Teams英语短句 例句大全

世界男篮强队,the best men" basketball Teams

1)the best men" basketball Teams世界男篮强队


1.A Study on Characteristics of Positional Attack of the Current World Elite Men s Basketball Teams;当前世界男篮强队阵地进攻特点的研究

2.The Features of Male Basketball Top Teams Age and Height among Five Continents;世界男篮强队的年龄、身高特征分析研究

3.A Research on the Tactics of the Full-Court Press Using in the Games among the Best Men" Basketball Teams in the World世界男篮强队攻守全场紧逼战术运用的研究

4.A Study on Offensive and Defensive Characteristics of Current World Strong Men s Basketball Teams;当前世界男子篮球强队攻防特点研究

5.The Distance Between Chinese Men s Basketball Team and the World Advanced BasketballTeam as Reflected in the 14th World Basketball Championship for Men;从第14届世界男篮锦标赛看中国男篮与世界强队水平的差距

6.On the Gap between Chinese Men′s Basketball Team and the Strong Team in the World from the 15th Men′s Basketball Championship;从第15届男篮世锦赛看中国男篮与世界强队的差距

7.On the Distance of Man Basketball between China and Top Level of the World Based on World Basketball Champion;从世锦赛看中国男篮与世界强队之差距

8.Analyze the Disparity between the Chinese Men′s Basketball Teams and the World Strong Teams from Men′s Basketball Matches of Athens Olympic Games;从雅典奥运会男篮比赛看中国男篮与世界强队的差距

9.The Gap between Men s Chinese Basketball Team and the World s Powers from the 28th Olympic Games;从第28届雅典奥运会男篮比赛看中国男篮与世界强队的差距

10.The Analysis of Gap about Grabbing Rebound between Men s basketball team of China and World Strong Team;我国男子篮球队篮板球拼抢能力与世界强队差距的分析

11.A Comparative Study of Strength between the Chinese Men & Women Basketball Teams and the Powerful Basketball Teams of the World;中国男女篮与世界强队实力水平的比较研究

12.The difference between strong team around world and China men`s basketball in the 28th olympic games;从第28届奥运会看中国男篮与世界强队的差距

13.Major disparities between Chinese Men′s Basketball Team and the world strong teams at the 28th Olympic games;28届奥运会中国男篮与世界强队的主要差距

14.Study on Differences of Technics and Tactics Between China Men s Basketball Team and World-class Great Teams;我国男篮与世界强队的技战术差距研究

15.The comparative study and between the Chinese men s basketball team and the strong teams in world;中国男篮与世界强队攻防能力现状对比研究

16.A Comparison on the Attack and Defense Efficiency between PRC Basketball Team and Strong Teams in the World;中国男篮与世界强队比赛攻防效果的比较研究

17.On Tactical Characteristics of Competitive Power Teams in Contemporary Men’s Basketball Game in the World论当代世界男子篮球竞技强队的战术特征

18.Analysis and Countermeasures about Rebounds between Chinese Men s Basketball Team and the World Top Teams in the 15~(th) World Men s Basketball Championships;15届世锦赛中国男篮与世界强队篮板球分析与对策研究


top basketball teams世界篮球强队

1.Researching to shooting in middle distance of thetop basketball teams;对世界篮球强队中距离投篮的研究

3)strong female baskeetball teams世界女篮强队

4)world basketball世界男篮

1.The 15thworld basketball championship has already been concluded.第15届世界男篮锦标赛已经落幕。

5)Men top teams男篮强队

6)world top teams世界强队


