200字范文 > 东亚视角 East Asia visual angle英语短句 例句大全

东亚视角 East Asia visual angle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-13 20:19:18


东亚视角 East Asia visual angle英语短句 例句大全

东亚视角,East Asia visual angle

1)East Asia visual angle东亚视角


1.Contending Theory of Rising of China a Analysis from Perspective of East Asia;争论中中国崛起理论—种东亚视角分析

2.US Relations with the Great Powers in East Asia: A Southeast Asian Perspective;美国与东亚大国的关系——东南亚的视角

3.The Northeast Asia Regional International Society:From the English School Perspective以英国学派视角审视东北亚国际社会

4.The International Political-Economics of East Asian Currency Cooperation;东亚货币合作:国际政治经济学的视角

5.East Asian Monetary Cooperation Pattern Analysis under China s Visual Angle;中国视角下的东亚货币合作模式分析

6.The Emerging East Asian Identity:A Cultural Perspective;东亚认同感的胎动——从文化的视角

7.On the Meaning of Oriental Culture and Gaining An Asian Perspective;论东方文化的含义与亚洲视角的建立

8.A Study on Economic Development Model of East Asia in the Perspective of Late-developing后发视角下的东亚经济发展模式研究

9.The Cooperation of the East Asia: An Explore on Obama Administration东亚地区合作:奥巴马政府视角的考察

10.Analysis on Country-level Economic Development in Northeast China from the Perspective of "Sub-core"“亚核心”视角下东北县域经济发展分析

11.Perspective on Asian Welfare Economy and Social Security: an East-West Comparison;透视亚洲福利保障经济:一个东西方比较的视角

12.Northeast Asian Culture Studies in a New Perspective--A Book Review of "Cultural Reflections on Northeast Asian Community";东北亚文化发展的新思维——读《东北亚共同体的文化视角》

13.A Constructivist Perspective on Northeast Asia Regional Security Cooperation;建构主义视角下的东北亚区域安全合作研究

14.COOPERATION IN NORTHEAST ASIAN: An Analysis on the Visual Angle of the Theory of Institution;东北亚地区的合作:一种制度理论视角的分析

15.Study on the change of East Asian trade patterns from the viewpoint of International production networks;从国际生产网络视角考察东亚贸易模式转变

16.Analysis of the Change of East Asian Trade Patterns from the Viewpoint of International Production Networks;东亚贸易模式转变——基于国际生产网络的视角

17.Sino-Japan Cooperation in East Asian Currency-Analysis from the Perspective of International Relations;中日东亚货币合作——国际关系视角的分析

18.China s Diplomacy in the context of East Asia Regional Cooperation From the Perspective of New Regionalism;新地区主义视角下的中国东亚区域合作外交


a analysis from Asian perspective东亚视角分析

3)visual area of East Asia东亚视域

4)Asian perspective亚洲视角

1.Thirdly, the author discusses the issue of how theAsian perspective has been gained, and as well, reviews some important eastern scholarships in the changing of perspectives.首先从地理方位、社会、经济、文化等层面论述了“东方”及“东方文化”的含义 ;接着概括地分析了东方文化中与现代化发展关系最为密切的因素“亚洲价值观”及“儒教伦理” ,最后探讨了“亚洲视角”是如何被建立起来的问题 ,并广泛评述了东西方学者有关视角转换的一些代表性论著和观点。

5)"Cultural Reflections on Northeast Asian Community"《东北亚共同体的文化视角》

1.Northeast Asian Culture Studies in a New Perspective——A Book Review of"Cultural Reflections on Northeast Asian Community";东北亚文化发展的新思维——读《东北亚共同体的文化视角》

6)Dujesia japonica东亚三角涡虫

1.Construction of cDNA Library and Trial EST Analysis from Planaria(Dujesia japonica);东亚三角涡虫cDNA文库的构建及EST初步分析

2.Dujesia japonica is the typical in the phylum Platyhelminthes and shares with vertebrates keys traits such as bilateral,symmetry,three germ layers-ectoderm,mesoderm and endoderm, and dorsoventral and anteroposterior polarities.东亚三角涡虫(Dujesia japonica)是扁形动物门的代表动物。


