200字范文 > 辑本 The edition collected by Wangjipei英语短句 例句大全

辑本 The edition collected by Wangjipei英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-29 13:07:07


辑本 The edition collected by Wangjipei英语短句 例句大全

辑本,The edition collected by Wangjipei

1)The edition collected by Wangjipei辑本

1.The edition collected by Wangjipei is the best of seven.探讨汪辑本的基本面貌及其特征,并通过与诸家辑本的比较,可见汪继培辑本的长处。

2)capital logic资本逻辑

1.This paper chiefly studies commodity sale character’s deep roots logic and function, and indicating thatcapital logic is its causes, ideology is its participation in society and the role of purpose.本文从商品销售性格的具体表现生发出去,探讨了它的深层逻辑根基和功能表现,指出了资本逻辑是它的根源,意识形态是它参与社会的方式,是它的作用目的。

2.The more effective thecapital logic is,the more dangerous the world prospect is.资本逻辑越是有效,世界的前景则更具危险性。

3.Obviously, however, there are lots of paradoxes, collisions and discrepancies betweencapital logic and the paragon of sustainable development.可持续发展从理论到实践的推进始终是和资本关系交织在一起的,而资本逻辑与可持续发展范式存在许多背反、矛盾和冲突。


1.New Logic of Capital and Corporation System;新资本逻辑与企业制度──新资本的概念与逻辑

2.The Deep Main Line of the Generation of Modernity--From the Capital Logic to the Life Logic现代性生成的深层主线——从资本逻辑到生活逻辑

3.Capital Expansion,Capital Logic Paradox and Scientific Outlook on Development资本扩张、资本逻辑悖论与科学发展观

4.From “Non-capital Logic” to “Capital Logic”--Why the Reorganization of Japan’s Business Groups;由“非资本逻辑”向“资本逻辑”的转变——日本企业集团重组原因分析

modity Sale Character Capital Logic Ldeology;商品销售性格资本逻辑 意识形态

6.The Capital Theory of Sustainable Development and the Philosophical Reflection of Capital Logic;资本观与资本逻辑视角下的可持续发展

7.The Capital Logic of Modernity:Does the Unified Model Coincide with the Multi Model;现代性的资本逻辑:一元模式与多样模式的重合

8.Media Spectacle、Democracy of Consumption and the Logic of Capital;媒体奇观、“消费民主”与“资本”的逻辑

9.Social Capital and Action Logic for Improving Social Management;社会资本与完善社会管理的行动逻辑

10.The Action Logic between Social Capital and Harmonious Society Construction;社会资本与构建和谐社会的行动逻辑

11.Study on the Human Capital Accounting Based on the Enterprise Co-governance logic by Human Capital and Physical Capital;共同治理逻辑下的人力资本会计研究

12.On the Basic Legal Structure of Trust as SPVin Securitization;论信托型资产证券化的基本法律逻辑

13.“Genetic" Defects and Eight Logic Problems of CAPITAL;《资本论》的“基因”缺陷与八个逻辑问题

14.Logic Reconstruction of Social Development:from"Power Capital"to"Capital Right";社会发展逻辑的重构:由“权力资本”走向“资本权利”

15.Criticism of the Fetishistic Logic of Capital: the Real Context of Das Kapital;资本的拜物逻辑批判:《资本论》的真实语境

16.On the Logical Value of Solving the Paradox of Currency Turning into Capital:From the View of Methodology of Logical Paradoxes;“资本生成悖论”消解的逻辑学启示——基于逻辑悖论方法论的视角

17.Dialectical Logic in ON CAPITAL by Marks and Dialogic by Deng Xiaoping;马克思《资本论》的辩证逻辑与邓小平的“两重性逻辑”

18.A Logical Analysis of the Hypothesis of Capital Asset Price Model;资本资产定价模型有关假设的逻辑分析


capital logic资本逻辑

1.This paper chiefly studies commodity sale character’s deep roots logic and function, and indicating thatcapital logic is its causes, ideology is its participation in society and the role of purpose.本文从商品销售性格的具体表现生发出去,探讨了它的深层逻辑根基和功能表现,指出了资本逻辑是它的根源,意识形态是它参与社会的方式,是它的作用目的。

2.The more effective thecapital logic is,the more dangerous the world prospect is.资本逻辑越是有效,世界的前景则更具危险性。

3.Obviously, however, there are lots of paradoxes, collisions and discrepancies betweencapital logic and the paragon of sustainable development.可持续发展从理论到实践的推进始终是和资本关系交织在一起的,而资本逻辑与可持续发展范式存在许多背反、矛盾和冲突。

3)ontology editing本体编辑

1.OWLontology editing in semantic annotation tools;标注工具中OWL本体编辑功能的实现研究

2.Analysis and research of currentontology editing tools;当前本体编辑工具的分析与研究

4)principle logic本原逻辑

1.It is necessary to return theprinciple logic which the architecture originated.围绕着建筑学的基本问题,现今的思路是以设计前期与场地设计作为提高建筑创作水平的切入点,回归建筑生成的本原逻辑。

5)edit script编辑脚本

1.XML Diff algorithm is used to find difference between XML documents and generate changeedit script.使用XML Diff算法比较不同版本XML文档并生成它们之间的变化编辑脚本,用这种变化编辑来表示XML文档的新版本,并采用一种基于SAX模型的更新算法进行XML文档的版本重建。

6)editing essence编辑本质


