200字范文 > 义务教育财政 compulsory education finance英语短句 例句大全

义务教育财政 compulsory education finance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-20 20:14:31


义务教育财政 compulsory education finance英语短句 例句大全

义务教育财政,compulsory education finance

1)compulsory education finance义务教育财政

1.Thecompulsory education finance system in which “the county holds primary liability” can not fundamentally solve the fiscal scarcity of compulsory education development,the increase of migration movement and the limitation of county economy.“以县为主”的义务教育财政制度并不能从根本上解决义务教育发展的经费短缺问题,人口流动性的增加以及县域经济本身的局限,都要求由省级政府负起义务教育的主要责任,因此,建议义务教育财政“以省为主”。

2.The author firstly retrospects the significant development in the reform of thecompulsory education finance framework in China since the mid 1990s, then points out the key problems in thecompulsory education finance framework.本文首先回顾了20世纪90年代中期以来我国义务教育财政体制改革所取得的重大进展,然后提出目前我国义务教育财政面临的主要问题,最后给出重构我国义务教育财政体制的思路。


1.Rebuilding the Compulsory Education Finance Framework under the Public Finance Framework in China;重构我国公共财政体制下的义务教育财政体制

2.A Research on Financial Decentralization and Financial Administrative System of Compulsory Education;财政分权与义务教育财政管理体制问题探析

3.An Economical Analysis of the Fiscal Input on Rural Compulsory Education;农村义务教育财政投入的经济学分析

4.Empirically Analysis of Investment Expenditure Structure in the Financial System of Chinese Rural Compulsory Education;农村义务教育财政支出结构实证分析

5.Unfairness of Compulsory Educational Financial Funds in China;浅析我国义务教育财政分配的不公平

6.How Should Governments Fund Compulsory Education in Rural China?: A New Perspective;政府如何为农村义务教育买单?——农村义务教育财政体制改革新论

7.Financial Challenges in Compulsory Education andIntergovernmental Education Grants;中国义务教育财政面临的挑战与教育转移支付

8.Equity and Adequacy in Education Finance:An Analysis of Compulsory Education Finance Reforms and Regional Disparities in China中国义务教育财政改革与地区差异分析:教育财政的公平与充足

9.Analysis on the Reform of Chinese Compulsory Education Finance Policies at the Beginning of 21st Century;21世纪初期我国义务教育财政政策变革探析

10.The Study of the Financial Policy Fairness of China’s Rural Compulsory Education;我国农村义务教育财政政策公平性研究

11.Policy Recommendations for Restructuring Financial System of Rural Compulsory Education in China;重构中国农村义务教育财政体制的政策建议

12.Research on Fiscal Policies for Compulsory Education in Undeveloped Rural Areas欠发达地区农村义务教育财政政策研究

13.The Finance Supply of the Country Compulsory Education;中国农村义务教育财政供给问题的研究

14.Study on the Financial Transfer Payment System for Compulsory Education in Rural Areas in China;我国农村义务教育财政转移支付问题研究

15.Rural Compulsory Education Fiscal System Reshaping after Taxes Reform;税费改革后我国农村义务教育财政体制的重塑

16.Research on the Financial Protection Mechanism of Rural Compulsory Education Outlays;农村义务教育经费财政保障机制研究

17.The Quantitative Research of Financial Transfer Payments on Compulsory Education Funds;义务教育经费财政转移支付量化研究

pulsory Education for Immigrants Children:Public Financial Perspective;流动人口子女义务教育问题分析:教育财政视角


the compulsory education financial input义务教育财政投入

3)compulsory education finance framework义务教育财政体制

1.The author firstly retrospects the significant development in the reform of thecompulsory education finance framework in China since the mid 1990s, then points out the key problems in thecompulsory education finance framework.本文首先回顾了20世纪90年代中期以来我国义务教育财政体制改革所取得的重大进展,然后提出目前我国义务教育财政面临的主要问题,最后给出重构我国义务教育财政体制的思路。

4)compulsory education financial investments in the west西部财政义务教育投入

5)compulsory education financinge system义务教育财政管理体制

6)Intergovernmental fiscal transfers for compulsory education义务教育财政转移支付


