200字范文 > 农民工失业潮 influx of migrant workers unemployed英语短句 例句大全

农民工失业潮 influx of migrant workers unemployed英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-27 02:29:34


农民工失业潮 influx of migrant workers unemployed英语短句 例句大全

农民工失业潮,influx of migrant workers unemployed

1)influx of migrant workers unemployed农民工失业潮

1.This article firstly introduces theinflux of migrant workers unemployed caused by the financial storm,and the takes a discussion of the countermeasures to these questions.本文首先介绍由金融风暴引发的"农民工失业潮",其次从加强农民工就业能力培训、鼓励农民工回乡创业等五个方面探讨了当前促进农民工就业与发展的对策。


1.Countermeasure Analysis on the Influx of Migrant Workers Unemployed under the Financial Storm金融风暴下的“农民工失业潮”及对策分析

2.Study on Peasant-Workers’Employment under Tide of Returning to the Township“返乡潮”下农民工就业问题的研究

3.Probing into the Role of Farmer-turned Workers in Promoting the Coordinated Development of Regional--From the "Tide" of Farmer-turned Workers to "Back to Business";推动区域协调发展的农民工角色认知——从“民工潮”到农民工“回乡创业”

4.Analyses on the behavior that the peasant workers return to their own native places to start the undertaking--Taking the“Tide of Starting the Undertaking”coming from the peasants from Xingguo County, Jiangxi Province as the example;农民工回乡创业行为分析——以兴国县农民“创业潮”为例

5.Discussion on Anhui Peasant Way in New Stage新阶段安徽农民创业出路——基于农民工返乡潮背景下的探索

6.Study on the Issue of Landless-farmers during the Industrialization of China s Middle Area;中部地区工业化进程中失地农民问题研究

7.The Imperfectness and Rectification of the Insurance for Migrant Workers Rights on Informal Employment Departments;农民工非正规就业的权益保障缺失及其矫治

8.Study on the Coordinated Development of Industrial Parks Plan and Land-lost Peasants工业园区规划与之失地农民统筹发展研究

9.On Modern Unemployment of Chinese Migrant Workers from the Perspective of Financial Crisis金融危机视角下当前我国农民工失业问题解析

10.An Analysis on Rural Family Education Affected by "the Tide of Migrant Laborers;“民工潮”下农村家庭教育问题分析

11.Reflections on the Rural Workers Rushing Home Triggered by SARS;对“非典”引发的农民工返乡潮的思考

12.Analysis of "Flood of Migrant Laborers" and "Rural Surplus Labor Force"“民工潮”与“农村剩余劳动力”之解析

13.With the emergence of "the tide of migrant workers", researches on migrant workers are rising.随着“民工潮”的出现,有关农民工的研究逐渐兴起。

14.The decline of farmer"s frenzied hunt for work in cities--probing deep reason of decline“民工潮”潮起潮落之落潮篇——“民工潮”回流深层剖析

15.Apart from all these, there is the fairly large lumpen-proletariat, made up of peasants who have lost their land and handicraftsmen who cannot get work.此外,还有数量不小的游民无产者,为失了土地的农民和失了工作机会的手工业工人。

16.A farmer or farm worker in a Latin-American country.农民,农业工人拉美国家中的农民或农业工人

17.Peasant Workers Rush & Peasant Workers Shortage:An Economic Study of Labor Supply Behavior;“民工潮”与“民工荒”——农民工劳动供给行为视角的经济学分析

18.From "Waves of Peasant-laborers" to "Shortage of Peasant-laborers"──An Analysis of Distorted Price of Factor Labor;从“民工潮”到“民工荒”──农民工劳动力要素价格扭曲现象剖析


unemployment of farmer workers农民工失业

3)unemployed farmers失业农民

1.With the development of our country s industrialization and urbanization, a great manyunemployed farmers appear.农民失去土地又没有合适的就业机会,造成失业农民的增多,这不仅影响了农村社会经济的稳定和全国小康社会建设目标的实现,同时也不利于"三农问题"的解决,不利于社会主义新农村的建设。

4)Farmer unemployment农民失业

5)rural workers rushing home农民工返乡潮

1.Superficially, SARS-triggeredrural workers rushing home is caused by such factors as rural workers own lower psychic quality, sense of family or soc ial responsibility, traditional beliefs, physical security, and the backward cit y management services and so on.从表面上看 ,农民工返乡潮是由于在“非典”疫情灾害面前 ,部分农民工缺乏应对的心理素质和能力、因家庭责任感的驱使、社会责任感的淡薄、传统恋土意识的影响、自身安全的考虑、城市管理服务的滞后等因素造成的。

6)starting undertakings of off-farm workers农民工创业

1.This article attempts to take the heroine of Nonnatives in the Metropolis as a case study to observe the existing form and construction of social capital in the process ofstarting undertakings of off-farm workers at the point of social capital,meanwhile,the concept of "social capital of enterprise" by Bian Yanjie is applied to explore the significance of the social contact o.社会资本是一种无形资本,它是农民工创业的必要资源。


