200字范文 > 义务教育思想 the compulsory education thoughts英语短句 例句大全

义务教育思想 the compulsory education thoughts英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-13 10:29:45


义务教育思想 the compulsory education thoughts英语短句 例句大全

义务教育思想,the compulsory education thoughts

1)the compulsory education thoughts义务教育思想


1.He Siyuan s Thought of Compulsory Education and Its Contemporary Value;何思源的义务教育思想及其当代价值

2.The Course of the Thoughts on Compulsory Education for Women in Modern China;中国近代女子义务教育思想的发展历程

3.The Enlihtenment on Rural Area Obligation Education from Pestalozzi s Primary Education Thoughts;裴斯泰洛齐的教育思想及其对农村义务教育的启示

4.The Significance of Confucius Affective Education in Ideological and Political Education of Universities;孔子情感教育思想对高校思想政治教育的意义

5.Probe on the Popularization of Tennis in China;中国网球运动普及的社会学思考——由“网球义务教育化”想到的

6.educational thought of early utopian socialist早期空想社会主义者的教育思想

7.Rousseau s Educational Thought of Naturalism and Its Practical Significance;卢梭自然主义教育思想及其现实意义

8.Marxist Anthropology and the Ideological and Political Education马克思主义人学思想与当代思想政治教育

9.On Trends of Consumption and Ideological and Political Education of College Students;消费主义思潮与大学生思想政治教育

10.On Confucius Thought on Sports Aesthetics and Its Practical Significance;孔子的体育审美教育思想及现实意义

11.A Moral Analysis on the Theory of Humanism Education and Its Proactical Reference人本主义教育思想的德育解读与借鉴

12.On the Study of Marxism Educationalist Yang Xianjiang s Pedagogy Thought;马克思主义教育家杨贤江的教育学思想研究

13.Educational innovation: new prospects of Marxist educational thought;教育创新:马克思主义教育思想的新境界

14.On Strengthening the Educating of Marxism Human Rights Viewpoints in ethics Education;思想政治教育中应加强马克思主义人权观教育

15.Marxism Education is the Essence of Ideology Education;马克思主义信念教育是思想政治教育的根本

16.On Lu Zuofu s Education Theory and It s Actual Significance;论卢作孚教育教学思想及其现实意义

17.Thinking of Method about Constructing up of Chinese Teaching Material in Compulsory Education;义务教育语文教材建设的方法论思考

18.On Reforming Mathematical Textbook During Nine-Year Compulsory Education;对义务教育数学教材改革的几点思考


free compulsory education thoughts义务教育免费思想

1.This text selects three most representative educationalists to do the preliminary research on theirfree compulsory education thoughts which based on their theories and practices.本文通过选取这其中三位最具代表性的教育家,通过对他们义务教育免费思想的理论和实践进行初步的研究,在肯定他们历史贡献的同时,从中吸取经验教训,用以给当今义务教育免费政策的宣传、落实、完善提供历史的借鉴。

3)the educational thought of the westernization movement洋务教育思想

4)Marxist educational thoughts马克思主义教育思想

1.The process ofMarxist educational thoughts entering China: selection,integration and development;马克思主义教育思想的中国化历程:选择·融合·发展

5)Marxist ideological education马克思主义思想教育

6)Buddhist Doctrine教义思想

1.The Thought of Jo-nang-pa’s Inconnective inBuddhist Doctrine试述觉囊派教义思想的融通性


洋务1.清末指与外国有关的政治﹑经济﹑外交﹑军事﹑文化等事务;亦指模仿外国上述方面的事务。 2.香港等地指以外国人为对象的服务行业。
