200字范文 > 中国幼儿教育 Chinese children education英语短句 例句大全

中国幼儿教育 Chinese children education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-10-23 16:46:34


中国幼儿教育 Chinese children education英语短句 例句大全

中国幼儿教育,Chinese children education

1)Chinese children education中国幼儿教育

1.Then a survey is done over the progress ofChinese children education in relation to the barriers and solutions to the improvement.考察教会幼儿教育在中国的发展历程,分析其在中国幼儿教育近代化的过程中所起到的推动作用以及阻碍问题,探讨中国幼儿教育在近代化进程中对教会幼儿教育的突破有现实意义。


1.Influences of religious education upon Chinese infant education论教会幼儿教育对中国幼儿教育近代化的影响

2.How the Supply-demand State of Chinese Preschool Education Enterprise Affects It s Development in the Future;供需现状与中国幼儿教育事业发展方向——对我国幼儿教育事业的经济学分析

3.The Historical Evolution of Preschool Teacher Education in Modern China论中国近代幼儿教师教育的历史演变

4.Maths Education for Children in China from the Angle of Sino-US Cultural Difference;从中美文化差异看中国幼儿数学教育

5.Retrospect and Prospect on Chinese Preschool Normal Education;中国幼儿师范教育的世纪回顾与前瞻

6.Reconsideration and Construction of Chinese Infant Maths Education;中国幼儿数学教育课程的反思与构建

7.Effect of Chinese Piano Education in Infant Quality Education中国钢琴教育在幼儿素质教育中的作用

8.Children′s Life Education in Ancient China and Its Useful Inspiration on "Sansheng Education"中国古代幼儿生命教育及其对“三生教育”的启示

9.Design of Infant Education in "Infant- Oriented" View;“幼儿本位”视野中的幼儿教育设计

10.Thoughts of Public and Non-public Breeding of Children PromotedSocialization of Children Education in Chinese Modern Times;中国近代儿童公育与非儿童公育思潮对婴幼儿教育社会化的推进

11.The Value of the Activities Area in the Science Education of Kindergarten;幼儿园活动区教育在幼儿科学教育中的功能

12.The Concept of Children in Reggio Education and Its Enlightenment on Our Country s Pre-school Education;瑞吉欧教育中的儿童观及其对我国幼儿教育的启示

13.The Study on Early Childhood Family Education of Contemporary Changing Chinese Society: 1960-;当代中国社会变迁中的幼儿家庭教育研究:1960-

14.The Application of Montessori Education Theory in Our Kindergarten;试论蒙台梭利教育理论在我国幼儿园中的运用

15.Brief Talk on the Inspiration of Chen Heqin s Children Education Thought with Chinese Characteristics;浅谈陈鹤琴“中国化”幼儿教育思想的启示

16.LEGO Education won the Education Resources Award for Early Years Resources.乐高教育获得英国幼儿教育资源奖。

17.Though Chinese country preschool education has made great progress, it still drops behind.中国是一个农业大国,教育事业的主体在农村,幼儿教育也不例外。

18.Kindergarten Section [Education Department]幼儿园组〔教育署〕


Chinese traditional child education中国传统幼儿教育

3)present Chinese child education中国现代幼儿教育

4)American early childhood education美国幼儿教育

5)preschool education幼儿教育

1.The Americanization ofpreschool education system in modern times;近代美国幼儿教育体制的美国化历程

2.The properties of children development makepreschool education the most sophisticated in the education research.人类希望的实现越来越依赖于教育,幼儿教育因幼儿发展的特性决定着它是整个教育中最尖端的领域;同时它又离橇动人类发展杠杆的支点很远,因而对社会发展将发生巨大的效果,但在现有的社会发展水平上发挥其作用的现实可能性还很低。

6)children education幼儿教育

1.The feature of Reggio Curriculum Mode and its influence on China schildren education;“瑞吉欧”课程模式的特点及其对我国幼儿教育的启示

2.This paper first analyzes the prevalence of Montessorian education in South Korea and the reasons for its suitability tochildren education curriculum.本文首先分析了韩国蒙台梭利教育普及以及被认为适合幼儿教育课程的几个原因,然后对韩国蒙台梭利教育的现状作了介绍,并在此基础上对当前韩国蒙台梭利教育的目标、内容和方法进行分析,最后讨论了韩国蒙台梭利教育面临的几个新课题。

3.This paper discusses the connotation of this theory, its main contents and its enlightenment onchildren education, hoping that the contemporarychildren education will follow the rules governing the body and mind development of children.本文主要论述了这一理论的涵义、主要内容及其对当代幼儿教育的启示 ,以期当代幼儿教育能够遵循儿童身心发展规


