200字范文 > 牛津小学英语5A Unit3 At a Music lesson教学案例_小学五年级英语教案

牛津小学英语5A Unit3 At a Music lesson教学案例_小学五年级英语教案

时间:2018-07-28 16:42:48


牛津小学英语5A Unit3 At a Music lesson教学案例_小学五年级英语教案

一、教学内容:牛津小学英语5a unit3 part a



(1)能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:learn, sing, dance, together, start .

(2)能比较熟练地掌握句型:can you…? yes, i(we) can. / no, i (we) can’t.

(3)能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语:listen to … , please. now , follow me, please. yes. / ok. / all right. let’s sing it together.









1. free talk and revision

1) greetings

2) t: today there are a lot of teachers in our classroom. can you see them?

ss: yes, we can. (引导生答)

t: can you sing the song “in the classroom” for the teachers?

ss: yes, we can.

板书:yes, we can. (领读三遍)

2. presentation and drill

1)t: listen to the tape and sing together.

ss:(sing the song together)

t: you can sing and i can dance. (师做舞蹈动作)

出示单词 dance

2)t: can you dance?

s1: yes, i can.或no, i can’t. (引导生答)

板书:yes, i can.和no, i can’t.(各领读三遍)

3) ask some students “ can you …?”using the words and phrases they learnt.

such as: swim/ skate/ ski/ cook/ sing / dance

play basketball/ football/ table tennis

play the piano/violin/guitar

(此环节旨在操练句型can you…?的答句 yes, i can. / no, i can’t.)

4)guessing game:

t: look at this picture, who is he?(show the picture of zhou jielun)

s1:he is jay.

t: clever.

t: i’m not miss yin, i’m jay. guess: what can i do?

who can ask me?

s1: can you…?

t: yes, i can. / no, i can’t.

(同法依次出示姚明、杨丽萍、菲尔普斯、杨阳等明星照,让学生猜,旨在操练句型yes, i can. / no, i can’t.的问句:can you…?)

5)the students ask and answer in pairs, using the sentences “can you…? yes, i can. / no, i can’t.”

6) t: christina, xx can sing, xx can dance, xxx can cook.

what can you do ?

christina: i can play the violin.

t: really? do it at once.

christina: (play at once)
