200字范文 > 5A Unit3 At a Music lesson第一课时教学设计_小学五年级英语教案

5A Unit3 At a Music lesson第一课时教学设计_小学五年级英语教案

时间:2019-06-09 17:30:36


5A Unit3 At a Music lesson第一课时教学设计_小学五年级英语教案

5a unit3 at a music lesson b c部分


1能听说读写四会单词sing, song, dance, play以及3会单词swim, skate, ski

2能熟练运用句型can you …? yes, i/ we can. no, i/ we can’t.

what can you do? i can….we can …




难点:can 句型的准确用法,以及使用的情境。


step 1: warm up

先用多媒体播放一首歌曲<we can sing and dance>,引出与本课相关的 音乐课上的词汇,为学生下面的学习打下基础,同时引出课题at a music lesson.

step 2: free talk


t:good morning.

s:good morning.

t:how are you?

s:i"m fine, and you?

t:i"m fine too. you have seen my house. can you show me your house?

s: sure. this is my bedroom. there’s a …

t:what is in your schoolbag??

s:there’s a …..

t:how about your pencilcase?

s:there are some ….

t:great! thank you.

step 3 presentation

1 t: boys and girls, can you sing english songs?

s: yes.

t: you can say “yes, we can,”

s: yes, we can.

t: what can you sing?(教授新单词sing song)

s: ”two jackets”; “abc song”

t: good, let’s sing “two jackets” first.

s: ok.

t: can you sing the song “we can sing and dance”?

s: no, we can’t. (出示dance)


引出词组play the violin

2 t: can you sing?

s: yes, we can .

t: can you dance?

s: no, we can’t.

t: can you swim?

s1: yes, i can. / no, i can’t.

出示句型can you …? yes, i /we can. no, i /we can’t.

3 t: can you ski?

s: yes, i can. / no, i can’t.


同法教授swim, skate, ride a bike, play the guitar.

4 t: can you play the violin?

s: no, i can’t.

t: what can you do?

s: i can …..

出示句型what can you do? i/we can….

step 4 practice

1 ask and answer


a: i can sing. can you sing?

b: yes, i can. what can you do?

c: i can … can you ..?

step 5assign homework

1 小组交流讨论完成小调查,”what can they do?”


板书设计: unit3 at a music lesson

新授词汇 句型
