200字范文 > 史料教学 Teaching of Historical Sources英语短句 例句大全

史料教学 Teaching of Historical Sources英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-10 16:42:30


史料教学 Teaching of Historical Sources英语短句 例句大全

史料教学,Teaching of Historical Sources

1)Teaching of Historical Sources史料教学

1.Experience and Enlightenment ofTeaching of Historical Sources in the Teaching of History in Britain;英国历史教学中史料教学的经验及启示

2.This article introduces and analyzes the basic model of teaching of historical sources in the teaching of history in Britain, this model of instruction promotes students development in abilities of historical thinking and spirits of inquiry.本文介绍和分析了英国历史教学中史料教学的基本模式 ,这种教学模式有利于培养学生的历史思维能力和探究精神 ,值得我们加以学习和借


1.The Research of Historical Source Teaching in Middle Schools in Australia澳大利亚中学历史教学中的史料教学

2.On the Value of Historical Sources in History Teaching-Together with the Development Trend of History Teachingin Secondary Schools;论史料教学的价值——兼论中学历史教学发展趋势

3.Experience and Enlightenment of Teaching of Historical Sources in the Teaching of History in Britain英国历史教学中史料教学的经验及启示

4.Strengthening the Teaching of Historical Sources under the Background of New Curriculum Reform of Middle School History Course谈中学历史新课改背景下史料教学的加强

5.Research on How to Improve Students Understanding Abilities in History Materials Teaching;史料教学中发展高中生历史思维能力研究

6.The Theory and Practice of Primary Sources in the U. S. History Teaching: An Tentative Study;对美国史料教学的方法论及实践意义之探索

7.The Meaning and Utilization of Image Historical Material in History Teaching图像史料在历史教学中的意义和运用

8.How to Select and Use Historical Materials Not Included in Texbooks in Middle School Teaching;中学历史教师如何选择运用教材外的有关史料

9.A Study on Application of Historical Sources in Middle Schools in the United States;试论史料在美国中学历史教学中的运用

10.Material Excavation and Teaching Research of Home Village History in Junior Middle School History Teaching;初中历史乡土史材料的挖掘和教学研究

11.The Introduction of Video Materials of Historical Themes and Teaching Reform of History in Teachers Colleges历史题材影视资料的介入与高专历史教学改革

12.historical and literary materials relating to Judaism.关于犹太教的历史的或文学的材料。

13.On Local Historical Data Integrating into The Outline of Modern Chinese History teaching: Based on Yuebei Local Historical Resources乡土历史融入《中国近现代史纲要》课教学探讨——以粤北地区史料为例

14.The Discussion of Inserting Appropriately Physics History in the Physics Teaching;大学物理教学中适当穿插物理学史料的研究

15.Analysis of and Suggestions on the Contents concerning Mathematics History in the Primary Mathematics Textbook;我国小学数学教科书中数学史料的分析与建议

16.The Evolution of the Analysis of Materials in University Entrance Examination and the Teaching Reform of Middle School s History;高考材料解析题变革与中学历史教学之改革

17.The Evacuation and Development of Tuoketuo County Local History Materials in Ancient History Teaching in Junior School;托克托县初中古代史教学中乡土史料的开发利用

18.On Historical Materials Sources of Rgya-na-chos-vbyung of Gon-po-skyabs,a Mongolian Scholar"s Tibetan Book in the Qing Dynasty简论清代学者贡布嘉撰述的藏文史书《汉区佛教源流》的史料来源


the historical material of teaching教学史料

3)Historical Data on Education教育史料

4)history teaching历史教学

1.A Brief Discussion on the Function of History Teaching in Fulfilling Character Education;论历史教学在素质教育中的作用

2.To foster the creative abilites in the course of thehistory teaching;在中学历史教学中培养学生的创新能力

3.Developing Students Positive Mental Quality in History Teaching;在历史教学中发展学生积极的心理品质

5)history education历史教学

1.Internal relations between graphic method and knowledge inhistory education;历史教学中图示法与历史知识的内在联系

2.On Training Students Affective Thinking through History Education;论历史教学中学生情感思维的培养

3.The application of multi-media tohistory education has such values as improving the innovation quality of faculty,giving full scope to initiation and developing students qualities and ethics.历史教学中运用多媒体技术有提升教师创新素质的价值 ,发挥学生学习主观能动性的价值 ,提高整体学生素质的价值 ,优化学生思想品德的价值。

6)teaching of history历史教学

1.The knowledge of cultural relic protection plays such an important part in theteaching of history that it should be included in all relevant course books of history so as to infuse vitality into theteaching of history.文物保护知识在历史教学中具有重要的作用,各类历史教科书应加进文物保护知识的内容,给历史教学注入新的活力。

2.In theteaching of history in the use of music,should be guided by science with interesting reunification,timely appropriate,and fully tap the abilities and teaching principles.在中学历史教学中适当地运用音乐辅助教学,可以收到良好的教学效果。

3.Theteaching of history in senior middle schools should present and reflect this character in different degrees,and adjust it from the aspects of educating concept,textbook,teaching method,the relationship between teacher and student and so on.高中历史教学应不同程度地体现、反映史学研究多元化的特点,从教育理念、教材、教法等方面进行调整。


《档案史料编纂学概要》中国档案学著作。丁永奎、曹喜琛编著。档案出版社1982年 8月出版。全书分10章:第一章档案史料编纂工作总述,第二章档案史料编纂的选题和准备工作,第三章档案史料的查找和选定,第四章档案史料的编者加工,第五章档案史料的标题,第六章档案史料的编排,第七章注释和按语,第八章年表、插图、备考,第九章目录和索引,第十章汇编的序言和编辑说明。该书在总结中国档案文献编纂实践经验的基础上,借鉴和参考史学界、历史文献学界的研究成果,简要系统地论述了档案文献编纂工作的理论、原则和方法,曾作为许多高等学校档案专业的教材。
