200字范文 > 师范学校 normal school英语短句 例句大全

师范学校 normal school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-26 10:15:16


师范学校 normal school英语短句 例句大全

师范学校,normal school

1)normal school师范学校

1.A survey of current situation of physics inquiry instruction innormal schools(student questionnaire);师范学校物理探究教学现状(学生卷)的调查研究

2.Research and Practice of Classroom Instructional Model of IT Course in Normal School;师范学校信息技术课堂教学模式的研究与实践

3.This article expounds the significance ofnormal schools offering Wu Shu course facing countries.本文论述了面向农村在师范学校开设武术课的重要意义,阐述如何针对学生的具体特点合理的安排教学内容以及传授知识、培养能力的方法与途径。


1.secondary teachers schoo中等师范学校 中等师范学校

2.Zhang Hua left Taicang Normal School eight years ago.张华八年前毕业于太仓师范师范学校。

3.pedagogical seminary(帝俄时的)师范学校

4.Hong Kong Government Normal School Certificate香港政府师范学校证书

5.A Study of Teacher Talk in EFL Classroom Context in Infant Normal Schools;幼儿师范学校英语课堂教师话语研究

6.Students of normal schools at various levels shall enjoy professional scholarships.各级师范学校学生享受专业奖学金。

7.This university grew out of the Women"s Normal School.这个大学的前身是女子师范学校。

8.Chinese Writing Teaching Method Research in Normal Schools;中等师范学校语文写作教学方法研究

9.On Some Mistaken Ideas in Calligraphy Teaching in Normal Schools;浅谈师范学校书法教学中的几个误区

10.Teaching Approaches of Health Education for Students of Teachers Training School;高等师范学校健康教育课的教学方法

11.Mental Adaptability of Normal School Students in Anshan City;鞍山师范学校学生心理适应性的研究

12.Student teachers study at a training college.师范生在师范院校学习。

13.Infinitely Learning Teacher--A Goal to Train Students in Teachers College;学习型教师——师范院校学生培养的目标

14.A Contrast Research on the Teaching-Skills Training between Higher Normal College and Middle Normal School高师院校与中师学校凸显师范性的比较研究

15.A Brief Discuss on the Teachers Profession and Skill Training of Teachers College Students;试论师范院校学生教师职业技能训练

16.Normal Colleges Should Strengthen the Students Professional Teacher Role Education;师范院校要强化学生的教师角色教育

17.On Knowledge Structure of Pre-teachers;从师范类高校图书馆看师范大学生知识结构

18.Characteristic of Normal UniversityShould be Embodied at the Teaching VocalMusic in Normal Colleges;高等师范院校声乐教学应体现师范特点


network of teacher education college师范学校网

1.The outline includes: establishing special education committee, undertaking the collection of information of education system in different countries; collecting data through questionnaire, establishingnetwork of teacher education college, using the most updated methods for teacher training, setting up regular educational journals in different languages.基本设想包括:建立特别教育委员会,承担各国教育资料的收集工作;用问卷方式收集教育资料;建立师范学校网,用最新方法培训教师;发行各种语言的教育定期刊物等。

3)Normal school students in secondary normal school中等师范学校师范生

4)MIYAGE Normal College宫城师范学校

5)library of normal school师范学校图书馆

1.This paper probes into the problem of that thelibrary of normal school helps the students to make right selection of out-of -class books.探讨了师范学校图书馆帮助学生正确选读课外书籍的问题。

6)teachers college student师范院校大学生

1.This paper analyzes on the present situation of theteachers college students,through probing into the necessity of carrying out the information literacy education for theteachers college students,and analyzes on the paths and methods for carrying out the information literacy education by university library,the important base of the information literacy education.分析了师范院校大学生信息素质的现状,通过探讨加强对师范院校大学生的信息素质教育的迫切性,分析了高校图书馆作为信息素质教育的重要基地,积极开展信息素质教育的途径和方法。


