200字范文 > 普通师范 Ordinary normal school英语短句 例句大全

普通师范 Ordinary normal school英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-17 17:57:46


普通师范 Ordinary normal school英语短句 例句大全

普通师范,Ordinary normal school

1)Ordinary normal school普通师范


1.Research and disscussion of technical teacher-training in normal universities普通师范院校培养技术师范类人才的研究与探讨

2.An Investigation Report on the Implementation of Special Education Courses in General Normal Colleges and Universities;普通师范院校特殊教育课程开设情况的调查

3.Foreign Literature Teaching of Chinese Department in ordinary normal universities;浅谈普通师范院校中文系的外国文学教学

4.Reflections on Performing Bilingual Teaching in Ordinary Teachers Colleges;普通师范院校进行双语教学的几点思考

5.An Empirical Study on the College English Translation Proficiency of Chinese Normal College Students;普通师范院校学生大学英语翻译水平实证研究

6.The Tentative Exploration of Oral Mandarin Practicing of Normal Students;师范生普通话口语训练的实践与探索

7.Research on the Training and Testing of Mandarin in Non-teacher-training Orientated Colleges or Universities;非师范类院校普通话培训与测试研究

8.My Opinion about Establishment of Mandarin Course for Teachers Training Colleges;师范专科学校普通话课程设置之我见

9.Putonghua training in Teachers Spoken Language Courses of Teachers colleges and Universities;师范院校教师口语课程中的普通话训练

10.The Exploration and Practice of the Reform of the General University Teachers Education;普通高师教师教育范式变革的探索与实践

11.Evaluation System of Comprehensive Quality for Normal University Students;普通高等师范院校师范生综合素质评价体系研究

12.An investigation of students learning of putonghua in Guangzhou Normal University;关于广州师范学院师范生普通话水平现状的调查报告

13.Exploration and Practices of the Mandarin-Teaching Methods in Zunyi Normal College;遵义师范学院普通话教学方法的探索与实践

14.A Comparative Study on the Level of Items in Putonghua Proficiency Test For Normal University Students;师范生普通话水平测试项难易程度比较研究

15.On the Present Development of the Normal School Students Professional Quality and the Strategies;普通院校师范生专业素质发展现状与对策

16.A Discussion on Educational Function of Libraries in Teachers Colleges;普通高等师范院校图书馆教育职能管窥

17.The Gender Difference among the Normal College Student s Putonghua Level and An Analysis of Its Origin;师范生普通话水平的性别差异及其成因分析

18.Some Reflections on Microteaching Practice for High Teacher Education;普通高等师范院校微格教学的现状及建议


normal teachers college普通师范学院

3)ordinary teachers colleges普通师范院校

1.In this paper,the necessity is discussed for offering courses on bilingual teaching,the points of view are put forward on selecting courses and textbooks,and the suggestions are advanced for practicing bilingual teaching inordinary teachers colleges.该文论述了在师范院校开设双语教学课程的必要性,对开设科目及教材选用提出一些看法,并就普通师范院校实施双语教学提出几点建议。

2.This article expounds the necessity and feasibility, the teaching setup and the initial experimental results concerning the reform of the Subject-Based English (SBE) teaching of the non-English-major students in the 3rd or 4th year inordinary teachers colleges.文章论述了在普通师范院校的大学英语课程改革中专业英语教学实验的必要性和可行性 ,教学实验方案的建构和实验的初期效果。

4)common higher teachers college普通高等师范

1.The popularization of current new curriculum innovation in the middle and primary schools makes English major incommon higher teachers college new task and challenge and more requests on soft environment construction.当前新课改在中小学的普及,使普通高等师范院校英语专业面临着新的任务与挑战,对专业的软环境建设也提出了更高的要求。

5)Teachers College Library普通师范院校图书馆

1.Speculation upon the Establishment of Subject Librarians inTeachers College Library;对普通师范院校图书馆设立学科馆员的几点思考

6)general teachers普通教师

1.This article takes 368 teachers(143 outstanding teachers,225general teachers)as subjects.文章以368名教师为对象(其中优秀教师143名、普通教师225名),用问卷调查的方式获取具体的数据,试图通过分析不同类型教师的自我效能感的差异,探求教师自我效能感现状,以及教师自我效能感的影响因素。


