200字范文 > 长期医疗 long-term care英语短句 例句大全

长期医疗 long-term care英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-18 19:58:58


长期医疗 long-term care英语短句 例句大全

长期医疗,long-term care

1)long-term care长期医疗

2)long-term care/economics长期医疗/经济学

3)long-term doctor"s advice长期医嘱

4)Long-term effect长期疗效

1.Long-term effect of endoscopic ligation for bleeding esophageal varices;内镜结扎治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血的长期疗效观察

2.To evaluate the long-term effect and safety of Lamivudine in patients with chronic hepatitis B.研究拉米夫定 (lamivudine)对慢性乙型肝炎 (慢乙肝 )的长期疗效和安全性。


1.Exploration of Long-term Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A for Migraine: An Open-label Study;A型肉毒毒素治疗偏头痛的长期疗效观察

2.The long-term efficacy of three kinds of antihypertensive drags in treating of hypertension三种降压药治疗高血压病长期疗效观察

3.Long-term outcomes of vestibular schwannomas following Leksell-C Gamma Knife radiosurgery treatmentLeksell-C型伽玛刀治疗听神经瘤的长期疗效分析

4.Curative effect of interventional uterine arterial embolization therapy in the treatment of 48 patients with hysteromyoma48例子宫肌瘤介入治疗的中长期疗效评价

5.An Observation for the Metaphase and Long-term Efficacy of the Management of Supracondylar Fracture of the Humerus in Children小儿肱骨髁上骨折治疗的中长期疗效观察

6.Treatment result of radiotherapy for pituitary adenomas垂体腺瘤放射治疗的长期疗效分析(附96例报道)

7.Prospective Study of Long Term Outcome in Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Early and Middle Stage Treated with Combined External and Intracavitary Radiotherapy早中期鼻咽癌外照射联合腔内放疗长期疗效的前瞻性研究

parison of Medical Treatment and PCI in Patients with Intermediate Coronary Lesions;冠状动脉临界狭窄病变药物治疗和介入治疗的长期疗效对比研究

9.Clinical study of long term therapeutic efficacy of brain gliomas treated by interstitial brachytherapy of ~(125)I seeds implanted in operation术中植入~(125)I粒子内放疗治疗脑胶质瘤长期疗效观察

10.The Long-term Efficacy of Carvedilol in Patients with Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopay;卡维地洛对扩张型心肌病的长期疗效观察

11.Long-term folllow-up of coax vara after valaus subtrochanteric osteotomy转子下外展截骨治疗先天性髋内翻长期疗效观察

12.The Safety and Efficacy of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Patients with Sever Heart Failure and Ventricular Dyssynchrony;心脏再同步化起搏治疗扩张型心肌病心力衰竭患者长期疗效观察

13.Therapeutic effects of NVB combined with DDP in treatment of advanced cases of breast cancer长春瑞滨联合顺铂治疗晚期乳腺癌疗效观察

14.Curative effects and mechanisms of atropine with a long term use on myopia in children长期应用阿托品治疗青少年近视疗效及机理

15.Clinic effect of long-term mild hypothermia on patients with severe craniocerebral injury长期亚低温治疗对重型颅脑损伤的疗效

16.Effect of Synchronous Achilles Tendon Lengthening while Leg Len gthening in 176 Cases小腿延长时同期进行跟腱延长(176例疗效观察)

bination of NVB and Gemcitabine in Treating Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer长春瑞滨联合吉西他滨治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌的近期疗效分析

18.Efficacy and Compliance With Long-term Controlled Trial of Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation in Patients With stable Severe COPD严重COPD患者稳定期长期无创正压通气治疗临床疗效及依从性观察


long-term care/economics长期医疗/经济学

3)long-term doctor"s advice长期医嘱

4)Long-term effect长期疗效

1.Long-term effect of endoscopic ligation for bleeding esophageal varices;内镜结扎治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血的长期疗效观察

2.To evaluate the long-term effect and safety of Lamivudine in patients with chronic hepatitis B.研究拉米夫定 (lamivudine)对慢性乙型肝炎 (慢乙肝 )的长期疗效和安全性。

5)Long-term efficacy长期疗效

1.Objective To investigate the long-term efficacy of Cy-VP16-fractionated TBI(fTBI) conditioning regimen in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation(PBSCT or BMT) for hematologic malignancies.目的Cy-VP16-fTBI预处理方案的造血干细胞移植治疗血液系统恶性疾病的长期疗效观察。

6)Long-term outcome长期疗效

1.with the aim of determining the long-term outcome of the selected procedures, in an effort to establish any relationship between the outcome of the fusion technique used and the cause of the C1-C2 instability.1、实验目的: 本研究回顾了上海长征医院骨科多种后路寰枢椎融合方法的长期疗效,试图建立手术融合方法的结果与寰枢椎不稳病因之间的任何相关联系。


