200字范文 > 不良天气 adverse weather英语短句 例句大全

不良天气 adverse weather英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-03 17:49:50


不良天气 adverse weather英语短句 例句大全

不良天气,adverse weather

1)adverse weather不良天气

1.A theoretical analysis is made to investigate the impact ofadverse weather on signal timing,and then the optimization and microscopic traffic simulation are made on the signalized intersection′s signal timing under normal andadverse weather using the software of SYNCHRO and SIMTRAFFIC.从理论上分析不良天气对信号配时的影响,然后运用SYNCHRO和SIMTRAFFIC仿真软件,对正常和不良天气两种条件下的交叉口信号配时进行配时优化和微观交通仿真,研究表明:不良天气对交叉口信号配时的绩效将产生明显的负面影响,针对不良天气专门制定的配时优化方案将改善交通状况、减少延误和提高车速,但是改善程度还与许多因素有关。

2.In order to increase safety level of driving on freeway,the paper analyzes the affecting mechanism ofadverse weather conditions on road traffic safety such as rain,snow and fog.为了提高不良天气条件下高速公路行车的安全性,分析了雨、雪、雾等不良天气条件对道路交通安全的影响机理,采用数学公式推导的方法,以制动反应时间内行驶距离与制动距离之和小于能见距离为条件,推导了不良天气条件下的基于安全距离的高速公路最高车速限制值计算公式,并给出了雾天、雨天及雪天对应不同能见距离、附着系数及纵坡的车速限制标准建议。


1.Study of Freeway Safety Control under Unfavorable Weather Condition;不良天气条件下高速公路安全控制研究

2.Reasonable Value of Freeway Speed Limit Under Adverse Weather Condition高速公路不良天气条件下最高车速限制合理取值

3.Good Weather Condition...良好天气良好天气条件

4.The hot weather is bringing the wheat on nicely.因天气热小麦长势良好.

5.The weather alters almost daily.天气差不多天天变化。

6.The fair weather contributed to the success of the expedition.良好的天气促成了这次探险的成功。

7."It"s terrible weather we are having, isn"t it?"“今天天气真糟糕,是不是?”

8.A: It"s a lovely day, isn"t it?甲:今天天气很好,是不是?

9.But it"s not hot today!可今天天气不热呀!

10.Therefore, the patient should pay attention tothe cold-resistance to maintain warmth, specially prevents the coldfront not good to stimulate to the organism, arranges the first-aidmedical supplies.因此,患者应注意防寒保暖,特别是预防大风降温天气对机体的不良刺激,备好急救药品。

11.Formation boundaries and unconformities can also be good production zones for natural steam, provided they have high permeabilities and are filled with water.建造的边界和不整合处如果具有较高的透水性且充有水,也可能构成天然蒸气的良好生产区。

12.Cylinders should be stored upright in a well-ventilated, secure area, protected from the weather (should be dry, cool, and preferably fire-resistant).钢瓶应该直立储存在通风良好的安全的不受天气影响的地方(应该干燥、凉爽、最好防火)。

13.Cylinders should be stored upright in a well-ventilated, dry, cool, and preferably fire-resistant, secure area, which is protected from the weather钢瓶应该直立储存在通风良好、干燥、凉爽、最好防火的安全的不受天气影响的地方。

14.Stop the Bad Online Mode Develop the Good Online Moral Standard;遏制网上不良风气 培养良好的网络道德

15.The good seaman is known in bad weather.坏天气下才能识得出良好的海员;要识好海员,须凭坏天气。

16.It is not cold enough for snow.天气还不够冷,不致下雪。

17.It was neither cold nor wet.天气已不冷也不潮湿。

18.Not only the weather of four seasons is different,不仅四季的天气不同,


poor weather不良天气条件

3)bad flavor不良气味

1.Thebad flavor not only affects the sense of mouth, but also depresses the nutritional value of the milk.牛奶所产生的不良气味不仅会影响消费者的口感,同时也会降低牛奶的营养价值。

4)unsmooth air-exhaust排气不良

1.In plastic injection moulding process of transparent boxes for article storage in refrigeratory,inner gas-hole would be produced in plastic part because ofunsmooth air-exhausting.透明冰箱储物盒在注塑过程中 ,由于排气不良 ,导致制件内部产生气泡。

5)bad ambiance不良风气

6)adverse climatic conditions不良气候


