200字范文 > 教育思想体系 educational ideological system英语短句 例句大全

教育思想体系 educational ideological system英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-02-15 03:54:54


教育思想体系 educational ideological system英语短句 例句大全

教育思想体系,educational ideological system

1)educational ideological system教育思想体系

1.Knowledge economy era:on Chineseeducational ideological system;知识经济时代我国教育思想体系研究


1.Mengcius Ideological System of Moral Education and Its Modern Significance;孟子道德教育思想体系及其现代意义

2.Rethinking Xu Beihong s Thoughts on Education of Fine Arts;徐悲鸿美术教育思想体系及其再认识

3.Knowledge economy era:on Chinese educational ideological system;知识经济时代我国教育思想体系研究

4.About the Construction of Ideological and Moral Education System;构建大学生思想道德教育体系的思考

5.Build all - member training system, Strengthen students thought education;建立全员育人体系 抓好学生思想教育

6.A Rational Thought on Psychological Education Incorporated into the Ideological & Political Education System;心理教育纳入思想政治教育体系的理性思考

7.The Relationship between the Contemporary PE Teaching Concept and Mode;当前体育教学思想与体育教学模式的关系

8.the Party"s Ideological Line and the Establishment of Method System of the Ideological and Political Education党的思想路线与思想政治教育方法体系的构建

9.The Education is the Core of Pierre de Coubertin s Sport Idea;顾拜旦体育思想研究系列之四 教育是顾拜旦体育思想的核心

10.The Innovation Research of the Discipline Theory Construction of the Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育学科理论体系创新研究

11.Ideological and political education method system must be innovated;思想政治教育方法 体系必须创新

12.Construction of Humanistic System in Ideological and Political Education;思想政治教育中人文关怀体系的构建

13.A Research on Jiang Zemin s Theoretic System of Ideological and Political Education;江泽民思想政治教育理论体系之初探

14.Discussion on the Evaluation System of Ideological and Political Education in Universities;对高校思想政治教育评估体系的探讨

15.Discussion of Mao Zedong s Early Education Thought System and Its Characteristics;论毛泽东早期教育思想的体系及特征

16.Tentative Study on the Essence of Traditional Ideological Educati on System and Contemporary Ideological Education Reforms;刍议传统思想教育体系的精华与当代思想教育工作的改革

17.Differentiation and Analysis of the Concept of Physical Education in Schools and the Concept of the Teaching of Physical Education;学校体育思想与体育教学思想之辨析

18.Physical Education Iidea of Cai Yuan-pei and Contemporary Physical Education蔡元培体育教育思想与当代体育教育


ideological education system思想教育体系

1.The establishment of a new open mode ofideological education system is an objective requirement of the education of ideological and political education for university students.建立新型开放式思想教育体系是大学生思想政治教育适应现代社会的客观要求。

3)ideological and moral education system思想道德教育体系

1.This article attempts to construct the newideological and moral education system,which stresses the systematic characteristics,openness and the practicality,and the construction of the safeguard mechanism of ideological and moral education to the university students.强调大学生思想道德教育的系统性、开放性和实践性,建立大学生思想道德教育的保障机制,是构建新的思想道德教育体系的重要内容。

4)ideological system of Chinese higher education中国高等教育思想体系

1.Theideological system of Chinese higher education for guiding future development should be composed of three parts: social ideological system, ontological ideological system of higher education and basic operational principles of higher education reform and development.引导未来发展的中国高等教育思想体系,应由三部分构成,即高等教育社会思想体系、高等教育自身思想体系以及高等教育改革与发展的基本行动准则。

5)Buddhism ideological system of moral education佛家道德教育思想体系

6)physical education ideology体育教育思想

1.Modern value of thephysical education ideology and sports view of YUAN Dun-li;袁敦礼体育教育思想及体育观的当代价值

2.The theory and the practice of physical education are both directed byphysical education ideology.体育教育从理论到实践 ,无不受体育教育思想的指导 。


