200字范文 > CDT规约 CDT protocol英语短句 例句大全

CDT规约 CDT protocol英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-28 05:30:59


CDT规约 CDT protocol英语短句 例句大全

CDT规约,CDT protocol

1)CDT protocolCDT规约

1.Design and implementation of template of object-orientedCDT protocol;面向对象的部颁CDT规约模板的设计与实现

2.Based on theCDT protocol and the architecture of hardware , the software which makes use of simple , effectual algorism and assemble language implements the communication of RTU, it completes the data s operation, recordation, organization and supervision and it also fulfils the request of real-time and veracity of the system .根据CDT规约,结合硬件结构,本软件采用简单有效的算法,用汇编语言实现了RTU的通信,完成了数据的运算、记录、组织和监控,满足了系统实时性和准确性的要求。

2)recycling protocol CDTCDT循环规约

1.Implementation ofrecycling protocol CDT with DELPHI;CDT循环规约的DELPHI程序实现

2.The paper presents a new method of the implementation ofrecycling protocol CDT by use of DELPHI together with WIN32 API, in which the whole process of implementation ofrecycling protocol CDT has been given completely.介绍了在Windows环境下,利用DELPHI软件与WIN32API函数结合实现部颁CDT循环规约的方法,完整地给了实现CDT循环规约的全过程,可满足为电力系统高级应用软件提供共享数据资源的需


1.Implementation of Telecontrol Recycling Protocol CDT with Senior Language远动CDT循环规约的高级语言实施

2.Some Problems in Using the Ministry Issue CDT Communication Protocol使用部颁CDT通信规约的若干问题

3.Research and Implementation of CRC Code Based upon Table Looking-up Methods for CDT Protocol;基于查表法的CRC检错码在CDT远动规约中的研究及实现


5.cyclically ordered obligatory rule循环顺次强制性规则

6.Title:Design The Local Legislation Of Shandong Pruince s Circular Economy So As To Develop It s Circular Economy;构建山东循环经济地方性法规,发展循环经济

7.Solar cycle太阳循环期(约每1年一次)

8.The Development of Agricultural Circular Economy and Establishment of Ecomical Society;发展农业循环经济 创建节约型社会

9.Developing the Circular Economy to Construct Source-saving-type Shanxi Province;发展循环经济 建设资源节约型山西

10.Circum-Economy is Key to Construction of Resources-Economical Society;循环经济:构建资源节约型社会的关键

11.Recycling Industry:Building A Resources-Conserving Society;循环经济:建设节约型社会的有效之举

12.The Economics Analysis and Solution to the Problems in the Issuing of and Application for National Student Loans;国家助学贷款:制约因素与良性循环

13.The Circulation EconomyPush Qinghai Provincial Developments Economy Type Society;以循环经济助推青海建设节约型社会

14.Economy Circulating: An Inevitable Choice to Build Economical-typed Society;循环经济:建设节约型社会的必然选择

15.Saving Forest Resource and Launching Cycling Economy in Forest Products Industry;节约森林资源 启动林产工业循环经济

16.Reiterate "Circulation Economy" and "Economizing Economy";再论“循环型经济”与“节约型经济”

17.Pratice on Developing Circulating Economy and Building Cost-effective Enterprises发展循环经济、建设节约型企业的实践

18.To Develop the Recycling Economy to Ease the Contradiction between Resources and Environment大力发展循环经济 缓解资源、环境约束矛盾


recycling protocol CDTCDT循环规约

1.Implementation ofrecycling protocol CDT with DELPHI;CDT循环规约的DELPHI程序实现

2.The paper presents a new method of the implementation ofrecycling protocol CDT by use of DELPHI together with WIN32 API, in which the whole process of implementation ofrecycling protocol CDT has been given completely.介绍了在Windows环境下,利用DELPHI软件与WIN32API函数结合实现部颁CDT循环规约的方法,完整地给了实现CDT循环规约的全过程,可满足为电力系统高级应用软件提供共享数据资源的需

3)CDT protocolCDT远动规约

1.This paper introduces a method of designing an ActiveX control in VC to implementCDT protocol.介绍了用VC设计ActiveX控件以实现对CDT规约处理的方法 ,首先分析了CDT远动规约的特点 ,接着详细介绍了如何根据CDT规约的特点进行软件设计 ,完整给出了用MSComm控件和VC设计控件处理CDT规约的方法 ,并且介绍如何使用多线程实现该通信控

2.The principle and implementation of a CRC Code computing based onCDT protocol are described the source code for implementing CRC code in 8051 micro processor series is also present.详细介绍了实际中经常用到的一些差错控制方法,提出了一种基于CDT远动规约的CRC计算原理及实现方法,并给出了CRC检错码在8051单片机中软件实现的源代码。

4)CDT Stipulations of an agreement DatatransmitingCDT规约转发


1.The relationship between communicationprotocol and system reliability and safety;通信规约实现与系统可靠性、安全性

2.Necessity of transmissionprotocol certification and the realization method;浅析规约认证的必要性及实现方法

3.Application of IEC TC57 communicationprotocols in the power system;IEC TC57通信规约在电力系统中的应用


1.Through analyzing report forms format of IEC 60 870-5104 stipulation,as well as considering computer monitoring system of 330kV Dashimen and Jingyang substation and experiences of provincial dispatching system,the paper studies some command flow,and provides technical safeguard for provincial dispatching automation system adopting networkstipulations transmission process.通过分析IEC 60 870-5-104规约的报文格式,借鉴330 kV景阳变、大石门变计算机监控系统和省调自动化系统的联调经验,研究了规约的各种命令流程,为省调自动化系统采用网络规约传输提供了技术保障,同时也极大地丰富了调度自动化系统的应用范围。

2.Somestipulations of generation bidding in energy auction and capacity auction are summarized and analyzed in this paper.发电报价(或投标)规约是电力拍卖市场规则设计的一项重要内容。


(z,e,e)-cdtCAS: 4904-61-4 分子式: C12H18 分子质量: 162.27 中文名称: 1,5,9-环十二烷三烯英文名称: 1,5,9-Cyclododecatriene;1,5,9-cyclododecatriene (z,e,e);(z,e,e)-cdt;cis,trans,trans-cyclododeca-1,5,9-triene;CDDT;cyclododeca-1,5,9-triene 性质描述: 有三种异构体。反,反,反-环十二碳三烯的熔点34℃;反,反,顺-环十二碳三烯的熔点-18℃。沸点100-101℃(1.46kPa),相对密度0.8910(20/4℃),折光率1.5058。溶于苯;氯仿。闪点87℃。 生产方法: 由1,3-丁二烯经聚合环化而得。 用途: 由环十二碳三烯可制造环十二烷,它是新型工程塑料聚酰胺(尼龙-12;尼龙-612,尼龙-1012)的原料,还用于生产聚酰胺合成纤维;耐寒增塑剂;人造橡胶;调味剂;环氧树脂交联剂;香料;耐火添加剂等。
