200字范文 > 均匀试验 uniform design英语短句 例句大全

均匀试验 uniform design英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-07-26 03:33:34


均匀试验 uniform design英语短句 例句大全

均匀试验,uniform design

1)uniform design均匀试验

1.Application ofuniform design in optimization cured fish technology;均匀试验设计在腌鱼工艺优化中的应用

2.Through theuniform design of the regression equations and the correlation coefficients,of and the combinations when the highest value or highest value were obtained.通过均匀试验设计得出各指标(峰值粘度、破损值、回生值)的回归方程及相关系数,确定了各指标最高或最低时各因素的组合。

3.Optimum condition of enhancing extraction of red pigment by ultrasound field was obtained fromuniform design.试验结果表明:超声场的介入有利于龙虾壳红色素的提取;并通过均匀试验设计确定了最佳提取工艺条件:超声功率90%、超声时间75min、超声温度50℃,在此条件下龙虾壳红色素的提取率可达85%。


1.The Study of the Application of Uniform Design in Money Market;均匀试验设计在金融市场中的应用研究

2.Resarch of Electrical Conductivity of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Concrete Based on the Uniform Design;基于均匀试验的碳纤维混凝土导电性研究

3.The Research of Uniform Experimental Design on Evaluation and Optimization Analysis Method均匀试验设计效果评价及优化分析方法研究

4.cylinder power equalizing test汽缸工作均匀性试验

5.sliver evenness tester粗条子均匀度试验机

6.capacitance type irregularity tester电容式均匀度试验机

7.Experimental Research and Retrofit of the Uniformity of Coal Powder Supply in 200MW Unit;200MW机组给粉均匀性试验研究及改造

8.Monte Carlo simulation of sampling error of homogeneous test均匀性试验抽样误差的蒙特卡罗模拟

9.Development and Test of Instrument on the Intelligence Testing for the Even Degree of Water in Micro-Irrigation;微灌灌水均匀度智能测试仪的研制与试验


11.A uniform design method was adopted to study the extraction of the neem seed extracts from neem kernels.用均匀设计试验方法研究印楝粗提物的提取。

12.The fatigue testing of the heterogeneous plates showed that the mechanical heterogeneity affected the fatigue crack growth rate.试验表明,力学不均匀性影响疲劳裂纹扩展速率。

13.Study on the moisture uniformity of paddy drying technology by employing air direction reversals稻谷换向通风干燥不均匀度的试验研究

14.The Uniform Design and Its Application in Design of Experiments of Six Sigma Management均匀设计法在6σ管理试验设计中的应用

15.Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Cement Laterite and Its Analysis of Asymptotic Homogenization;水泥红土力学性能的试验研究及均匀化分析

16.The Study of Arithmetic Resolution and Controlling Method of Tire Uniformity Test Machine;轮胎均匀性试验机算法解算和控制方法的研究

17.Simulation and Experiment on the Lapping Uniformity with Semi-Fixed Abrasive Plate半固着磨具加工均匀性仿真与试验研究

18.Study on Smelting Experimentation and Uniformity of Nano-ZrO_2 Coating by Plasma Spraying等离子喷涂纳米ZrO_2涂层均匀性及熔炼试验研究


uniform test均匀试验

1.Strength of recycled concrete based on theuniform test and stepwise method基于均匀试验和逐步回归法的再生混凝土强度研究

2.Methods: With the transferring rate of tetramethylpyrazine as index, the optimum extraction condition for the first time was selected byuniform test, and the times of extraction was studied.方法 :以川芎嗪提取转移率为指标 ,先采用均匀试验法优选川芎第 1次乙醇提的工艺条件 ,然后考察提取次数对提取效果的影响。

3)uniform experiment均匀试验

1.Then byuniform experiment,more factors such as PF resin content,curing tempreture and curing pressure were analyzed together.首先进行单因素试验分析了酚醛树脂含量、固化时间对复合材料导电性能与力学性能的影响机理;然后利用均匀试验方法进行多因素试验分析了酚醛树脂含量、固化温度、固化压力对复合材料导电性能与力学性能的综合影响。

2.Theuniform experimental study on the subsidence caused by dewatering of bottom aquifer under external fixed load,which is implemented on a self-designed dewatering experimental setup with high stress and water pressure,shows that the dewatering subsidence complies with exponential variation.在自行设计的高应力、高水压疏水试验装置上进行了恒载作用下底部含水层疏水沉降均匀试验,试验结果表明:底部含水层的疏水沉降量符合指数型变化规律,细颗粒砂土比粗颗粒砂土具有更大的变形量。

3.Theuniform experimental design is adopted,with only two infini.借用南水北调工程区其他的现场地应力实测资料,建立的西线各个分段沿深度线性表达的地应力概化模型,得出地应力回归方程预测区间,利用玛柯河~阿柯河段有限的两个测孔地应力资料,采用均匀试验设计,全面考虑可能影响因素,同时大大减小试验次数,以最小方差作为衡量标准,分析了该段地应力的最优回归方程,即地应力和深度的具体关系式,分析了地应力大小分布规律和地质构造、地形地貌、地震断裂带、岩石力学性质等因素的关系,并给出了第一主应力沿洞轴线分布图。

4)homogeneous test均匀试验

1.Optimum condition of enhancing extraction of curcumin byultrasound field was obtained fromhomogeneous test.试验结果表明:超声场的介入有利于姜黄色素的提取;通过均匀试验设计确定了最佳提取工艺条件:超声功率90%、超声时间75min、超声温度50℃,在此条件下姜黄色素的提取率可达85%。

2.The optimum proportion of matrix for the preparation technology process ofBikang Cataplasmata is selected byhomogeneous test.提取工艺研究中采用L_9(3~4)正交试验方法优选出马钱子中士的宁的酸性乙醇提取工艺,麻黄、乳香、没药的超临界CO_2提取工艺;制备工艺中,采用U_(16)(8~6)均匀试验,优选出痹康巴布剂的成型工艺,并对黏着力、赋形性、含膏量以及裱背材料背面的渗出情况进行了检查,进一步优化了痹康巴布剂的制备工艺,结果表明按本文方法制得的巴布剂检查结果符合有关规定。

5)the uniformity design均匀试验

1.Methods: Two optimal extracting procedures of Mashi granules were made bythe uniformity design with different indexes which were the area under curve of lowered temperature and chemistry composition content.方法:采用均匀试验设计 ,分别以药效学指标降温曲线下面积和化学成分栀子苷及葛根素含量为指标 ,优选麻石颗粒的提取工艺 ,并对两种提取工艺进行降温作用的比较。

6)uniformity testing均匀度试验


