200字范文 > 不良反应/事件 adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE)英语短句 例句大全

不良反应/事件 adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE)英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-26 20:58:29


不良反应/事件 adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE)英语短句 例句大全

不良反应/事件,adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE)

1)adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE)不良反应/事件

1.Objective To analyze relevant factors of the adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE) induced by cefoperazone sodium and sulbactam sodium for injection.目的了解注射用头孢哌酮钠舒巴坦钠不良反应/事件发生的相关因素。

2.Objective The characteristics of adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE)cases induced by Qingkailing injection have been analyzed to provide references for clinical rational drug use.方法对广西药品不良反应监测中心~收到的301例清开灵注射液不良反应/事件进行回顾性分析。

3.Objective In order to provide references for rational use of drug and revising the drug specification, the related factors of the adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE) induced by Shuxuening injection have been analyzed.目的分析舒血宁注射液不良反应/事件发生的相关因素,为临床合理用药和生产厂家修改药品说明书提供参考。


1.Analysis of 2440 Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Reports of Ciwujia Injection2440例刺五加注射液不良反应/事件分析

2.Analysis of 247 Severe Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Cases247例严重药品不良反应/事件分析

3.Study on Methods of Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Reporting Assessment药品不良反应/事件报告评价方法研究

4.Analysis of 315 Cases of ADR/ADE315例药品不良反应/事件病例报告分析

5.Analysis on 301 Cases of Adverse Drug Reactions/Events Induced by Qingkailing Injection301例清开灵注射液不良反应/事件分析

6.Analysis of 15 Adverse Drug Reactions/Events Induced by Shuxuening Injection15例舒血宁注射液不良反应/事件分析

7.Analysis of 100 Adverse Drug Reactions/Events Induced by Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections100例中药注射剂不良反应/事件分析

8.Analysis of ADR reports of Tianjin in 天津市《药品不良反应/事件报告表》统计分析

9.The quality analysis of ADR reports of year in Jiangsu province江苏省《药品不良反应/事件报告表》质量分析

10.Analysis of 114 Adverse Drug Reactions/Events Induced by Brucea Jananica Oil Injection114例鸦胆子油乳注射液不良反应/事件分析

11.Analysis of 95 Adverse drug reactions/events induced by traditional Chinese medicine injections中药注射剂不良反应/事件95例的相关因素分析

12.Analysis of 14 Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Reports on Liver Damage Induced by Zhixue Capsule14例痔血胶囊致肝损害不良反应/事件报告分析

13.Retrospective Study of the Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Induced by Danshen Injection丹参注射液不良反应/事件的回顾性研究

14.Analysis of 235 Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Cases of Compound Danshen Injection235例复方丹参注射液不良反应/事件文献分析

15.Analysis of 1956 Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Cases Induced by Anticancer Drugs1956例抗肿瘤药品不良反应/事件报告分析

16.Use of Proportional Reporting Ratios for Signals Detection from Adverse Drug Reaction/Event of Traditional Chinese Medicine Injection报告率比例法在中药注射剂不良反应/事件信号提取中的应用

17.The quality analysis of ADR/ADE Periodic Safety Reports in Tianjin in 天津市《药品不良反应/事件定期汇总表》审核分析

18.Analysis of 184 Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Reports of Cefoperazone Sodium and Sulbactam Sodium for Injection184例注射用头孢哌酮钠舒巴坦钠不良反应/事件分析


Adverse Event不良反应事件

1.The Clinical Application and theAdverse Events of Orthopaedic Implants;骨科植入物在临床上的应用及其不良反应事件

3)adverse drug reaction/event药品不良反应/事件

1.Objective To investigate the features of the severeadverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE).目的了解严重药品不良反应/事件发生情况及特点。

4)adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE)药品不良反应/事件

1.Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of the adverse drug reaction/event(ADR/ADE) induced by anticancer drugs.方法采用回顾性研究方法,对江苏省12月至2月收集的1956例抗肿瘤药品不良反应/事件病例报告进行综合分析。

5)Quality of《Adverse drug reaction/event report form》《药品不良反应/事件报告表》质量

6)Adverse Event不良事件

1.To identify and evaluate causal relationship between drug and single adverse event;药物单一不良事件因果关系的鉴别和评价

2.Investigation and analysis of psychotropic adverse event in emergency patients;急诊患者精神药物不良事件的调查及分析

3.Study of active monitoring model on adverse event of medical device;医疗器械不良事件主动监测模式探讨


不良1.不善,不好。 2.不良人。
