200字范文 > 药物不良事件 Adverse drug events英语短句 例句大全

药物不良事件 Adverse drug events英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-07 16:16:06


药物不良事件 Adverse drug events英语短句 例句大全

药物不良事件,Adverse drug events

1)Adverse drug events药物不良事件

1.Adverse drug events of the clinical analysis and prevention of;药物不良事件的临床分析及预防探讨

2.Objective:To assess existence and preventability of adverse drug events(ADEs) and to investigate excess length of stay and extra hospital charges of the ADEs.目的:调查住院病人药物不良事件(ADE)发生率、因ADE而造成的医疗费用、延长的住院时间及ADE的可防范率。

3.The collection of adverse drug events(ADE) represents one of the inherent attributes of qualified(approved) drugs.药物不良事件(adverse drug events,ADE)为合格药品的固有属性之一。


1.A Study of Prevention of Adverse Drug Event During Hospitalization住院病人药物不良事件调查及可防范性研究

2.The main measurements were presence, preventability and severity of an ADE.主要监测内容是药物不良事件的存在与否 ,可否防范及严重程度。

3.A Study of Compensation in Civil Case of Adverse Drug Reactions;药物不良反应事件民事赔偿问题研究

4.Clarithromycin was well tolerated with only1% of patients discontinuing treatment due to drug-related adverse events.病人对克拉红霉素的耐受性良好,只有1%的病人因药物相关性不良事件而停药。

5.Discussion between adverse events and drug in Human tolerance test人体耐受性试验中不良事件与药物关系分析探讨

6.Retrospective investigation analysis of adverse drug event of immunodepressant in liver transplantation and renal transplantation patients器官移植和免疫抑制剂药物使用的不良事件问卷调查

7.Analysis of 247 Severe Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Cases247例严重药品不良反应/事件分析

8.Study on Methods of Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Reporting Assessment药品不良反应/事件报告评价方法研究

9.Analysis of 315 Cases of ADR/ADE315例药品不良反应/事件病例报告分析

10.Analysis of 100 Adverse Drug Reactions/Events Induced by Traditional Chinese Medicine Injections100例中药注射剂不良反应/事件分析

11.Discussion on the Response Pattern to Adverse Drug Events Through the Processing of the TGN1412 Incident透过TGN1412事件处理看药品不良事件的应对模式

12.Enlightenment of the Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Experiences to Medical Devices Adverse Event Monitoring in Our Country我国药品不良反应监测工作对开展医疗器械不良事件监测的启示

13.Civil Relief System for Adverse Drug Reaction Injury Viewed from Perspective of Japan"s "Quinoform" Drug Injury Event从日本“奎诺仿”药害事件看我国药品不良反应民事救济制度的完善

14.Analysis of ADR reports of Tianjin in 天津市《药品不良反应/事件报告表》统计分析

15.The quality analysis of ADR reports of year in Jiangsu province江苏省《药品不良反应/事件报告表》质量分析

16.Analysis of 95 Adverse drug reactions/events induced by traditional Chinese medicine injections中药注射剂不良反应/事件95例的相关因素分析

17.Analysis of 1956 Adverse Drug Reaction/Event Cases Induced by Anticancer Drugs1956例抗肿瘤药品不良反应/事件报告分析

18.Enlightenment of U.S.Injury Compensation System for Incident Caused by ADRs美国对药品不良反应引发药害事件的赔偿及其启示


adverse drug event药物不良事件

1.Objective To investigate the basic principles and important rules of forensic identification ofadverse drug events and to accumulate basic data and to provide references for forensic identification of similar cases.目的研究药物不良事件的法医学鉴定原则及注意事项,为此类案件的法医学鉴定提供参考并积累基础资料。

3)Severe adverse drug events严重药物不良事件

4)preventable adverse drug events可预防药物不良事件

5)adverse drug events药品不良事件

1.Adverse drug events:analysis of 387 cases387例药品不良事件报告分析

2.This paper discussed the contributing factors and responsibilities of the various departments foradverse drug events,and established a quantitative relation between the contributing factors and responsibilities.本文运用系统科学的思想,论述了药品不良事件的成因以及不同部门和人群的责任,并建立了药品不良事件的成因与责任之间的定量化关系。

6)Adverse Drug Event药品不良事件

1.In the process of dealing with the adverse drug event,the key points are open and transparent process,full information provided and scientific and strict procedures.通过对TGN1412不良事件及其发生后各方反应的回溯性分析,探讨监管部门、媒体、专家和企业对药品不良事件的反应模式及其应对模式的效率与效果。


