200字范文 > 藏族地区 Tibetan area英语短句 例句大全

藏族地区 Tibetan area英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-02-29 12:20:05


藏族地区 Tibetan area英语短句 例句大全

藏族地区,Tibetan area

1)Tibetan area藏族地区


1.Researches into Legal Protection of Nationalities in Building a Harmonious Society in the Tibetan Regions;藏族地区构建和谐社会民族法制保障研究

2.A Quest of Problems and Completing Measures Existing in National Legislation in the Present Tibetan Regions;当前藏族地区民族立法存在的问题及完善措施

3.The Influence of Unduly population Growth on Society in Gansu Tibetan Areas甘肃藏族地区人口过快增长对社会发展的影响

4.A Case Study of Multicultural Curriculum Development in Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province;四川甘孜藏族地区多元文化课程开发个案研究

5.The Analysis about the Policy of Stationed Troops in Jiarong Tibetan District in the Qianlong Period of Qing Dynasty;试论清代乾隆年间嘉绒藏族地区改土为屯政策

6.Probe into the National Relations in the Regional Autonomy of the Tibetans in Qinghai;当前青海藏族自治地区民族关系探析

7.Tibetan Sources in Gansu-Qinghai and its Impact on Local Economic Exploitation甘青地区藏族及其对当地的经济开发

8.The Tibet Autonomous Region is an area where Tibetan people live in concentrated communities, constituting more than 95 percent of the population of the region. In Tibet, the spoken and written Tibetan language is universally used.西藏自治区是藏族聚居地区,藏族人口占95%以上,藏语言文字是全区通用的语言文字。

9.The Interactive Relation between the Tibetan Ethnic Group and the Moslem Group in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Region青藏高原地区藏族与穆斯林群体的互动关系

10.Quality of Tibetan Mothers and Girls Education in Poverty-stricken Areas of Tibet;西藏贫困地区藏族母亲的素质与女童教育

11.The Development and Utilization of the Multicultural Curriculum Resources in Tibetan Areas西藏地区藏族多元文化课程资源的开发和利用

12.This is true not only for Tibet but for the other minority nationality areas as well.不仅西藏,其他少数民族地区也一样。

13.An Analysis of the Acculturation Characteristics of the Zangs and its Reasons in the Xining Area;西宁地区藏族涵化的特点及原因分析

14.About the Economic Development in Minority Regions of the Qing-Zang Plateau;青藏高原民族地区经济发展思路探析

15.A Thorough Analysis on "the Tibetan Language Classes" of Kindergarten in Ethnic Minority Areas in Northwest西北民族地区幼儿园“藏语班”现象透析

16.The Research of Organizational Culture of Secondary Schools in Tibetan Ethnic Areas西藏民族地区中学学校组织文化研究

17.The Infection Spectrum of HPV in Tibetan Women with Cervical Cancer in Qinghai Area青海地区藏族妇女宫颈癌HPV谱的研究

18.Er-su Tibetans" Divination in the North Part of Liang Shan Area凉山州北部地区尔苏藏族的卦术研究



1.Inquiry on Quickening Development of Rural Economy in SichuanTibetan-area;加快四川藏民族地区农村经济发展的探讨

3)Gannan Tibetan Autonomous State甘南藏族地区

1.Analysis of hypertension and blood lipid inGannan Tibetan Autonomous State of Gansu Province;甘肃省甘南藏族地区公务员高血压和血脂现状分析


1.On Non-Military Invasion ofTibet by France from the Middle of 19th Century to 20th Century;从传教士的活动看19世纪中叶至20世纪初法国对中国藏族地区的非军事侵略态度

5)Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture甘孜藏族地区

1.A Case Study of Multicultural Curriculum Development inGanzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province;四川甘孜藏族地区多元文化课程开发个案研究

6)Tibetan areas of university藏族地区高校


太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASCTa iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。
