200字范文 > 集体林 collective forest英语短句 例句大全

集体林 collective forest英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-30 02:56:13


集体林 collective forest英语短句 例句大全

集体林,collective forest

1)collective forest集体林

1.Role of property right system reform ofcollective forest in building a new socialist countryside;集体林产权制度改革在建设社会主义新农村中的作用

2.Technology system of forest management survey incollective forest;集体林森林经理调查技术体系

3.Institutional Reform of Collective Forest Property Rights and Forest Transfer in Jiangxi Province;江西省集体林权制度改革中的林地林木流转研究


1.A Research on Institutional Construction of the Property Rights of China s Collective Forestland;我国集体林林地产权制度建设的研究

2.A Study on Incentive Mechanism of Peasants the Collective Forest Region in South China;我国南方集体林区林农激励机制研究

3.Study on the Business Form of Forestry Farm in Collective Forest Region;南方集体林区乡村林场经营形式研究

4.Analysis on the Forestry Funds Investment Behavior of Forestry Household in Southern Collective Forest Regions;南方集体林区林农资金投入行为分析

5.Analysis on Reform of Woodland Property Rights System in Collective Forest Areas;集体林区林地产权制度改革途径研究

6.Investigate on Timber Production and Marketing Way of State-owned Forest Farm of Collective Forest Area;探索集体林区国有林场木材产销方式

7.The Summarize of Woodland Property Rights Institution in Southern Collective Forest Zone;南方集体林区林地产权制度研究综述

8.Discussing on Collective Forest Right System Reform in Midu County of Yunnan Province弥渡县集体林林权制度改革成效探析

9.The Forestry Investment Behavior of Farmer after Tenure Reform集体林权改革后的林农生产投资行为

10.Study on Forest Rights System on Sustatinable Forest Management in Collective Forest Area, South China;南方集体林区森林可持续经营的林权制度研究

11.Empirical Analysis on the Forestry Funds Investment Behavior of Forestry Household in Southern Collective Forest Regions of China;南方集体林区林农林业资金投入行为实证分析

12.Discussion of Forest Resources Management Reform under the Background of the Collective Forestry Property Reform;林改后集体林森林资源管理改革的探讨

13.Study of Forest Management Plan Following Collectivity Forest Ownership Reform林改后集体林森林经营方案的编制与实施探讨

14.On Subject Qualification of Collective Forest Rights Transferring:A Case Study of the Reform of Collective Forest Rights System in Fujian Province;论集体林权流转主体资格——以福建省集体林权制度改革为例

15.Drive for Collective Forest Tenure Reform--On the Inherent Mechanism of Southern Collective Forest Tenure Reform;集体林产权制度改革动因研究——兼论南方集体林产权制度内在机理

16.Discussion on Collective Forest Resource Management after Collective Forest Property Right Reform in Ximeng County西盟县集体林权制度改革后集体森林资源管理探讨

17.A Study on Forest Management of Southern Collective Forest under Share-cooperation System;南方集体林股份合作制森林经营管理的研究

18.Study on the Effects, Problems and Countermeasures of Forestry Property Rights Reform in the Collective Forest Areas in Jiangxi Province;江西省集体林区林权改革效果、问题及对策研究


collective forests集体林

1.The reform ofcollective forests must respect the history, respect basic demand of land and livelihood of lay community people, must safeguard their right to land.集体林产权改革必须尊重历史,尊重广大基本群众对土地和民生的基本诉求,切实维护他们对土地的基本权力,核心是公平,而不是效率,效率上的改革企图只能在局部成功。

2.The paper objectively records the reform history on the property rights institution ofcollective forests in Sanming over the past twenty years.论文客观记录了三明市20余年集体林产权制度改革的历程。

3.Most people pay more attention to the reform of property rights and the innovation of management-protection oncollective forests.黄河上中游天然林资源保护工程实施中,如何深化集体林产权制度改革、创新管护机制,一直是人们关注的重点。

3)collectively owned forest集体林

1.Proposals on management ofcollectively owned forest and its cutting;集体林管理与采伐工作中的几点建议

2.This paper states the current status ofcollectively owned forest circulation of Raohe county,points out the problems that should be strengthened in the circulation course.阐述了饶河县集体林的现状,并概括论述了其流转过程中所必需应该明确和加强管理的问题。

3.It is the form thatcollectively owned forest for goal of ecology benefit.集体生态公益林是我国林业建设的重要组成部分,是集体林面向生态效益为目的的森林经营形式。

4)Collective Forestry集体林

1.Problems and Countermeasures Facing the Forestry Administration Resource After the Reform ofCollective Forestry Property Right System;集体林权制度改革后林政资源管理面临的问题及对策

2.This paper introduces the background,measures and the achievements of the reform of collective forest management system in Hongtian town,Yong an city,Fujian Province,sums up the successful experiment,in order to offer the reference to deepen the reform of south collective forestry management system.本文介绍了福建省永安市洪田镇集体林经营体制改革的背景、措施与所取得的成果 ,并总结了成功的经验 ,旨在为进一步深化集体林经济体制改革提供借鉴。

5)collectivity forest集体林

1.The disadvantage of forest management was discussed by analyzing the essential of reform ofcollectivity forest ownership system and the forest-reform status in quo of Hunan province.针对集体林权制度改革特点和湖南省林改基本现状,分析了林改前后森林经营管理面临的问题,新形势下,提出了包括提高编案质量,强调公众参与;明确编案单元,重视方案的可操作性;加强科学引导,放活经营权;落实采伐限额,完善林木采伐制度等科学编制和执行森林经营方案的几点建议,以期落实林权改革政策,巩固林权改革成果。

6)collective forestry property reform集体林林改


阿密替林 ,阿米替林药物名称:阿米替林英文名:Amitriptyline别名: 阿密替林 ,阿米替林外文名:Amitriptyline适应症: 1.抗抑郁作用可使各类抑郁症病人情绪提高,对其思考缓慢、行为迟缓及食欲不振等症状有所改善。一般用药7~10日可产生明显疗效。 2.镇静、催眠作用:具有较强的镇静、催眠作用。 3.抗胆碱作用: (1)治疗抑郁症:适用于各类型抑郁症,如内源性抑郁症、更年期抑郁症、反应性抑郁症等。对兼有焦虑和抑郁症状的病人,疗效优于丙咪嗪。 (2)治疗遗尿症:对功能性遗尿有一定疗效。 用量用法: 1.治疗抑郁症:每次服25mg,1日2次,以后递增至每日150~300mg,维持量每日50~150mg。 2.治疗遗尿症:睡前服10~25mg。 注意事项: 1.不良反应比丙咪嗪少而轻,常见有口干、嗜睡、便秘、视力模糊、排尿困难、心悸,还可能引起心律失常,偶见体位性低血压、肝功能损害及迟发性运动障碍。 2.严重心脏病、高血压、青光眼、前列腺肥大及尿潴留者禁用。有癫痫病史者慎用。 规格: 片剂:每片10mg、25mg。 类别:抗精神失常药
