200字范文 > 休闲型旅游 leisure-time travel英语短句 例句大全

休闲型旅游 leisure-time travel英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-02 19:18:04


休闲型旅游 leisure-time travel英语短句 例句大全

休闲型旅游,leisure-time travel

1)leisure-time travel休闲型旅游

2)leisure-time travel in Chengdu成都休闲型旅游

3)leisure tourism休闲旅游

1.An idea to developleisure tourism with tea in wufeng town;五凤乡以茶为媒休闲旅游业开发的思考

2.Leisure Tourism Resources and Its Development——A Case Study on Sichuan Province;四川休闲旅游资源及开发评价

3.Demonstrative research onthe impeditive factors ofleisure tourism forthe maximal emissivenes residents in Hangzhou;杭州城区“最具出游力”人群休闲旅游障碍性因素的实证分析


1.The Features of Leisure Tourism and the Study of Attractive Tactics of Female Leisure Tourism;休闲旅游的特征及女性休闲旅游吸引策略研究

2.The Research on the Leisure Travelling of Chaohu Lake Tour Area in Anhui Province;安徽环巢湖旅游区休闲旅游开发研究


4.Inspiration to Modern Leisure Tour from Tranditional Chinese Leisure Culture中国传统休闲文化对现代休闲旅游的启示

5.The Research for 《You Ju Fei Lu》 and Yuan Zhong Dao s Recreation & Tourism;《游居杮录》与袁中道休闲旅游研究

6.Study on Tourism Planning of Forest Park in City and Its Suburb基于休闲旅游的城郊森林公园旅游规划研究

7.A Base for science education and a venue for leisure and tourism科普教育基地与休闲旅游场所

8.Reflections on the Development of Leisure Hot Spring Tourism in Dunchun;对开发顿村温泉度假休闲旅游的思考

9.On Developing Sports Leisure Tourism Professionals in Colleges and Universities;高校体育休闲旅游专业人才培养研究

10.Research on the Characteristics and the Development Countermeasures of Leisure Tourism in Hengyang City;衡阳市休闲旅游特征及发展对策研究

11.On the Development of Urban Leisure Tourism in China;对我国都市休闲旅游深度开发的思考

12.Study on the Development of Physical Training Recreational Travel Industry in Henan;河南省体育休闲旅游产业的发展研究

13.Research on the Problem of Developing Leisure Tourism in Chinese Rural Area;中国农村发展休闲旅游应注意的问题

14.Research of Developing Problems of Leisure Tourism Industry of Beijing s Suburb;北京郊区休闲旅游产业发展问题研究

15.An Empirical Study on Residents" Perception of Economic-social Impact of Leisure-agricultural Tourism in Suburb Community休闲农业旅游社区居民对旅游影响的感知研究

16." It is an important chunk of our leisure, retail and tourism industries.它是休闲、售及旅游业中重要的一块。

17.A growing number of urban residents choose tourism as the best way to spend their leisure time.旅游正成为中国城市人休闲的新时尚。

18.Analysis on Development of Leisure Agricultural Tourism at Tai Lake Surroundings;环太湖地区休闲农业旅游的发展探析


leisure-time travel in Chengdu成都休闲型旅游

3)leisure tourism休闲旅游

1.An idea to developleisure tourism with tea in wufeng town;五凤乡以茶为媒休闲旅游业开发的思考

2.Leisure Tourism Resources and Its Development——A Case Study on Sichuan Province;四川休闲旅游资源及开发评价

3.Demonstrative research onthe impeditive factors ofleisure tourism forthe maximal emissivenes residents in Hangzhou;杭州城区“最具出游力”人群休闲旅游障碍性因素的实证分析

4)leisure travel休闲旅游

1.Analysis on the residents" perception of the impacts of holiday revision onleisure travel in the developed regions:Cases of Shanghai,Hangzhou and Suzhou发达地区居民对节假日调整影响休闲旅游的感知分析——以上海、杭州和苏州为例

2.Currently, tourism development is at a transitional period, shifting from the traditional sightseeing toleisure travel, the latter of which are now being carried out by the general public by families to spend their holidays in the suburbs or other places in China.目前,旅游业发展正步入产品的转型期,由传统的观光逐渐转为休闲旅游,休闲旅游已呈现出国内化、家庭化、大众化、多元化、郊区化和高品位化发展态势。

3.Considered from its characteristics and present situation, minority areas in western China necessarily focuses on specifics as folk-custom, zoology, and outskirts scene when developing itsleisure travel.根据资源特点和发展现状,西部少数民族地区发展休闲旅游应重点开发民族民俗休闲、山水生态休闲和城郊休闲旅游产品。

5)leisure tourism旅游休闲

1.In the process of internationalizing itsleisure tourism industry,Hangzhou still faces such problems as no worldwide fame,no free entry to this city,poor inadaptability of its specialties and insufficient service facilities.杭州旅游休闲业在迈向国际化的进程中,还存在着国际知名度不高、可进入性有待改善、产业适应性有待增强、城市配套服务不足等问题。

2.Well preserved ancient villages and towns are rare historical and cultural resources andleisure tourism resources.形成于历史年代,聚落环境、街巷风貌、民居建筑、历史文脉和传统氛围保存相对完好的古村镇,是不可多得的历史文化资源和旅游休闲资源,既有旅游审美、乡村休闲和异质文化体验的景观价值,也有民俗文化、民居建筑、人文教育等多方面的科研价值。

6)water leisure tourism水休闲旅游


