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哲学观 philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-27 04:49:44


哲学观 philosophy英语短句 例句大全



1.The impact of Chinese and western languagephilosophy on poetry;中西语言哲学观对诗歌创作的影响

2.The essence is thephilosophy,for thephilosophy is the basic and deep structure of a nation′s culture,which has a long-lasting endurance.在漫长的历史发展过程中,中西方的文化呈现出了截然不同,甚至相对的地方,在这其中哲学观的不同是核心问题,因为一个民族的哲学观是文化的深层结构,具有持久性的稳定性,本文拟就此作简单的分析。


1.Philosophy Is Philosophy:A Philosophical Judgment of Value Philosophy;哲学就是哲学——“价值哲学”的哲学观批判

2.To See Feng Youlan"s Outlook on Philosophy and Philosophical History from"Brief History of Chinese Philosophy"从《中国哲学简史》看冯友兰的哲学观和哲学史观

3.Metaphilosophical View or Definition of Philosophy?--and on the significance of metaphilosophical view to philosophy itself;是元哲学观还是哲学的定义——兼谈元哲学观对于哲学本身的意义

4.From the Scientific Philosophy to the Cultural Philosophy--The New Transformation of the Philosophic Outlook in the 21th Century;从科学哲学到文化哲学——21世纪哲学观的新变革

5.On the Truth of Philosophy Uiewpoint that Philasophy is Philosophy --Form the Relationship between Western Modern Philosophy and Science;论“哲学是哲学”的哲学观真相——从西方近代哲学与科学的关系说起

6.Philosophic views and significant issues in philosophic research;哲学观与哲学研究的重大问题(英文)

7.Philosophy is the Revolutionary Weapon--Althusser s Views of Philosophy;哲学是革命的武器——阿尔都塞的哲学观

8.What is Philosphy on Earth--On the Zhang Dong Xun s Opinion of Philosphy;哲学究竟是什么——张东荪的哲学观述评

9.She is unlikely to market philosophical views.她未必会兜售哲学观点。

10.The philosophical perspective is ever the human perspective.哲学观点总是人的看法。

11.Feng Youlan s Ideas onPhilosophy and Philosophical History in 1930s;论二三十年代冯友兰的哲学观和哲学史观

12.Feng Youlan s Ideas of Philosophy and Philosophical History in the 1950s and 1960s;20世纪50、60年代冯友兰的哲学观和哲学史观

13.Philosophical, Linguistic and Communicative Views in Translation Studies;翻译研究中的哲学观、语言观与交际观

14.On the Carrying-out of the Scientific Development View and the Adopting of a New Philosophic View;论落实科学发展观与确立新的哲学观

15.The Rigorous Scientific Philosophy and HusseI s phiIosophicaI idea Analysis;严格科学的哲学理想与胡塞尔的哲学观论析

16.The Contemporary Philosophy Idea Transforms to the University Philosophy Education Influence当代哲学观念变革对大学哲学教育的影响

17.Looking at the Revolution in Marx s Philosophy from the Perspective of on Look on Marx s Philosophy;从马克思哲学观变革来看马克思的哲学革命

18.On Transcendence and Renewing of the Notion of Philosophy;中西传统哲学的不同超越与哲学观念的更新


philosophical view哲学观

1.First, we should go out of the hedge of traditionalphilosophical views, establish the philosophic concept of the meaning of the existence of human life and make breakthrough in phi.而要回归中国哲学原创性建构的理论和方法,一是必须走出传统哲学观的藩篱,确立人的生命存在的意义的哲学理念,以实现哲学观的突破;二是必须摆脱“西方中心论”的羁绊、走出“中国中心论”的“自话自说”的思想误区,树立世界哲学的哲学理念,以哲学的本质性的内在问题为尺度,更加理性地重新审视中西哲学各自的特点和规律,以实现比较方法的突破;三是必须回归中国哲学原创性建构的学术语境,从哲学范式的整体上深刻揭示中国哲学原创性建构的主体、语言和存在关系问题上的非同一性理论和方法,以实现回归路径的突破。

2.Therefore,the philosopher use theirphilosophical view to create their philosophical theory,and use theirphilosophical view as their philosophical theory\" s starting point and destinational point.哲学观是哲学的自我诠释。

3.Philosopher\"sphilosophical views were the different self-understanding to the philosophy from the different angles.哲学家的哲学观与社会公众的哲学观是分别从不同的视角,以不同的致思方式,形成的对哲学的不同境界的自我理解。

3)view of philosophy哲学观

1.defined philosophy in detail in terms of the aim, value, object and scope of philosophy, put forward the first more systemicview of philosophy, which has great influence on people s understanding of philosophy itself henceforth.古希腊哲学家亚里士多德从目的、价值、对象和范围等方面对哲学作了详细的界定和说明,提出了西方哲学史上第一个比较系统的哲学观,对当时以及后世人们对哲学本身的认识都有重要的影响。

4)conception of philosophy哲学观

1.Thisconception of philosophy embraces various types of philosophy to avoid limitations usually found in other philosophical conceptions.这种哲学观有多方面的意义:即统摄各种典型的哲学类型而避免其他哲学观的局限;对许多哲学问题进行合理定位;重新审定发展哲学的方法与思路。

2.People can find the two kinds of interpretations in hisconception of philosophy.胡适哲学观的两个维度产生于其对方法的两种理解:一是把方法理解为具体的方法,一是把方法抽象为一种精神、态度。

3.Hisconception of philosophy with double senses is clarified in this thesis: one is philosophy of "what is", i.本文区分了维特根斯坦两种含义的哲学观:一种是“是什么”的哲学,即在他看来过去的哲学是什么;另一种是“应该是”的哲学,即未来的哲学应该是什么样的。

5)philosophical outlook哲学观

1.Studied the materialisticphilosophical outlook on human behavior,brain regulation mechanism and cognition as entirety.从哲学思维的角度,结合神经科学发展的现状,分析神经科学心身关系整体论及脑认知过程的本质形式与研究方法,探讨由物质系统到认知功能的各种途径及所涉及的神经机制,阐述心身关系、意识和脑的智能进化原理,研究人类行为、大脑调节机制及相关效应的整体性认识唯物主义哲学观。

2.as an outstanding philosopher in modern China, Feng You-lan had formed his ownphilosophical outlook.冯友兰的哲学观对于我们今天理解哲学仍具有重要的启发意义。

6)philosophical concepts哲学观念

1.The study of different mode of thinking,philosophical concepts,cultural psychology and moral concepts reflected in advertisement language will help the better understanding and appreciation of the ad.1]探讨中西方思维模式、哲学观念、文化心理和道德观念反映在广告语言中的差异,对于更好的理解和赏析广告语言,设计既符合广告表达基本原则,又适合民族文化特征的广告语言具有十分重要的作用。


汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀
