200字范文 > 历史观照 Enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

历史观照 Enlightenment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-07 04:47:49


历史观照 Enlightenment英语短句 例句大全



1.The Ruling State Thoughts of Zhu Xi and Its HistoricalEnlightenment;朱熹治国思想及其历史观照


1.A Historical Review of China s Civil Education and Its Contemporary Value;中国公民教育的历史观照与当代价值

2.A Historical Study of Traditional Chinese Vocal Music Theory and Its Practical Significance;中国传统唱论的历史观照及其现实价值

3.Historical Insights in Yi Ling s Novel To Separate the Sheep from the Goats;谈懿翎小说《把绵羊和山羊分开》中的历史观照

4.The Dead Recall the Past:A Way of HistoricalCriticism Used by Novelist of Tang and Song Dynasty;亡灵忆往:唐宋传奇的一种历史观照方式(下)

5.The Dead Recall the Past:A Way of Historical Criticism Used by Novelist of Tang and Song Dynasty;亡灵忆往:唐宋传奇的一种历史观照方式(上)

6.Historical Observation on Modern Chinese Musical Creation and Cultural Depth中国近现代音乐创作和文化底蕴的历史观照

7.The History View Under the Big Vision--On the Classification,Material and Flourishing Reasons of Historical Poems in Tang Dynasty;大视野下的历史观照——也论唐代咏史诗的分类、取材及繁荣原因

8.The Dual Variation of Enlightenment and Revolution--Historical Considerations on the Modernity of Lu Xun s Literary Creation;启蒙与革命的双重变奏——鲁迅创作现代性问题的历史观照

9.The Life Yearning and Historical View Against the Deiform Background──An Interpretation of Marxist Middle School Documents;神性背景下的人生向往与历史观照——马克思中学文献解读

10.Shallow on the Works about Professional Female Dancerin <Dongbo Poem> by Su Shi and in Comparison of it withthe Prostitute System History of China;论《东坡词》的写伎篇章及对中国娼妓制度的历史观照

11.On the Value of Wang Chuan-shan s Philosophy of History;西方历史观参照下的王船山历史哲学

12.Historical Evolution of Car Headlight Shape;汽车前照灯外观造型的历史演变分析

13.The View of Capability Construction under the Marxist Theory of World History;马克思世界历史理论观照下的能力建设思想

14.Thoughts of the Images Which Repeat the History影像重述历史的审美现代性观照与反思

15.The Deepening and Development of Studies on Marxist Philosophical History(Special topic for discussion);以新的哲学观重新观照马克思主义哲学中国化的历史

16.Another Dimension of History:A Review of the Romantic Historiography of America with Reference to the Scientific Historiography历史学的另一个维度:美国浪漫主义史学观念和方法评析——以科学的历史学为参照

17.In the view of historical materialism, by the time the class and state wither away, political parties themselves will have no need to exist. But religion may still be around.按照历史唯物主义的观点,宗教作为一种社会现象将长期存在。

18.Wandering Through the Historic Probing and Actual Scrutiny--On Dao Fu s Research on Ding He-nian s poetry;徜徉于历史探赜与现实观照之中——评导夫《丁鹤年诗歌研究》


To View the History观照历史

3)Landscape History景观历史

4)Historic Landscape历史景观

1.The Conservation and Restoration of theHistoric Landscape of Mont.Saint-Michel in France;法国圣米歇尔山的历史景观保护与更新

2.Historic Landscape is the mixture of natural elements, cultural spirits and artificial buildings, which is an abundance of historic heritages.历史景观,是指具有一定历史文化内涵,富有一定历史遗存,综合了自然、人文与人工构筑物的景观。

5)conception of history历史观

1.On Deng Xiaoping sconception of history;论邓小平历史观的基本特征

2.On essential distinction between Maxism and flumanitarianism inconception of history;马克思主义历史观与人道主义历史观的根本区别

6)view of history历史观

1.Zhang Shi-zhao"s culturological theory in the period of the May 4th Movement——and on Zhang Shi-zhao"sview of history in this period五四时期章士钊的文化学理论——兼谈这一时期章士钊的历史观

2.Therefore,view of history is an important field of the various schools.战国中期,各家各派开始论证社会治乱的根源,并致力于探讨人类社会历史的发展过程,因此历史观成为诸子百家争鸣的一个重要领域。

3.The modern and scientificview of history should be taken as one s guidelines so as to reconstruct genealogical values and meet the requirements of carrying forward Chinese culture.新修族谱,要建立、贯彻“世系为本,文化是魂”的理念,大胆打破传统谱牒的内容格局和格式;要坚持以现代的、科学的历史观为指导思想,重建家谱的价值观,以符合弘扬中华文化的时代需求。


