200字范文 > 壹周星闻|郎朗结婚了 新娘也是钢琴家;锤哥宣布暂别好莱坞;“暮光”男主帕丁森将出

壹周星闻|郎朗结婚了 新娘也是钢琴家;锤哥宣布暂别好莱坞;“暮光”男主帕丁森将出

时间:2020-12-07 09:02:01


壹周星闻|郎朗结婚了 新娘也是钢琴家;锤哥宣布暂别好莱坞;“暮光”男主帕丁森将出


郎朗结婚了,新娘也是钢琴家Lang Lang marries 24-year-old pianist上个周末,不少小伙伴都被“钢琴王子”郎朗塞了一把突如其来的狗粮。郎朗官宣大婚,新娘则是德韩混血的“钢琴公主”。两人在法国举行了甜蜜浪漫的婚礼,现场不仅有周杰伦昆凌夫妇到场祝贺,夫妻俩还表演了四手联弹。(回顾请戳)World-renowned Chinese pianist Lang Lang announced his marriage to 24-year-old pianist Gina Alice Redlinger on his official Weibo account last Sunday."I found my Alice. She is Gina Alice," wrote Lang, along with a nine-picture collage of the newlyweds" wedding photos.The couple reportedly met in Berlin, Germany. The wedding, held in France, earned the attendance of celebrity couples such as singer-songwriter Jay Chou and his wife Hannah Quinlivan.马上学:敲黑板~ “官宣”英文该怎么说?一般可以译为officially announce。锤哥宣布暂别好莱坞Chris Hemsworth reveals he"s quitting Hollywood

在《复联》电影系列中扮演雷神的澳洲演员克里斯海姆斯沃斯日前宣布要暂别好莱坞,多陪伴妻子和三个孩子。忙了一整年拍电影的锤哥表示,自己要休息一段时间。他向《悉尼每日电讯报》表示,今年不会再拍新片,而是要在家陪伴孩子们,他们处在一个很重要的成长时期,小小年纪会比以往更容易感到爸爸没在家。Chris Hemsworth has announced he"s quitting Hollywood to spend more time with his family.The Australian actor, 35, who"s best known for playing Thor in the Avengers franchise, says he wants to prioritise his wife Elsa Pataky, 42, and their three children.Chris has spent 12 months making movies back-to-back and is taking the next year off.He told the Sydney Daily Telegraph : "This year I probably won"t shoot anything. I just want to be at home now with my kids. ""They are at a very important age. They are still young and they are aware when I leave more than before."马上学:Back-to-back除了指“背靠背”,还可以表示“连续”、“一个接一个的”。“暮光”男主帕丁森将出演蝙蝠侠Robert Pattinson"s Batman films are a trilogy

罗伯特帕丁森所饰演的“暮光”系列吸血鬼男主深入人心。不过,他最近已经确认要出演蝙蝠侠啦~ 而且还是新版的三部曲主角。导演马特里夫斯还在推特上发了帕丁森的动图,并搭配了3个蝙蝠侠表情。三部曲中的第一部预计上映。Robert Pattinson is set to protect and serve Gotham City for three upcoming Batman movies.The actor, 33, was confirmed as the next caped crusader last week with director Matt Reeves tweeting a GIF of the actor last Sunday with three bat emojis.Reeves is set to direct a trilogy of films for Warner Bros. with Pattinson in the leading role, according to Deadline. The first in the trilogy, The Batman, is expected to be released in .马上学:Trilogy指的是“三部曲”,如:a new comic book based on the original trilogy(根据原版三部曲改编的新漫画书)。综合来源:China Daily, The Mirror, People

本文英文音频由我报外籍编辑 Joe Willetts朗读


壹周星闻|郎朗结婚了 新娘也是钢琴家;锤哥宣布暂别好莱坞;“暮光”男主帕丁森将出演蝙蝠侠
