200字范文 > 福[+]计划:福田再中心 | 首尔城市建筑双年展(都市实践)

福[+]计划:福田再中心 | 首尔城市建筑双年展(都市实践)

时间:2020-01-03 03:49:41


福[+]计划:福田再中心 | 首尔城市建筑双年展(都市实践)


首尔城市建筑双年展(简称首尔双年展)涵盖了从社会学、地理学和经济学到文学、艺术、戏剧和电影等广泛领域,旨在围绕全球城市的未来进行研究和讨论。的主题是“集体城市 Collective City”,意在创造一个交流的空间,让公民参与到城市的创建和改造中来,并制定新的共同策略。

The Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism (Seoul Biennale) incorporates a wide range of fields–from sociology, geography and economics to literature, art, theater, and film – to engage in research and debate around the future of cities around the world.Themed on"Collective City"of aims to create a space for communication and engagement of citizens in the creation and transformation of their cities and develop new collective strategies.


Urbanus"Fu [+] Infill Planparticipates in the "Cities Exhibition"of the Seoul Biennale.





Location: The Donuimun Museum Village, Seoul

Duration: September 7 - November 10,

Projects Name:Fu [+] Infill Plan: Re-making the Center of Shenzhen

Team: Meng Yan, Wendy Ran Wu, Mo Sifei, Zheng Zhi, Wang Qinxue, Zhu Hongrui, Yuan Ruizhe, Chen Kun, Yang Benqiang





The Legend

Growing from a remote town of 300,000 residents to a megalopolis of 17 million in 40 years, Shenzhen was China"s dream city for the young and ambitious in the 1980s and "90s. "Time is Money, Efficiency is Life" was a widespread propaganda of China"s economic reform.



The Top-down Planning

As Shenzhen"s city center, "Futian Central District" covers 4.4 square kilometers that not only urbanizes in "Shenzhen Speed"but also epitomizes the "Shenzhen miracle" as a city center built through entirely top-down planning and design. Fully adopting the rational and functionalist principles of the Modernist city, "Futian Central District"becomes spatial manifestation of a hybrid mixture of global capital icons, socialist ideology and traditional Chinese symbolism. Grand central axis with vast green spaces, wide-boulevards for vehicular traffic, isolated city blocks and glittering skyscrapers all together produce an image of a modern, forever young and future looking city, while at the same time left many socially and psychologically deserted urban voids.



Fu [+] : The New Urban Layer

Fu[+] Infill Plan hopes to choreograph a new spatial narrative to superimpose new urban nodes onto the existing urban structure forming multiple layers of collective urban scenarios and social condensers. The plan also tries to engage the public, social and political forces to collectively establish an alternative long term guidance, founding and open management platform for Futian Central District.


Project Strategy




In the premise of breaking through the existing system, it goes beyond the limits of urban management.




Infilling urban voids will increase program density, make urban public space vibrant and increase "social density".




Making culture venue into culture destination is to provide platform for emerging cultural institution for a diverse culture center.




The concept of "urban adoption"is to have a "street code"that allows appropriation initiated by citizens to take place.


Fu [+] Infill Plan

01. 市民中轴


01. The People"s Axis

The Central Axis is selected as the focal point for Fu[+] Infill Plan as its spatial and political significance making it powerful and influential to be a "proto-district". The idea of making the central axis "Civic Axis" is unprecedented in Chinese urban design history. By opening up the center for the elevated walkway, it leaves the axis for the people while the municipal buildings of Shenzhen siting on two sides. However, the once visionary intention will never be fully realized without adequate spatial experience and diverse urban programs.

02. 从场馆到场所


02. From Spaces to Places

Connecting by an elevated walkway at the central axis, the North Axis Culture Center-cluster of four cultural venues of Shenzhen is located on both sides of the elevated walkway connecting the civic center and Lianhuashan (Lotus Mountain) Park. However, the enormous scale, rigidity and formality of the cultural venues has no longer be able to facilitate the emerging diverse cultural demands of the younger generation. Therefore, alternative stages, "Off-Venues", as platform for emerging and experimental cultural practice becomes essential to facilitate a full spectrum of "Cultural Ecology", a true culture center.

03. 深圳精神象征


03. The Ultimate Icon

Being at the cross-section of the Central Axis and Shennan Avenue, the "Crystal Island"is socio-politically too important to come to an appropriate realized project. Unforeseen factors and forces make its future a question mark that is worth to be answered properly.

04. 跨越深南


04. Chinese Road Crossing

The East-West Shennan Avenue that runs through the city of Shenzhen fulfills the rational and functionalist promises and also serves as symbol for a modern Shenzhen. It becomes a typical Chinese urban problem as it cut off the northpart of the city from the south part and too wide to cross.

05. 站前会客厅

在中国,与福田站相似的高铁车站凤毛麟角,它在连接全国高速铁路网的同时,地处于城市的中心区域。也因此,其作为深圳门户的潜在作用并未实现。福[+]计划,在未充分利用的站前广场提出“Civic Mall”的概念。Mall一词最早是指“林荫路”,后被用作意指“购物中心”;利用“Mall”的双重含义,“Civi Mall”(市民的林荫路)这个概念与遍布深圳的购物中心形成鲜明对比,勾勒出一个实验性公共空间和城市目的地的崭新形象。

05. Civic Mall

Not many High speed railway stations like Futian Station, being at the heart of the city center connecting to the high speed railway network all over China, but the potential role of the station being gateway to Shenzhen is undermined. Fu[+] project proposed the concept of "Civic Mall" at the underutilized station plaza, in contrast to Shopping Malls all over Shenzhen, depicts an experimental public space and a new urban destination.

06. 世外桃源与文化引擎


06. CBD Oasis

Among the glittering skyscrapers along the South Axis, an underutilized roof garden is planned at the axis connecting the Civic Square to the north and the Convention Center to the south. The isolated city blocks result in psychologically and socially deserted urban voids. The large roof garden will be regenerated into a new social, cultural and natural oasis.

07. 立体街道


07. Crack it

Under Fuhua Road is a linear shopping mall that attracts thousands of visitors daily. By opening up the green belt on "Fuhua Road"and inserting public programs, the vitality once hidden underground would be brought to the street to wake up the "sleepy street life"of Fuhua Road.

08. 市民欢愉的大堂


08. "People Mountain People Sea"

There will be an opportunity to re-think the role of the Convention Center as the new convention center in Bao"an Airport New City will soon take over the job. The reformation of the convention center is imagined to be a giant indoor public space resisting the heat wave of the half-year-long summer in Shenzhen.

09. 城市领养


09. Individual Collectivity

To allow appropriation is allowing the collective wisdom to remake and reclaim public urban voids. Instead of alienating the people from the city, appropriation is an urban management strategy towards "Collectively Independent".

10. 城市游击队


10. Urban Guerilla

"Shenzhen"is made to test alternatives and learn from failure to drive the innovation of the inner system. Urban Guerillais an alternative urban tactic that inherits the spirit of Shenzhen by placing small urban nodes to evaluate the social effect before becoming permanent.

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