200字范文 > 手把手教您怎样把工业产品前置到非洲去 来这里就够了 | 港口圈

手把手教您怎样把工业产品前置到非洲去 来这里就够了 | 港口圈

时间:2019-07-01 10:24:35


手把手教您怎样把工业产品前置到非洲去 来这里就够了 | 港口圈

“一带一路”战略提出六年来, 带动了非洲沿线农产品产业快速输入中国的同时,也带动了中国对丝路沿线国家工业品的输出。“一带一路”沿线国家出口农产品产生的外汇,用来购买中国的工业产品,以货易货,相互促进。





车 辆 类:包括运输车、工程机械车、轮胎、车辆配件、二手车等;




其 它 类:包括新能源、医药、矿产等;







联系人:叶女士 (Jane)

手 机:13521629979

邮 箱:284031082@


In the past six years, the strategy of "the Belt and Road Initiative" has brought the rapid development of agricultural products along Africa to China. Meanwhile, it has also led to China"s export of industrial products to the countries along the Silk Road. The foreign exchange generated by the export of agricultural products by the countries along the belt and road is used to purchase industrial products in China, barter goods and promote each other. The forum is mainly through on-site exchanges to stimulate trade cooperation, put Chinese-produced industrial products in front of overseas warehouses of African port-front industrial parks, and promote Sino-African trade through barter mode of agricultural products for industrial products. The 3rd International Conference of China Industrial Products Export to Africa, co-sponsored by "Superagri Network", "Djibouti Port Free Trade Zone", "Port Circle" and "Yingkou Port Financing Data", will be held at the Carnival Valley Hotel in Qingdao, China, from 5 to 6 September .

The summit was co-sponsored by Xinhua News Agency-China Economic and Social Council, Chongqing Dazudistrict state-owned assets supervision and administration commission, ZhaogangChuangrong (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., Qingdao Wutong Century Supply Chain Co., Ltd. and hosted by Beijing Superagri Technology Co., Ltd. The summit will invite African embassies and trade associations, well-known "one belt and one way" policy experts, import and export trading enterprises, Internet service enterprises, port storage and logistics enterprises and freight forwarding service enterprises, suppliers and purchasers to gather in China"s Qingdao West Coast new area, and work out a solution.

This summit covers the following categories:

Industrial raw materials: including steel, PE particles, building materials, asphalt, chemical products, etc.

Vehicles: including transport vehicles, construction machinery vehicles, tires, vehicle accessories, used vehicles, etc.

Consumer category: textile product refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, mobile phones, DVD, microwave ovens, etc.

Office supplies: including office furniture, equipment, A4 paper, consumables, etc.

Mechanical and electrical equipment category: including industry machinery, general machinery, mechanical processing, spare parts, etc.

Other categories: new energy, medicine, minerals, etc.

The summit will also focus on the bonded warehouses and overseas warehouses built by China Merchants Bureau in the ports of Djibouti, Sudan, Tanzania, Nigeria, Togo and Qingdao to provide global warehouse receipt services and financial services for participating enterprises, as well as the storage, transfer and marketing services of Sino-Africa agricultural products and Sino-Africa reverse industrial products industries to facilitate the industry. Let the "Wutong warehouse receipt for investment" model make the trade between China and Africa"s agricultural products and Sino-Africa"s reverse industrial products more convenient and efficient. The conference will focus on practicality, landing and solving practical problems between African agricultural products and China"s industrial products trade. Teach you how to sale industrial products from Africa.
