200字范文 > 【教师节英语作文】求一篇英语作文 关于教师节的 字数在200字左右场景:...

【教师节英语作文】求一篇英语作文 关于教师节的 字数在200字左右场景:...

时间:2021-11-19 02:02:36


【教师节英语作文】求一篇英语作文 关于教师节的 字数在200字左右场景:...


求一篇英语作文,关于教师节的,字数在200字左右场景:教师节当天分三段:第一段写给老师的祝贺;第二段写从事回忆老师的教诲和无私奉献;第三段写回报老师的关爱. 英语


【答案】 Dear Teacher:

I am just writing to say thank you.thank you for teaching us things we need to learn, thank you for being there for us when we have any problems, thanks for your devotion and willingness to help us, thank you for the love youve shown to us.

I am lucky to have a teacher like you. and no matter what kind of person i will become, you will always have your influence on me. You taught me how to study, how to live and even how to be a man. From you I learned what kind of person i want to be and what should i get from life. this means everything to me.

My dear teacher, no matter what you will always have a special place in my heart and i will remember what i have learned from you and carry the knowleges through my life!
