200字范文 > 创作论 theory of creation英语短句 例句大全

创作论 theory of creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-22 09:30:58


创作论 theory of creation英语短句 例句大全

创作论,theory of creation

1)theory of creation创作论

1.Liu Xizai s theory on prose consists of the following three parts: part one is the theory of intrinsic quality of prose; part two is thetheory of creation of prose; part three is the theory of criticism of prose.刘熙载的散文理论由三个部分组成 :一是“特质论” ,探讨散文的内实 ;二是“创作论” ,这是其文论的重点 ,论述散文的写作 ;三是“品评论” ,阐明散文的批评。


1.Law,Comprenhension,Perfection--The Theory of Creation in SHI SOU;“法”、“悟、“化”——《诗薮》的创作论

2.Research and Writing--A Criticism of Creation Theories of Both New and Old Scholars who specially study Dreams of Red mansions考证与创作——对新旧“红学”作家创作论的批评

3.Discussion from the Scissors on Product Innovation with National Characteristics;从剪彩剪的创作论民族特色产品创新

4.Modern Consciousness and Novel Creation--On Ding Ling s novel creation;现代意识与小说创作(上)——丁玲小说创作论

5.The Cnating times and purpose of Cao pei s lun wen of Dianlun;曹丕《典论·论文》创作年代与创作目的

6.Analyze the Reason of Indite of <Lun du Fu> and Its Significance of Initiate;试论《论都赋》的创作背景及其开创意义

7.The Theory of Creative Evolution in Shaw"s Drama论萧伯纳戏剧创作的“创造进化论”思想

8.Shen Congwen s "Discussion on Creation" and His Creation of Novels in the 1930s;沈从文30年代的“论创作”与小说创作

9.Creation Lies in Love"-- On Lu Xun s Love and Creative Writing;“创作总根于爱”——论鲁迅的情爱与创作

10.The Three Realms of Novel Writing--On Jin Shengtan s Writing Theory;小说创作的“三境界说”——论金圣叹的小说创作理论

11.On Han Yu & Liu Zongyuan s View of Inheritance and Innovation;论韩愈、柳宗元的古文创作继承与创新

12.On Succession and Innovation in Creation of Hollywood Musical Film论好莱坞歌舞片创作中的继承与创新

13.The Conscious Composition as the Feminine;作为女性的自觉写作——论陈染小说创作

14.The interaction between Fu (the Traditional) and Bian (the Innovative)--Chen Zi-ang’s Poetry Theory and Innovative Writing;“复”与“变”的互动──论陈子昂诗歌理论和创作的创新

15.On the Creative Ideal and the Creative Consciousness of Shen Congwen s Native Literature;论沈从文的乡土文学创作理想和创作意识

16.On Zhang Henshui s Mental State of Producing and Producing of Popular Novels;论张恨水的创作心态与其通俗小说创作

17.The Aesthetic Characteristics and Creative Ideas of Shi Guangnan s Songs;论施光南歌曲创作的美学与创作思想特征

18.On the Influence of the Creation Method of Fu-style Literature upon Yuanjia Poetry;论赋体文学创作手法对元嘉诗歌创作的影响


theory of literary creation创作论

1.JIN Sheng tan played an important role in the all round development of aesthetics in novels by giving a thorough discussion centered on the ontology?theory of literary creation?theory of the character and the plot of novels.金圣叹对小说美学的发展是全面的 ,围绕小说本体论、创作论、人物论、情节论等诸多方面深入开拓 ,大胆援佛理论文理 ,运用辩证法认识论的观点与方法 ,提出一系列新的美学命题 ,从而构成完整的美学体系 ,推动中国小说美学走向新的高

3)theory of recretion再创作论

4)Writing Theory创作理论

5)Creation Theory创作理论

6)controversies about creation创作论争


