200字范文 > 创作路径 method of creation英语短句 例句大全

创作路径 method of creation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-11 15:39:54


创作路径 method of creation英语短句 例句大全

创作路径,method of creation

1)method of creation创作路径


1.On The Timbre Feature of Electronic Music and Its Influence on the Methods of Music Creation电子音乐中音色特性及其对音乐创作路径的影响

2.%1 is an invalid path for a custom schema creation script.%1 是无效的自定义架构创作脚本路径。

3.Choice of the Paths for the Cooperative Innovation of Industries,Universities and Research Institutes by Game Analysis;产学研合作创新路径选择的博弈分析

4.The Way to Perfect the Theory of Film Creation;探究表述之道:完善电影创作论的路径

5.A research on institutional innovation methods of rural credit cooperatives in China我国农村信用合作社的制度创新路径

6.The Role of Regional Innovation Network in Path Creation;区域创新网络在促进路径创造中的作用分析

7.Research on path-dependence and path-creation of technology innovation;技术创新的路径依赖与路径创造研究

8.Found a New Way of Working Procedure for Value Engineering--The Foundation of Parts Route And Function Route;创建价值工程工作程序新路径——零件路线与功能路线的设立

9.The Innovation of Double Way to Support Poor Students in Universities;创新高校贫困生扶助工作的二维路径选择

10.The Share-holding Cooperative in Rural Area: The Path of Innovation;农村社区股份合作制制度创新路径分析

11.The Function Mechanism of the Choice of Innovation Paths on Enterprise Competition Performance;创新路径选择对企业竞争绩效的作用机理

12.The Path Selection of New Rural Cooperation Financial Organizations Construction创建新型农村合作金融组织的路径选择

13.Empirical Research on Function Route of Technology Strategy on Enterprises" Independent Innovation技术战略对企业自主创新作用路径的实证研究

14.Research on Mechanism and Promoting Paths of Sci-Tech Innovation Team Culture Toward Personal Creative Psychology科技创新团队文化对主体创新心理的作用机理与提升路径研究

15.Innovation in Resource-oriented Region:from Path Dependence to Path Creation;资源型区域的创新——从路径依赖到路径创造

16.Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of Risks Effect on Performances in Financial Product Innovation;金融产品创新绩效之风险作用路径的结构方程模型分析

17.Guizhou TVU s Practice and Exploration of the PIP Mode;远程教育教学质量提升的创新路径——贵州电大“PIP”工作模式实践探索

18.Promoting Independent Innovation with International Co-operation:The important way to develop asian economy--Thought on the china"s independent Innovation以国际合作推进中国自主创新——兼论东亚经济发展的重要路径


Create Work Path创建工作路径

3)innovative way创新路径

1.Then,someinnovative way be put forward about manner of suburbanization in China,on special background.然后,通过分析中国城市化的特殊背景,对中国城市郊区化的创新路径提出了自己的看法。

4)path creation路径创造

1.Technologicalpath creation based on interfirm innovation networks;基于企业创新网络的技术路径创造

2.Through analyzing the basic framework of RIN and its target and tasks,this paper puts forward two basic ways in breaking path dependency and realizingpath creation.通过阐述区域创新网络的构成、目标与任务,揭示出区域创新网络实现路径创造的两种基本途径,说明区域创新网络的构建与区域的路径创造是一个相辅相成的关系。

3.Grounded on the analysis over the causes of decline of resource-oriented region,this paper suggests that the successful transformation of resource-oriented regions lies in the achievement from path dependence topath creation.本文从对资源型区域衰退的原因分析入手,提出资源型区域的转变在于摆脱路径依赖,实现从路径依赖到路径创造的跨越。

5)path innovation路径创新

1.The author of the paper supposed the ideas of thepath innovations in the teaching files management in a university: to strengthen sense of responsibility for regularized management,to simulate sense of integration for systematic management;t.新时期我国高校档案管理路径创新的思路是:增强责任意识,实现档案管理规范化;强化整合意识,实现档案管理系统化;增强服务意识,实现档案效用最大化;强化现代意识,推进档案管理现代化。

2.Therefore,path innovation aimed at the path dependence restricting factors is propitious to push the institutional change of the third sector and .因此,针对路径依赖中的制约因素有选择地进行路径创新,可以有力地推进我国第三部门的制度变迁进程,为第三部门的发展营造更有利的环境。

6)innovative route创新路径

1.The realization mechanism of independent innovation has become a key problem for our country’s enterprises to realize independent innovation, while the realization mechanism of innovation in different industries show different features because of differentinnovative routes.自主创新实现机制已成为我国企业实现自主创新的一个关键问题,而不同行业的创新实现机制由于不同的创新路径又表现出不同的特征。


创作1.亦作"剏作"。 2.制造,建造。 3.始创。 4.特指文艺创作或文艺作品。
