200字范文 > 农村教育 rural education英语短句 例句大全

农村教育 rural education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-20 00:42:50


农村教育 rural education英语短句 例句大全

农村教育,rural education

1)rural education农村教育

1.On Rural Education and Cultivation of New Farmers;论农村教育与新型农民的培育

2.Rural education is the fundamental guarantee which promotes rural all-round development;农村教育是促进农村发展的根本保证

3.On the development ofrural education;农村教育发展的多方位思考


1.The Problems and Ways of the Rural Education in the Rural Reconstruction;“新农村”建设中农村教育的问题和出路

2.Study on Rural Labor Migration and Rural Education in China;中国农村劳动力转移与农村教育研究

3.Rural education is the fundamental guarantee which promotes rural all-round development;农村教育是促进农村发展的根本保证

4.Latest Research Progress of Rural Education in the Course of the Construction of New Rural Areas;基于新农村建设:农村教育研究新进展

5.Education in Rural Areas should serve the well-being of Rural Economy and society;农村教育要为农村经济社会发展服务

6.All-round (overall) reform of education in rural areas农村教育综合症改革

7.Rural Education:Where Is Its Direction?;农村教育:路在何方?——论我国农村教育的发展战略

8.Continue Education for Villagers in America and Its Enlightment;美国农村继续教育对我国农村教育的启示

9.“Rural Education Activities Programme” in New Zealand--Serving for Rural Education;新西兰的“农村教育活动规划”——为农村教育服务

10.In or out of the country?--Way out of the dilemma of the rural educational reforms;“离农”?“为农”?——农村教育改革的困境与出路

11.Cultivating the Spirit:A Mission of Rural Education in the Context of Building the New Rural Community;精神培育:新农村建设背景下农村教育的使命

12.Rural teachers have a great significence to education in rural areas.农村教师对农村教育发展具有重要意义。

13.Creating Agricultural Vocational Education and Serving Agriculture, Countryside and Peasantry;创新农业职业教育 服务农业农村农民

14.New Country Construction and Innovation of Rural Vocational Education;新农村建设与农村职业教育创新研究

15.Develop Rural Vocational Education to Serve the Building of New Socialist Village;发展农村职业教育 为新农村建设服务

16.On Developing Rural Vocational Education to Construct Harmonious New Countryside;发展农村职业教育,构建和谐新农村

17.On the Innovation of Rural Adult Education under the Background of New Rural Reconstruction;论建设新农村时代农村成人教育创新

18.The reciprocal effect between rural vocational education and modernized countryside;论农村职业教育与农村现代化的互动


Countryside education农村教育

1.Explained the weakness of education level in countryside by comparison of city and countryside education level.而农村教育长期为城市无偿输入人才,实质是对农村资源的变相掠夺,这是“二元经济”的一种体现。

2.The main reasons for this are the inferior quality of people in the countryside,the outdated farming skills and the backward industrialization of agriculture,except for history influence and outer environment is to develop countryside education and advance villager s quality.要加快农村经济社会的发展,关键在于大力发展农村教育,提高农民素质。

3.There are different answers to "What is countryside education" from various perspectives.自中共十六届五中全会提出建设社会主义新农村的目标以来,农村教育的发展问题成为理论界研究的热点,但是,对"什么是农村教育"这一根本问题的回答,可谓仁者见仁,智者见智,无法实现理论认识上的统一,这影响了分析解决农村教育的其他问题。

3)education in rural areas农村教育

1.As the education issue in rural areas is also the core subject of the three agricultural issues ,the special edition contains 5 articles regarding the reform and development of the fundamentaleducation in rural areas.“农村教育”同样是“三农问题”的核心问题之一。

2.The history gives us no alternative but to develop theeducation in rural areas and extend the radio and television universities.从根本上解决"三农"问题,历史对农村教育、对电大的发展提出了别无选择的要求。

3.The top importance ofeducation in rural areas is demonstrated in its fundamental, pioneering and general functions.农村教育位处教育的"重中之重",在全面建设小康社会中具有基础性、先导性、全局性作用,是因其关系到"三农"问题的根本解决,关系到教育能否科学发展,实现教育的本质价值和目标。

4)country education农村教育

1.The orientation development ofcountry education will be discussed and the system ofcountry education in.本文指出农业高校发挥科技教育优势发展农村教育 ,目的在于提高农村劳动者素质 ,担负起科教兴国的己任 ,同时为推进农业高校全面实施教育改革引进创新机制。

2.It was valuable to consummate this item and build the harmoniouscountry education environment.对于进一步完善和落实项目,构建和谐农村教育环境具有参考价值。

3.In this paper, thecountry educational status of the national region was analyzed synthetically by literature search, field search, and other search methods.本文采用文献调研、实地考察等研究方法,对民族地区农村教育现状进行综合分析,并对以电大现代远程教育,促进城乡优质教育资源共享,提高民族地区农村教育质量和效益,贯彻落实《国务院关于进一步加强农村教育工作的决定》作深入思考,还提出了发展民族地区农村现代远程教育应注意的问题。

5)education in the countryside农村教育

1.It is meaningful for improving the sound development ofeducation in the countryside to increase the number of co.增加农村女教师的数量,给她们更多的关怀和帮助,对促进农村教育健康发展有着重要意义。

2.Based on this,the paper elaborates on the relationship among new countryside,new farmers,andeducation in the countryside and gives some advices on promoting the construction of socialist new countrysi.党的十六届五中全会提出了“建设社会主义新农村”的宏伟目标,这对农民的发展有了新的要求,建设新农村,必须培育新农民,要培育农民,必须进一步发展农村教育。

6)new rural education新农村教育

1.In the course of the construction of new rural areas,the research on rural education has achieved some new progresses: the concept ofnew rural education has been put forward and illustrated;rural basic education has focused on supporting the construction of new rural areas;rural education system has been being constructed to meet the needs of the construction of new rural areas.基于新农村建设,当前我国农村教育研究呈现出一些新进展,主要是新农村教育概念的提出与诠释;聚焦农村基础教育为新农村建设服务的功能;面向新农村建设的农村教育体系建构。

2.Therefore, the main features of thenew rural education are as follows: rural compulsory education is popular and fundamental; rural vocational education is professional and technical; and rural adult education is practical and lucrative.基于新农村建设以培养造就新型农民为基本价值取向,新农村教育呈现出的主要特点是:农村义务教育的普及性和基础性;农村职业教育的职业性和技术性;农村成人教育的实用性和增效性。

3.In view of the construction of new rural area of China,the value orientation ofnew rural education is the cultivation of new peasants who are learned,skilled,and good at management.基于我国社会主义新农村建设,新农村教育是以培养有文化、懂技术、会经营之新型农民为价值取向的教育。




