200字范文 > 农村教育贫困 rural education poverty英语短句 例句大全

农村教育贫困 rural education poverty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-14 04:41:24


农村教育贫困 rural education poverty英语短句 例句大全

农村教育贫困,rural education poverty

1)rural education poverty农村教育贫困

1.Concerning the relationship between education and economic development,rural education poverty means that rural education can’t satisfy the basic needs of rural economic development.从教育与经济发展的关系看,农村教育贫困指农村教育不能满足农村经济发展的基本需要。


1.A Research on the Rural Laborer s Schooling Poverty of China through SST Index;基于SST指数的中国农村教育贫困分析

2.On Science of Economic Law to Eradicate Rural Education Poverty in Our Country;我国消除农村教育贫困的经济法学思考

3.Anti-poverty Strategic Model in the Rural Area in the West of China--"Anti-poverty Through Education";西部农村反贫困战略模式:“教育反贫困”

4.A Survey of Family Education Problems of Undeveloped Rural Areas;当前农村贫困地区家庭教育问题初探

5.My Opinion on Subsidization for Rural Students in Poverty at the Stage of Compulsory Education;义务教育阶段农村贫困生资助之我见

6.Research on education and the elimination of absolute impoverishment in our country s village;试论教育与我国农村绝对贫困的消除

7.The Solution to Rural Poverty of Education Right Through Economic Law;求解农村教育权利贫困的经济法进路

8.Economic Analysis of the Compulsory Education in Poor Countrysides;贫困地区农村义务教育的经济学分析

9.Investment Behavior of Family Education in Poor Rural Areas贫困地区农村家庭教育投资行为研究

10.To end poverty in the rural area is China"s stratagem in new century.解决农村贫困是我国新世纪反贫困战略的重点,制约农村发展的真正因素是农村教育权利贫困。

11.The Probe into the Strategies of the Disabled in Poor Rural Areas in Chongqing;重庆市贫困地区农村残疾人教育扶贫对策研究

12.Double-Certificate" Mode for Helping Poverty-stricken Farmers through Education in the Western Disadvantaged Areas;西部贫困地区农村“双证式”教育扶贫模式探索

13.Research on Continuous Education of PE Teacher in Rural Middle School of Impoverished Area;贫困地区农村中学体育教师的继续教育研究

14.Distance Education: The Best Choice to Achieve an Equal Education Chance in Undeveloped Rural Areas;远程教育:贫困地区农村实现教育公平的首选

15.The Professional Skill Education s Way out and Developing Efficiency of Aid - The - Poor Programme in Poor Rural Areas;贫困农村地区职业技术教育的困境、出路与扶贫开发功效

16.The Survey on Out-of-School Adolescents Education in Poor Rural Area;贫困地区农村校外青少年教育状况调查

17.Actuality on Education of Poor Family s Children and Its Countermeasures in Countryside of China;我国农村贫困家庭子女教育现状与对策

18.On China western district countryside “education anti poverty” strategy during the “eleventh five” period;论“十一五”中国西部农村“教育反贫困”战略


rural poverty农村贫困

1.The Calculation and Analysis of Rural Poverty from 1985 to in Hubei Province;1985-湖北省农村贫困测算与模拟分析

2.The Impact of Labor Division on Formation of Rural Poverty;分工水平对农村贫困形成的影响分析——以云南省昭通市为例

3.Research on Regional Vulnerability and Rural Poverty;区域脆弱性与农村贫困研究

3)poor countryside贫困农村

1.After "Nine - Year Universal Compulsory Education", the rate of discontinuance from study is still very high during the stage of compulsory education inpoor countryside because of the influence and restriction from internal, external and other factors.“普九”以后,由于受教育内部、外部等诸多因素的影响和制约,贫困农村义务教育阶段学生辍学率依然很高。

4)impoverished countryside贫困农村

1.Research on physique condition of senior citizens inimpoverished countryside of plain area of Henan province;河南省平原地区贫困农村老年人体质健康状况调查及对策研究

5)impoverished village贫困农村

1.But no villager was glad to be elected village officer in theimpoverished village,the result of which is that the self-government becomes a mere skeleton.但是,在贫困农村无人愿意担任村干部,村民自治成为空架子。

6)the education in the poor minority places少数民族贫困地区农村教育


