200字范文 > 楚简 Chu bamboo slips英语短句 例句大全

楚简 Chu bamboo slips英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-05 05:45:00


楚简 Chu bamboo slips英语短句 例句大全

楚简,Chu bamboo slips

1)Chu bamboo slips楚简

1."Dashui" is common worship inChu bamboo slips as an important deity."大水"是出土楚简所载较普遍祭祀的重要神祇。

2.The author studies the archaeological physical remains and records on the bamboo slips unearthed in Xincai and Jiudian,compiles the measurements seen inChu bamboo slips,reviews the related theories of different schools and then expresses his own views on certain issues.本文综合考古实物和新蔡楚简、九店楚简等的记录,对楚简所见量制单位进行了辑录整理,梳理诸家之说,并在此基础上对某些问题提出个人的看法。

3.This paper takes some characters on theChu bamboo slips as examples to discuss mis- identification of writing form in the Warring States period.战国文字中存在字形混同、混讹的现象,本文主要通过楚简文字中的一些例证来探讨这两类现象。


1.From the Guodian Chu-Slips to the Longgang Qin-Slips:The development of "Suo(所)"从郭店楚简到龙岗秦简看“所”字的发展

2.On the Meaning of Zusuiin Bamboo Manuscripts and the First Month of a Year in Chu State"s Calendar in Warring States Period从楚简“卒岁”的词义谈到战国楚历的岁首

3.Taoist Literature on Guodian Bamboo Slips;郭店楚简道家作品刍议——郭店楚简与老子、老莱子、关尹子

4.A Discussion on the Paraphrases of the Text Written on the Second Bamboo Piece of Shilun Document Collected in Shanghai Museum上海博物馆藏楚简《诗论》第2简的释读问题

municate ideas in a clear, concise and objective manner.能够清楚简要及客观地表达意见。

6.Conclusion: Chu Bamboo edition On Poetry is not the origin of Preface to Mao Poetry.因此,楚简《诗论》不可能是《毛诗序》的祖本。

7.Approaching the Primal Confucianism-On the Confucianism of Chu Bamboo-slips in the Warring States Period;走近原始儒家—战国楚简儒家思想研究

8.Research about the Poems in the Book of Songs that are Reviewed in Confucius on Poetry of Shanghai Museum s Chu Bamboo Slips;上博楚简《孔子诗论》所涉《诗经》篇目研究

9.The Research of Political Ethics Thought of Confucianism;《郭店楚简》儒家政治伦理思想研究

10.On lexical functions of the conjunctions of si,ci,an in the Chu bamboo slips of Guodian;郭店楚简“斯”“此”“安”的连词用法考察

11.A Philological Probe of the Exact Implications of Dashui (大水)in the Chu Kingdom Bamboo Tablets;楚简“大水”即水帝颛顼即《离骚》“高阳”考

12.The Thought of "Doing Something in Chaos Name" in the Chu Bamboo Slips Tai Yi Sheng Shui(太一生水) Unearthed at Guodian;郭店楚简《太一生水》“托其名”思想探微

13.Sageness and Pleasure in the Chujian Wuxing-pian;郭店楚简《五行》篇中的“圣”和“乐”

14.New Interpretation of the Chapter of "Bi qi men" in the Laozi yi of Guodian Bamboo Slips;郭店楚简《老子》乙组“闭其门”章新解

15.Experiential Cognition of Early Confucians Approaching to Morality in Five Elements;论楚简《五行》成德进路的“体知”维度

16.The Discovery of The Warring States Period Chu Bamboo Slips And The Review of Studying Liji;战国楚简的发现和《礼记》研究的反思

17.Again on the Bamboo Letters for Memorial Ceremony Discovered from Chu s Tombs and Nine Elegies in the Songs of Chu;再论楚墓祭祀竹简与《楚辞·九歌》

18.To make a story short, the position seems clear.简言之,这个问题看来是清楚了。


the bamboo slips of Chu楚简

1.Notes in the check and interpretation of the Zhouyi copied onthe bamboo slips of Chu (Ⅱ);楚简《周易》校释记(二)

2.Notes in the check and interpretation of the Zhouyi copied onthe bamboo slips of Chu;楚简《周易》校释记(一)

3)bamboo slips of Chu楚简

1.A new interpretation to the second line text of Hexagram Dun in Zhouyi copied on thebamboo slips of Chu;楚简《周易》遯卦六二爻辞新释

4)bamboo slips of Chu State楚简

1.In Gedian city, Hubei Province, thebamboo slips of Chu State were excavated, on whichpainted the formation of the universe--"Taiyi Produces Water".湖北葛店出土楚简出现“太一生水”的宇宙生成图式。

5)the Chu-Period Bamboo-Slips楚简

1.On the ldeas and Thoughts inthe Chu-Period Bamboo-Slips of The Drought of the Lu State;试论楚简《鲁邦大旱》篇的内容与思想

2.Interpretation ofthe Chu-Period Bamboo-Slips of The Drought of the Lu state Collected in Shanghai Museum;上博楚简《鲁邦大旱》解义

6)Guodian Chu bamboo slips郭店楚简

1.The Study on "the Orthodoxy of Loyal and Trust" of Guodian Chu Bamboo Slips;郭店楚简《忠信之道》研究

2.The discovery ofGuodian Chu bamboo slips of Jingmen town Hubei province and the promulgation of Chu bamboo books of Shanghai museum, cause a sensation in China and even World.湖北荆门郭店楚简的发现和上海博物馆收藏楚竹书的公布,轰动了中国乃至国际学术界。

3.In the whole, Wuxing inGuodian Chu bamboo slips is a confucian work with the clear structure.郭店楚简《五行》篇在整体上是一种体系性较强的儒家文本。


