200字范文 > 竹简 Bamboo slips英语短句 例句大全

竹简 Bamboo slips英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-09 22:19:07


竹简 Bamboo slips英语短句 例句大全

竹简,Bamboo slips

1)Bamboo slips竹简

1.Viewing the numerical hexagrams from the bamboo slips manuscripts of Zhouyi;从竹简看所谓数字卦问题

2.People form the writing habits out of the shape of bamboo slips.汉字行款形式的特殊性在于汉字在特定的历史时期使用了特定的书写材料,竹简的形制是导致古汉字行款方式的关键因素。

3.The bamboo slips of Yinque mountain named Cao Shi Yin Yang is a classical book introducing Yin Yang school.现存竹简百余枚,内容有天地阴阳、日月星辰、四时、山水草木、农作物、动物、人事活动、哲学思想等,是研究传统文化与古代思想的重要典籍。


1.Study Annotated Wenzi from Bamboo Slips Version;从竹简《文子》看“传本”《文子》

2.Unity of Heaven with King & Grasp the Unity and Inaction: On Both Bamboo-slipped Wen Zi and Lao Zi;天王合一与执一无为——竹简《文子》与竹简《老子》合论

3.Foreclosure of Qin Tomb s Letters--Reading Notes on Qin Tomb s Letters of Shuifu Mountain;秦简中的赎——睡虎地秦墓竹简研读札记

4.The Study of the Common Chinese Words in Changsha Zoumalou"s Bamboo Slips Buried in the Wu Kingdom of Sanguo Dynasty《长沙走马楼三国吴简·竹简》俗字研究

5.The Study on Changsha Zou Ma Lou Wu Slips"s Applecation Language《长沙走马楼三国吴简·竹简》称谓语研究

6.Slips of bamboo and wood are the most commonly used material for writing. Bamboo slips of Chu, Warring States.竹、简牍是纸发明前最主要的书写材料。图为战国楚竹简。

7.The missing parts of the inscribed bamboo slips have not yet been discovered.迄今仍未发现竹简残缺的部分。

8.Discuss the "Jiao Zhi" Again--The Reading Notes of Han Bamboo Book of Zhangjiashan再论“矫制”——读《张家山汉墓竹简》札记

9.A line in the Three Character Classic goes, "They wove rushes and shaved bamboo slips.《三字经》说?「披蒲编,削竹简;彼无书,且知勉。」

10.The Study of the Military Terminologies of the Bamboo Slips Excavated from Ancient Tombs of Han Dynasty in Yinque Mountain (One);《银雀山汉墓竹简(壹)》军事用语研究

11.A Study of the Pictophonetic Characters in the Book the Bamboo Slips Excavated from Ancient Tombs of the Han Dynasty in Yinque Mountain(One);《银雀山汉墓竹简[壹]》形声字研究

12.The Study of Exchanged Characthers and Folk Characters Used in Bamboo Silps Excavated From Ancient Tombs of Qin Dynasty in Shuihudi;《睡虎地秦墓竹简》通假字、俗字研究

13.Atoning for the Crime and Redeem Punishment in the Laws of Qin-Han on Bamboo Slips;竹简秦汉律中的“赎罪”与“赎刑”

14.The System of Levying Taxes in Early Han Dynasty Seen from the Bamboo Slips Unearthed at Zhangjiashan;从张家山竹简看汉初的赋税征课制度

15.The Comparison of Music Aesthetics between Nature Originates from Heaven and Yueji;郭店竹简《性自命出》与《乐记》乐论比较谈

16.The Mucis Aesthetics of Out of the Self-proclaimed on Guodian Bamboo Slips;郭店竹简《性自命出》之音乐美学论

17.On Dasuiwritten in the Bambooslips Unearthed in Chu Tombs of Warring State;战国楚墓出土竹简所见神祇“大水”考释

18.A Search for Morality and Kindness;德与善的探索——郭店楚墓竹简《五行》新说


bamboo slip竹简

1.The excavated wooden tablets andbamboo slips are of great historical value.出土的木牍竹简极有历史价值。

2.A great number ofbamboo slips discovering in recent year make up the lackness of historical documents in the research of Qin and Han Dynasty law.本文以湖北云梦睡虎地秦墓竹简和湖北江陵张家山汉墓竹简的刑法资料为主,结合相关历史文献,通过对比,对汉初刑法承袭秦法的情况进行了初步研究。


1.Study on Erosive Microorganisms of the Bamboo Slips Unearthed fromZoumalou,Changsha,China;长沙走马楼东吴竹简蚀斑微生物的研究(英文)

4)Han-Dynasty tomb in the City of Dingzhou竹简《论语》

1.Study on the handwritten copy of bamboo-slip Analects discovered in aHan-Dynasty tomb in the City of Dingzhou;定州汉墓竹简《论语》研究概述

5)Bamboo-slipped Lao Tzu竹简《老子》

6)bamboo slips "On Poerty"竹简《诗论》


