200字范文 > 楚系简帛 Chu Bamboo Slips英语短句 例句大全

楚系简帛 Chu Bamboo Slips英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-09 12:01:08


楚系简帛 Chu Bamboo Slips英语短句 例句大全

楚系简帛,Chu Bamboo Slips

1)Chu Bamboo Slips楚系简帛

2)characters on Chu bamboo slips and silk books楚简帛文


1.A Comparative Study on Configuration Differences between Characters on Qin Bamboo Slips and Characters on Chu Bamboo Slips and Silk Books in the Perspective of Components构件视角的秦简牍文和楚简帛文构形差异比较研究

2.The Search of the Text Relation between the Chu Bamboo Slips Manuscript and the Silk Manuscript, the Received Tradition of Lao-tzu;楚简本与帛书本、传世本《老子》的文本关系研究

3.Brilliant Writing, Astonishing Errors and Unbelievable Mistakes ──Differences in Language As Seen in Lao Zi on Bamboo Slips in the Chu Dynasty, the Silk version and its Present-day Version;惊人之笔惊人之误惊人之讹──楚简《老子》异于帛、今本《老子》的文句

parisons of the Words of Chu, Qin and Han with the Study of the Excavated Bamboo and Silks;出土简帛所见楚、秦、汉用语比较(四则)

5.The Contrast and Compare of Chu-Jian Version, Bo-Shu Versionand Current Version of Laozi;《老子》楚简本、帛书本、通行本比较研究

6.An Analysis of the Credibility of the Late Book of Shang Shu: Based on the Investigation of the Guodian Findings and the mawangdui Silk Boo ks;从郭店楚简和马王堆帛书论“晚书”的真伪

7.A More Unprecedented Work About the Researches on Silk or Bamboo Classics;一部富有创见的简帛文献研究著作──评《简帛兵学文献探论》

8.On the Original and Interchangeable Characters of the Derivatives in the Jianbo Documents;简帛文献中异文别字的同源相通研究

9.Discussion on the Lexicological Value of Bamboo and Silk Documents in the Field of Quantifiers以量词为域论简帛文献的辞书学价值

10.A Report on the Prepuisite Problems in Studies of Thoughts in Silk and Bamboo Laozi;简帛《老子》思想研究之前缘问题报告——兼论楚简《太一生水》的思想

11.Illustration Supplement for Paraphrase of the Characters Embodied in Shuowen(说文) --Illustrate Shuowen(说文) by Using Bamboo Slips and Silk Literature;《说文》收字释义文献用例补缺——以简帛文献证《说文》

parison and Study on the Three Versions of Laozi: Guodian Text, Mawangdui Manuscript and Wangbi Text;郭店楚简、马王堆帛书、王弼本《老子》版本比较与分析

13.The Classification of the Unearthed Bamboo Slips and Silks and Its Significance in the Study of Historical Documents;出土简帛的分类及其在历史文献学上的意义

14.About the Contribution of the Unearthed Ancient Scripts on the Bamboo Slices and the Silk Cloth to the Formation of Chinese Words and Phrases in the 1970s;70年代出土的竹简帛书对《说文解字》研究之贡献

15.Base Itself Upon the Text, Explain Secret and Clarify Delicate-- Reading Explore the Shushu(CalcuIations and arts) Literature of Bamboosilk立足文本 阐幽发微——读刘乐贤著《简帛数术文献探论》

16.On the internal causes of the silk penmanship"s development and the cultural significance of its carrier论简帛书法发展的内在原因及其载体的文化意义

17.Tentative Discussion on Moon Names on Chu Silk Books from Zidanku and Chu Canlendar;试论子弹库楚帛书群中月名与楚历的相关问题

18.Emendation of the Annotations of "bu shi dao ci" Bamboo Slips from Chu Tomb No.1 at Tianxingguan;天星观1号楚墓卜筮祷祠简释文校正


characters on Chu bamboo slips and silk books楚简帛文

3)Research of Chu Scripts on Bamboo Slips and Silk楚简帛文字研究

4)bamboo slips简帛

1.We can prove that the Ru(如) is a word for Nv(女),and Ji Nu(季女) for Ji Ru(悸如) with unearthedbamboo slips recent.而利用近出简帛则可以判断,“女”是“如”的假借字,“季女”即“悸如”,正以状主祭者内心敬畏之情状,与“有齐”义同。


1.Base Itself Upon the Text, Explain Secret and Clarify Delicate—— Reading Explore the Shushu(CalcuIations and arts) Literature of Bamboosilk;立足文本 阐幽发微——读刘乐贤著《简帛数术文献探论》

2.In recent years,with the rescue of a group of the ancient tombs from Han to Jin Dynasty in Gansu Province,there were a lot of burial objects,andbamboosilk is one of them.这些简帛文书主要反映魏晋十六国时期甘肃河西地区的政治、经济、思想文化以及社会生活等方面状况。

6)Chu Boshu楚帛书

1.On the composition, character and mythological significance of myths in Part Ⅰ ofChu Boshu;楚帛书甲篇的神话构成、性质及其神话学意义


