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上博简 Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-14 21:19:24


上博简 Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum英语短句 例句大全

上博简,Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum

1)Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum上博简

1.Tangyu Principle of Guodian Bamboo Slips, Rongcheng Clan and ZigaoBamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum are all written by scholars of younger Confucians of the Warring States Period.关于尧舜禹禅让的事迹,见于春秋以前的史籍,并非出自战国的某家之言;孔子虽讲到尧舜禹禅让,但实际并未提倡实行禅让;郭店简《唐虞之道》与上博简《容成氏》、《子羔》篇,皆为战国儒家后学所作;尧舜禹禅让传说是三代以前存在不同于后世之世袭制的权力继承制的反映,不能视为战国诸子为了宣扬自己的社会理想编造的故事;中国古史传说与西方学者关于古代社会研究结论的吻合,证明人类古代社会的发育是有其共同规律的。


1.Zi Yi: Mixed Proofreading and Complementary Study of Shanghai Museum Tablet, Guo-dian Tabletand the Normal Edition(Part One);上博简、郭店简《缁衣》与传本合校补证(上)

2.Confucius’s Viewpoint on Love Expressed through the No. 21 Bamboo Slip in Shanghai Museum of Poetics;从上博简《诗论》第21简看孔子的情爱观

parative Study on Chapter“Ziyi”Between Slips from Guodian and Shanghai Museum;郭店简与上博简《缁衣》对比研究丛札(一)

4.Importance of Heng-Xian in the Genesis of Literature;上博简《恒先》在文学发生论上的价值

5.Gantang in Poetics in the Bamboo Slips Unearthed in Shangbo and Chinese Ancient Customs;上博简《诗论》“甘棠”与上古风俗

6.Peoples Nature Given by Confucius from No. 20 Bamboo Slip of "On Poetry" Collected in Shanghai Museum;从上博简《诗论》第20号简看孔子的“民性”观

7.Some Issues Between the Seventeenth Slip of Confusious’ Commentaries on Book of Poetry in Chu Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum and Pick Vine in Book of Poetry;谈上博简《诗论》第17简与《诗·采葛》篇的若干问题

8.My Views on the 17th Slip of the “Poetics” and the Text of “Yangzhishui” from the Shangbo Bamboo Slips;谈上博简《诗论》第17简与《扬之水》篇的几个问题

9.The Ancient Idea of Gods Seen from "duo" in Shanghai Museum Bamboo Slips Lu Kingdom Drought从上博简《鲁邦大旱》之“?!笨垂糯?纳窳楣勰

parative Explanation Between "Common Morality" of Song of Shanghai Museum Bamboo Slips and "Grand Morality" of Da Ya;上博简《颂》之“平德”与《大雅》“盛德”对解

11.The Explanation of The "Xun er Chi" of Poems Comments by Confucius;上博简《孔子诗论》“紳而(艹豸)”献疑

pares the Pandect of Confucius Poetics on the Bamboo Slips with the Great Preface of Mao- shi;上博简《诗论·总论》与《诗大序》之比较

prehending the Connotations of "Rite" in the Shanghai Museum Bamboo-Slip Edition of Confucius On The Book of Poetry;上博简《孔子诗论》所见“礼”的内涵解读

14.An Analysis of Confucius Concept of Poetry Instruction;从上博简《孔子诗论》看孔子《诗》教

15.From Bamboo Slips of Shanghai Museum of Art and History Zhonggong Understanding Confucius Thought of Practicing Politics;从上博简《仲弓》篇看孔子的“为政”思想

16.Reading Notes on the Textual Research of the Article Zigao on the Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum (Volume Ⅱ);《上博简(二)》《子羔》篇释读札记

17.Supplementary Comments on the Linkage of Rongcheng Clan Bamboo Slips;《上博简(二)》《容成氏》编连问题补议

18.Confucius Opinion about“Gentleman”And the Newly Published Bamboo Book of “people’Parents”;上博简《民之父母》与孔子的“君子”观念


bamboo slips collected by Shanghai museum上博简

3)Chu Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum上博简

1.Some Issues Between the Seventeenth Slip of Confusious’ Commentaries on Book of Poetry inChu Bamboo Slips in Shanghai Museum and Pick Vine in Book of Poetry;谈上博简《诗论》第17简与《诗·采葛》篇的若干问题

4)Shangbuo Bamboo Book上博简

1.OnShangbuo Bamboo Book & Analysing the Historical Events of SHAO Gong-shi -Attach to the Dissussing of the Complexity of Shangshu ?Zhaogao;上博简《甘棠》之论与召公奭史事探析——附论《尚书·召诰》的性质

2.According to the review about Shi Lun inShangbuo Bamboo Book that provide important enlightenment for us.关于《诗·郑风·将仲子》一篇诗旨,历来有"刺庄公"与"淫奔"两说,仅据诗意很难释疑解歧,上博简《诗论》的相关评析,为我们解决这个问题提供了重要启示。

5)Shangbo Bamboo Slips上博简

1.My Views on the 17th Slip of the “Poetics” and the Text of “Yangzhishui” from theShangbo Bamboo Slips;谈上博简《诗论》第17简与《扬之水》篇的几个问题

2.An important method of studying primeval history is the mutual support of the Book of Odes and history,and the Shangbo bamboo slips have provided new evidence for this method.《诗》、史互证是研究上古历史的重要途径,上博简为此提供了新的重要材料。

6)Chu Bamboo Slips Collected by Shanghai Museum上博楚简


