200字范文 > 画学 painting philosophy英语短句 例句大全

画学 painting philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-03 23:24:17


画学 painting philosophy英语短句 例句大全

画学,painting philosophy

1)painting philosophy画学

1.DONG Qi-chang spainting philosophy mixes Dhyana and New Confucianism,reflecting the features of that age.董其昌画学兼融了禅宗和心学思想,这是那个时代思想面貌在他的绘画思想中的反映。


1.Painting history equal to painting study: Deng Yizhe’s aesthetics in painting and calligraphy and its methodological significance;画史即画学——邓以蛰书画美学及其方法论意义

2.Blank Spaces Yield Exquisite Artistic Conception- On the Existence and Non-existence Conceptions in Chinese Painting Theory of Qing Dynasty;无画处皆成妙境——述清代画学虚实观

3.From the "South Tian Huaba" Yun Shou-ping Watch Draw the Study Idea从《南田画跋》看恽寿平的画学思想

4.Let"s learn, draw and colour学一学,画一画,涂一涂

5.I gave myself over to learning to paint.我全心全意学画画。

6.On Wu Changshuo s Aesthetic Thought of"Draw Qi not Draw Shape";论吴昌硕“画气不画形”的绘画美学思想

7.Unity of Opposites: The Soul of the Traditional Chinese Painting;中国画画魂是矛盾对立与统一——初步学画读画写画感受之一

8.Students can learn how to draw pictures in an art class.学生们可以在美术课学习如何画画。

9.The best art critics我是个学艺术的学生,画了很多画。

10.I am an art student and I paint a lot of pictures.我是个学艺术的学生,我画了许多画。

11.as a matter of fact, I am ignorant about painting, and haven"t have much time to study drawing/painting.其实, 我对绘画一窍不通, 也没多少时间学画画儿.

12.Do you study drawing at college?你在大学学习绘画吗?

13.She learns to paint in the fashion of Picasso.她学着以毕加索的手法(画风格)画。

14.The Nimble and Resourceful Picture Sentiment--life aesthetics of Depiction of painting by Wang wei;灵动的画之情——王微《叙画》的生命美学

15.Attach Importance to Drawing Basic Course Enhance the Cartoon Teaching Effect;重视绘画基础课 提高动漫画教学效果

16.Aesthetic meaning of“copy mechanically ”&“ drawing the wooden dipper in accordance with the calabash ”;“依样画葫芦”与“依葫芦画瓢”的美学意味

17.A Brief Talk on Creating Chinese Freehand Flower-and-Bird Painting in Class;浅谈中国画教学中写意花鸟画的创作

18.To Repose one s Mind in Drawing --Essentials of Late Ming Dynasty s Drawing;以画为寄:晚明文人画美学的基本特征


painting history equal to painting study画史即画学

3)medical animation医学动画

1.The visual language analysis ofmedical animation;医学动画的视觉语言解析

4)stroke learning笔画学习

1.First,the two main modules of the learning system are introduced,composed of thestroke learning and character writing.首先,对系统的两个主要模块,即笔画学习和汉字书写,进行了功能阐述;然后,对系统开发所涉及到的3个主要技术要点进行了实现;最后,通过实验对本文系统和基于Flash技术系统进行了对比分析。

5)mathematical characteristic数学刻画

6)Painting Aesthetics绘画美学


画学1.宋代培养绘画人才的学校。 2.绘画学问。
