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哲理 philosophy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-06 16:30:04


哲理 philosophy英语短句 例句大全



1.This article explores Wang Xijie s findings both in scientific level and itsphilosophy with the systematic explanation of the highest principle of rhetoric and its characteristics.《通论》在科学品位的追求和哲理的探索,以及"得体性原则"——修辞学的最高原则的阐释和系统化等方面的特色是很值得认真学习和探讨的。

2.Thus thephilosophy expression of ancient Chinese poems and the comprehensive maturity of lushi can get perfected.中国古诗哲理的表达,到律诗格式的全面成熟时才发展到极致。

3.In this novel,a profound lifephilosophy is employed to describe what had happened at that time.小说通过一段年青人的情感经历,揭示了人的二重性,展示了人生固有的、普遍的、深层的"底子",以深刻的哲学内涵表现出对特定时代的超越,可谓寓哲理于凡俗,寓大悲于平静。


1.Philosophy out of Meticulous Research and Sufficient Reflection--A Brief Review of Pursuit of Philosophy by Shi Xun;精研深思求哲理——石训《哲理求知录》简评

2.On Philosphical System and Philosophical Characters in Sun-tza s Art of War;论《孙子兵法》中的哲学体系与哲理特点

3.A Brief Analysis of the 20th Century s Philosophical Poems;深邃哲理的诗艺表达——20世纪中国哲理诗简论

4.Philosophical Thinking about Literature--French Philosophical Novels in the Enlightenment Era;文学的哲思——论启蒙时代“从哲思到小说”的法国哲理小说

5.From the Philosopher s Philosophy to My Philosophy: Understanding of the Connotation of Teachers Philosophy;从哲学家的哲学到我的哲学:教师哲学内涵理解

6.Doctor of Philosophy (Pathology) [Ph D (Pathology)]哲学博士(病理科)

7.Philosophy,Reason and Ecology:a Comment on An Introduction to Eco-Reason Philosophy;哲学·理性与生态——读《生态理性哲学导论》

8.From Philosophy to Non-philosophy--Critique of Contemporary Western Philosophys Development;从哲学到非哲学——现、当代西方哲学发展理路批判

9.The Realistic Foundation and Philosophic Basis of The Times of Managerial Philosophy;管理哲学时代的现实基础及哲学依据

10.Translation Study:From Praxis Philosophy to Rational Philosophy;由实践哲学转向理论哲学的翻译研究

11.Analysis on the Difficulties in the Teaching of Philosophical Basic Theory;对哲学基础理论教学困境的哲学分析

12.a philosopher skilled in deduction擅长推理的哲学家.

13.Philosophy teaches us to see.哲学教我们去理解。

14.Principles of Marxist Philosophy马克思主义哲学原理

15.German idealist philosopher (1724-1804).德国理想主义哲学家。

16.a compilation of esoteric philosophical theories.深奥的哲学理论汇编。

17.An Ethical Philosophy of Life一个伦理的生活哲学

18.Master of Philosophy [Hong Kong Polytechnic University]哲学硕士〔香港理工大学〕


philosophic theory哲理

1.Onphilosophic theory and artistic conception of Chinese traditional gate culture;浅析中国传统门文化的哲理与意境

2.Through introducing the background,the author probes into thephilosophic theory and the construction of agile manufacturing.介绍了敏捷制造提出的背景,分析了敏捷制造的哲理和组织结构,对实现敏捷制造的关键问题进行了研究。

3.Excellent poems are renowned for their broad artistic conception and profoundphilosophic theory,they can make thoughts thronging people s mind and providephilosophic theory and enlightenment for them in the recollection.优秀的诗词都是以博大的意境和深邃的哲理著称于世,让人“浮想联翩”,从沉思中获得哲理,从感染中受到启迪。

3)philosophical theory哲理

1.They had revealed in depth thephilosophical theory in a way of exquisited art in their novels of “The Old Man and the Sea” and “Distressed”, both of which reached the harmony and identity by combining the aesthetics and the philosophy.海明威和鲁迅都是具有哲学头脑的艺术天才 ,他们分别在《老人与海》和《伤逝》中 ,以精湛的艺术揭示了深刻的哲理 ,使小说达到美学和哲学上的和谐统一。

4)nursing philosophical principle护理哲理

1.Introducingnursing philosophical principles into nursing work;护理工作中引入护理哲理

5)administative philosophy管理哲理

6)philosophical thinking哲理思考

1.Ling qingxuan expanded the scale of the theme,created new models of the prose,deepened thephilosophical thinking of the prose.得益于佛教的智慧,林清玄扩大了散文的题材范围,创造了新的散文范式,加深了散文的哲理思考,增强了散文的悠远感和超越感。


