200字范文 > 不良事件调查 adverse event investigation英语短句 例句大全

不良事件调查 adverse event investigation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-29 06:22:19


不良事件调查 adverse event investigation英语短句 例句大全

不良事件调查,adverse event investigation

1)adverse event investigation不良事件调查


1.A Study of Prevention of Adverse Drug Event During Hospitalization住院病人药物不良事件调查及可防范性研究

2.Investigation of Medical Device Adverse Events Monitoring in Shandong Province;山东省医疗器械不良事件监测工作调查分析

3.A Investigation of the Status on the Construction of Technical Organization for Medical Device Postmarket Monitoring in XinJiang;新疆地区医疗器械不良事件监测机构建设现况调查

4.Investigation and analysis for the nursing cognitive status of Clinical nurses and it"s countermeasures临床护士护理不良事件认知现状的调查分析与对策

5.Retrospective investigation analysis of adverse drug event of immunodepressant in liver transplantation and renal transplantation patients器官移植和免疫抑制剂药物使用的不良事件问卷调查

6.The Survey of Healthcare Professionals on Awareness for Medical Device Administration Events Monitoring北京市医务人员医疗器械不良事件监测认知度调查

7.A Study On The Function Of Medical Device Postmarket Monitoring Technical System In China;对我国医疗器械不良事件监测技术体系工作机制和能力的初步调查

8.Don"t be in a hurry to say what you think about this. First find out the facts.这件事你先去调查一下, 不忙表态。

9.ADR/ADE cases induced by Shenmai injection参麦注射液不良反应/不良事件分析

10.an inquiry into the cause of an unexpected death.对意外死亡事件的调查。

11.The health authorities are investigating the matter.卫生当局正调查这件事.

12.Is it necessary for us to look into the matter ?有没有必要调查这件事?

13.The matter is the subject of a police investigation, and we have been advised not to comment.这件事警方正在调查,我们得悉不要加以评论。

14.In an investigation, a new fact became known, which told against him.在调查中新发现了一件对他不利的事实。

15.J: Oh, it"s not a piece of cake. It requires speed, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility, coordination and good footwork.噢,这可不是件容易的事,它需要速度、调、力、敏、韧、作和良好的步法。

16.A Study of Compensation in Civil Case of Adverse Drug Reactions;药物不良反应事件民事赔偿问题研究

17.Investigation of innutrient situation of children whose age are 3 to 5 years old in city;城市3~6岁儿童营养不良情况调查

18.Investigation and Intervention about Unhealthy Lifestyle of Community Residents社区居民不良生活方式的调查及干预


Adverse Event不良事件

1.To identify and evaluate causal relationship between drug and single adverse event;药物单一不良事件因果关系的鉴别和评价

2.Investigation and analysis of psychotropic adverse event in emergency patients;急诊患者精神药物不良事件的调查及分析

3.Study of active monitoring model on adverse event of medical device;医疗器械不良事件主动监测模式探讨

3)adverse events不良事件

1.Discussion on the causation and monitoring countermeasure ofadverse events of orthopedic implants;骨科植入医疗器械不良事件原因及监管对策探讨

2.An analysis of theadverse events caused by vaccinations in Hangzhou City in ;杭州市预防接种不良事件分析

3.Controlling over drugadverse events in clinical trials by clinical trial organization;药物临床试验机构对临床试验中不良事件的监控

4)poor incoming part事件不良

5)adverse drug event不良事件

1.This article analyses the typicaladverse drug events case reports pertaining to TCMI,summarizes various clinical phenomena and problems of irrational usage of TCMI,and put forward key steps and measures in regulating clinical medication.本文通过对中药注射剂不合理使用相关不良事件典型案例的分析,列举中药注射剂临床常见不合理用药的各种现象和问题,并提出规范临床用药的重点环节和措施,为促使临床医务工作者进一步理解和落实《中药注射剂临床使用基本原则》,控制因不合理使用中药注射剂造成的风险提供依据。

6)ITT (Incident Investigation Team)事件调查组


不良1.不善,不好。 2.不良人。
