200字范文 > 医疗不良事件 Medical adverse events英语短句 例句大全

医疗不良事件 Medical adverse events英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-28 18:21:23


医疗不良事件 Medical adverse events英语短句 例句大全

医疗不良事件,Medical adverse events

1)Medical adverse events医疗不良事件

1.Review on the reporting system of medical adverse events医疗不良事件报告系统的研究进展


3)Medical Device Administration Events(MDAE)医疗器械不良事件

1.An international platform for Medical Device Administration Events(MDAE)Information Exchange was introduced in this article.通过介绍国际医疗器械法规协调组织发起的,在国际范围内交换医疗器械不良事件监测信息的国家医疗器械管理机构报告,旨在为我国开展医疗器械不良事件监测信息管理及参与国际信息交流提供借鉴。

2.Objective By analyzing the Medical Device Administration Events(MDAE) reports of Guangdong Province in ,to provide references for monitoring work.目的通过对广东省接收的可疑医疗器械不良事件报告表进行统计分析,为进一步开展监测工作提供参考。

3.Objective To investigate the knowledge level related to Medical Device Administration Events(MDAE) among healthcare professionals.目的了解北京市医疗机构医务人员对医疗器械不良事件及相关监测工作的知晓程度,为深入开展医疗器械不良事件监测奠定基础。


1.Study on Training Needs for Survey of Adverse Effects of Medical Devices;医疗器械不良事件监测培训需求研究

2.Study on the Current Situation of Medical Device Adverse Events Monitoring in China;我国医疗器械不良事件监测现状研究

3.Analysis of 239 Reports of Medical Device Adverse Events;239例医疗器械不良事件报告分析

4.Analysis of 415 doubted reports on adverse medical device event;415例可疑医疗器械不良事件报告分析

5.Analysis of 324 doubted reports on adverse medical device event;324例可疑医疗器械不良事件报告分析

6.Medical Devices Adverse Events Monitoring ?the Present and the Future;医疗器械不良事件监测-现状与展望

7.Analysis of 3123 Reports on Suspected Medical Device Adverse Event3123例可疑医疗器械不良事件报告分析

8.A New Subject For the Postmarket Surveitlance of Medical Devices-Medical Device Advers Event Reporting;医疗器械监督管理的新课题——医疗器械不良事件监测

9.The Effect of Medical Device Adverse Event Monitoring on Pre-market Medical Device Administrative Examination浅谈医疗器械不良事件监测对医疗器械上市前行政审批的作用

10.Investigation of Medical Device Adverse Events Monitoring in Shandong Province;山东省医疗器械不良事件监测工作调查分析

11.Discussing the Influence Factors on Reporting Medical Device Adverse Event in China;我国医疗器械不良事件报告的影响因素探讨

ment about Medical Device Adverse Event Vigilance& Evaluation Related Regulations;医疗器械不良事件监测和再评价相关法规解读

13.The Thought of Medical Device Adverse Event Monitoring in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region新疆地区医疗器械不良事件监测工作的思考

14.Discussion on the Adverse Event Monitoring of Orthopedic Inplanted Instrument in Hospitals医疗机构加强骨科植入性医疗器械不良事件监测工作的探讨

15.On the Monitoring and Management of Adverse Events for the Medical Devices in Medical and Health Institutions浅谈医疗卫生机构医疗器械不良事件监测与管理

16.Enlightenment of the Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Experiences to Medical Devices Adverse Event Monitoring in Our Country我国药品不良反应监测工作对开展医疗器械不良事件监测的启示

17.Discussion On The Establishment Of Supervision And Management System Of Hospital Medical Device Adverse Events浅析医院医疗器械不良事件监测管理体系的建立

18.The Survey of Healthcare Professionals on Awareness for Medical Device Administration Events Monitoring北京市医务人员医疗器械不良事件监测认知度调查



3)Medical Device Administration Events(MDAE)医疗器械不良事件

1.An international platform for Medical Device Administration Events(MDAE)Information Exchange was introduced in this article.通过介绍国际医疗器械法规协调组织发起的,在国际范围内交换医疗器械不良事件监测信息的国家医疗器械管理机构报告,旨在为我国开展医疗器械不良事件监测信息管理及参与国际信息交流提供借鉴。

2.Objective By analyzing the Medical Device Administration Events(MDAE) reports of Guangdong Province in ,to provide references for monitoring work.目的通过对广东省接收的可疑医疗器械不良事件报告表进行统计分析,为进一步开展监测工作提供参考。

3.Objective To investigate the knowledge level related to Medical Device Administration Events(MDAE) among healthcare professionals.目的了解北京市医疗机构医务人员对医疗器械不良事件及相关监测工作的知晓程度,为深入开展医疗器械不良事件监测奠定基础。

4)medical devices vigilance医疗器械不良事件监测

1.Methodology probing inmedical devices vigilance——Failure Mode Effects and Criticality Analysis;医疗器械不良事件监测方法学的探讨——故障模式影响及危害性分析

5)adverse events of medical device医疗器械不良事件

1.Statistic analysis ofadverse events of medical device reports in in Hunan province;湖南省可疑医疗器械不良事件报告分析

2.Statistic analysis ofadverse events of medical device reports in in Anhui Prorince;安徽省可疑医疗器械不良事件报告分析

6)Medical device adverse event医疗器械不良事件

ment about Medical Device Adverse Event Vigilance& Evaluation Related Regulations;医疗器械不良事件监测和再评价相关法规解读

2.The reporting of medical device adverse event(MDAE) is the first step on the detection of medical device problems and taking risk management actions.医疗器械不良事件报告是发现医疗器械安全性隐患和采取风险管理措施的前提。


医疗1.医治。 2.疾病的治疗。
