200字范文 > 大型百货商场 large-sized department stores英语短句 例句大全

大型百货商场 large-sized department stores英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-11 12:00:48


大型百货商场 large-sized department stores英语短句 例句大全

大型百货商场,large-sized department stores

1)large-sized department stores大型百货商场

1.The market position and developing strategy oflarge-sized department stores;我国大型百货商场的市场定位与发展策略

2.On multiple business strategies of China slarge-sized department stores;我国大型百货商场的多角化经营战略


1.On multiple business strategies of China s large-sized department stores;我国大型百货商场的多角化经营战略

2.Yesterday, today and tomorrow of the stores in China;中国百货店的昨天、今天和明天——兼论大型百货商场的市场定位

3.The market position and developing strategy of large-sized department stores;我国大型百货商场的市场定位与发展策略

4.An Empirical Study of Customer Experiential Influencing Factors in Large Department Stores;大型百货商场顾客体验影响因素的实证研究

5.Studies on factors affecting the spatial distribution of large department stores in Guangzhou;广州市区大型百货商场空间布局影响因素分析

6.There are always escalators in big department stores.在大型的百货商场里经常会有自动扶梯。

7.The first floor is complete with bank and shops, while by the Pearl Square next to the hotel there are large fine food eateries and department stores.酒店一楼设有银行、商场,相邻的大东海明珠广场有大型的美食广场和百货商场。

8.Hakelong Phenomenon and the Reform of Big Department Store;“哈客隆”现象与大型百货商店改革

9.Application of Mixture Regression Model in Market Segmentation of Department Stores混合回归模型在百货商店市场细分中的应用

10.The Research will be Down for LuoYang GuangZhou Department Store;洛阳广州市场百货大楼商品物流系统的研究

11.He manages a large department store.他经营一家大百货商店。

12.Department stores in the United States are very large.美国的百货商店很大,

13.The Features and Contemporary Evolvement of Large-scale Retail Stores in Kunming;昆明市大型百货零售商业设施特征及当代演变

14.Creation--the Only Way to Rejuvenation for Large Department Store;创新:大型百货商店走向复兴的必由之路


16.B: Well, there are two-the Pacific Department Store and the Paking Store.嗯,有两家--太平洋百货公司和百盛商场。

17.The once sleepy main street was lined with new shops and department stores, cafes and restaurants.从前僻静的大街上布满了新商店,百货商场,咖啡馆和餐馆。

18.At The Fair, See and Company"s, and all the great stores it was much the same.在商场,在西公司,和所有别的大百货公司,情况都大同小异。


big department store大型百货商店

1.We should start with studying the appearance of HaKelong chain-supermarkets which were born out ofbig department stores,find the good way forbig department stores to get rid of difficulties,take part in compitition and thus renew their glory.大型百货商店改革一直是我国零售业改革的难点和重点。

3)department stores百货商场

1.The study of developmental strategies of China sdepartment stores based on SWOT——Analysis and reflection on development of New Century Commercial Square;基于SWOT的中国百货商场发展战略研究——邯郸新世纪商业广场发展分析与思考

2.A comparative probe into the image ofdepartment stores of Jiefangbei in Chongqing;对重庆市解放碑百货商场形象的调查研究

4)department store百货商场

1.A Study of the Effect of Department Store Brand Image on Customer Loyalty;百货商场品牌形象对顾客忠诚的影响研究

2.The authors have done an empirical study in nine largedepartment stores of Dalian to explore the mechanism of influencing factors on customer experience.笔者对大连市的九家大型百货商场进行了一次实证研究,探究顾客体验的影响因素对顾客体验的影响机理。

3.State-owneddepartment store, one of the main organizations of China s retail industry is in the process of great structural change in the domestic market.本文是对一家典型的国有零售企业——阳光百货商场面对零售市场格局和行业结构发生巨大变化、业内竞争加剧的情况下,所做的战略分析与选择。

5)large-scale retail stores大型百货零售商业设施

1.Being one important member of the development in city,large-scale retail stores hold an important position.大型百货零售商业设施在城市中占据着重要的地位,它们的发展对城市居民生活和城市布局功能有很大的影响。

6)service of a department store百货商场服务

1.Internal service is the key to balancingservice of a department store;内部服务是平衡百货商场服务的核心


百货1.各种货物。 2.喻各种各类的知识。
